[2.2] [Berserker/Deadeye] Life Voltaxic Spark - No Crit - BloodMagic - VaalPact - 80k DPS!
" You're right, I don't give it enough credit. I guess I felt kind of intimidated because it was a streamer's build but you're right, the increase in survivability definitely comes at a cost. Deadeye's increases to damage (30% and +1 Spark projectile) are better than the 35% increased damage you get from going Champion and then Berserker also has a 10% more damage multiplier. I guess his extra Frenzy charge, which costs 2 skill points, helps but it's not even half the multiplier Berserker gives. The 2 extra Skill Points from Scion are also nice. The three Sacrificial Harvest's also aren't cheap - currency wise and damage wise. This also leaves you at 3 jewel nodes compared to the 6 on my tree which are all used for damage jewels, one of which is Clear Mind Cobalt Jewel. Although Clear Mind doesn't double dip it is essentially equal to 20-30% increased chaos/projectile damage which makes up for the extra 27% proj dmg Ziz's tree has over mine. Then the 2 extra damage jewels I have over his tree easily make up the extra DoT damage he has from his tree since each jewel can get 13% chaos and 13% projectile damage; this also increases Spark's damage even further unlike the 3 DoT nodes. I also really really don't like that his tree doesn't have any cast speed. So let me change my stance here; Ziz's build easily has more mitigation/defenses thanks to Champion's permanent Fortify but that mitigation comes at the cost of the Scion Deadeye/Berserker damage boosts. If you're in a Standard league I would easily take my build over his build. If you're in a Hardcore league I would take my build if I planned on playing with a party and his build if I were going solo to 100. Thanks for pointing out my mistake! I didn't factor the 70% damage effectiveness so Added Chaos Damage doesn't add it's full damage meaning Controlled Destruction is by far the better 6th link. That was a pretty big mistake and quite embarrassing. I'll fix it in my post. " The 35% projectile damage is better than the 64% elemental damage. An easy way to look at it is count projectile/chaos damage twice because of double dipping. So 35% projectile damage would be the same as 70% elemental damage. edit: the above statement isn't completely true. projectile damage is still better than elemental damage but not 2x as better. Editado por útlima vez por deadlul#3893 en 19 abr. 2016 11:25:51
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So what can you say about your build that is different from ZiggyD's? Is it more beneficial to grab nodes from the bottom side of the tree or the right side of the tree?
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Loving the build so far. Level 88 on HC so far and done up to t14 maps.
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" I'm looking at his SparklyD character, correct me if that's the wrong one. https://www.pathofexile.com/account/view-profile/ZiggyD/characters As far as I can tell his tree is incomplete right now but I'm going to assume he would go for Method to the Madness and the Purity of Flesh cluster since his life is low right now. With those points taken during his last 12 levels his tree would have: his stats // my stats 198% life // 221% life 54% chaos damage // 130% chaos damage 117% projectile damage // 61% projectile damage +2 endurance charges // +0 endurance charges +1 frenzy charge // +2 frenzy charges 21% cast speed // 32% cast speed 39% spell damage // 65% spell damage The auras he takes are Herald of Thunder and Clarity. Clarity is forced cause you're running on Mana and HoT is equal to an 11% elemental/spell/lightning damage node on a level 20 Spark. The benefit is applying Warlord's Mark when HoT hits, not worth it imo. If you want me to compare his current tree to what my level 88 tree would be then: 178% life // 221% life 117% projectile damage // 26% projectile damage 0% chaos damage // 74% chaos damage +2 endurance charges // +0 endurance charges +1 frenzy charges // +1 frenzy charges 21% cast speed // 32% cast speed 39% spell damage // 65% spell damage So I'd be 4% increased damage under Ziggy's tree but look at that difference in life and cast speed. My last 10 nodes all lead to damage and you can even remove a life cluster if you want to be ahead in damage at that level. So I'd easily choose my tree over his tree. If I'm looking at the wrong tree/character, please link the correct one. Thanks. I feel the nodes towards the Shadow side of the tree and upper side of the Ranger tree are the best. " Glad you're enjoying the build, it's crazy strong. Editado por útlima vez por deadlul#3893 en 12 abr. 2016 23:44:11
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Continuing on darkpian's question about ZiggyD's build compared to yours, here's the link to his guide I believe he chooses a few different nodes compared to his current character which as far as I know he's no longer playing because he rip'd it from PHC, he just left it like that so that people could check on what his current gear was.
But my question is, considering I'm playing his build and at level 74 right now. It's indeed very strong but VERY mana starved and low life in my opinion sitting at 4.8k right now, I'm seriously considering respeccing into your blood magic build, however I don't have a Lightning coil yet and my Voltaxic is not even 4L since I was running a cheap but not terrible 5L rare chest. The rest of the items I have, and are I think, comparable to items you are running. So the questions would be, if I were to make the switch, how badly would I need 6L/5L Lightning coil AND 6L Voltaxic? Could I still run it with my current chest? Would you suggest just picking up a mana flask like Zerphi's last breath and call it a day? To add to this dilemma, since I'm playing softcore I don't mind dying too much, though I'd rather not too often (and who would? lol) so being tanky is not that big of a deal to me, as long as I can run most maps and if I ever decide to try Atziri. I definitely like your build, I love Blood Magic characters since I also play an Explosive Arrow BM, but I'm on the fence on moving to your build since it would cost me even more currency than I've spent already. My characters page is public as well, MakiabelSP. Thank you. |
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" Since you're level 74 you can level to around 80-85 just in dried lake or other tier 2/3 maps and still be efficient. In those maps you'll more than likely be fine with your current chest. Once you start doing mid tier maps and are level 85 you'll want a 5 link Lightning Coil or any Coil and 5L your Voltaxic. The rest of your gear seems fine. I'd recommend trying the Zerphi flask for a level or two in dried lake and seeing how it goes. If it's manageable then stick to that until 80-85, save your currency and make the switch to BM/VP around 80. Coil really only matters in Tier 6+ maps if you already have a 5L spark. Best of luck. I'll check Ziggy's tree in the morning since skill trees never seem to show up correctly on an iPhone. |
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" Thank you very much for the quick response, and yes that does make sense, I guess for now I'll keep going until 85 and hope for some decent drops to fund the 5L Coil and Voltaxic, quick glance at poe.trade it seems it's gonna be about 160 chaos (PSC) not accounting for chromatics afterwards lol, so yeah here's hoping!. Editado por útlima vez por Makiabel#4095 en 13 abr. 2016 1:37:38
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" Wow, didnt know that that Jewel was so fucking expensive. |
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" Here has his "final" tree with 12 points left tho. |
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Build is certainly strong and can clear many map mods including bm. But move speed seems terrible especially if one uses wind of change. How much move speed do you guys have on this build? Compared to voltaxic LA (which takes quite a few movement nodes) it's feels quite sluggish in running thru maps.
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