[2.2] [Berserker/Deadeye] Life Voltaxic Spark - No Crit - BloodMagic - VaalPact - 80k DPS!
What's the best 6th link?!
Scenario one: Spark - Spell Echo - Pierce - Poison - Void Manipulation - Controlled Destruction Scenario two: Spark - Spell Echo - Pierce - Poison - Void Manipulation - Added Chaos Damage Scenario three: Spark - Spell Echo - Pierce - Poison - Void Manipulation - Elemental Focus Formulas: Assume all gems are level 20 with 0% quality to make calculations slightly easier EXCEPT Poison, keep it at 1 to make everything easier. Cast speed from gems will be ignored since we're calculating damage per hit not per second. We ARE using the 100% increased damage from Drillneck/Pierce chance. Spark * (1+ increased/reduced damage modifiers added) * (1+ more/less damage modifier #1) * (1+ more/less damage modifier #2) * (1+ more/less damage modifier #3)... Poison damage will be calculated a bit different; the initial poison hit will be 1/10th the Spark hit. Let's use "PoisonH" as that value. PoisonH * (1+ increased/reduced chaos/projectile modifiers added) * (1+ more/less chaos/projectile damage modifier #1) * (1+ more/less chaos/projectile damage modifier #2)... Spark damage = 438 flat damage Spell Echo modifiers = 10% less modifiers Pierce modifiers = 50% increased projectile damage (from 50% pierce chance/drillneck) and 29% more projectile damage Poison modifiers = none at level 1 Void Manipulation = 25% reduced Elemental Damage and 39% more Chaos damage Controlled Destruction = 44% more spell damage Added Chaos Damage = 213 flat damage BUT Spark's 70% dmg effectiveness makes it 149 flat damage. Elemental Focus = 49% more elemental damage 50% increased damage from the remaining 50% pierce chance we get from Deadeye 5 Frenzy charges = 20% more damage Wrath = 21% more lightning damage with spells Elemental Overload node = 40% more elemental damage So the formulas are: Scenario 1 - Controlled Destruction: Spark * (1 + pierce + remaining pierce chance - void manipulation) * (1 - spell echo) * (1 + pierce gem) * (1 + void manipulation) * (1 + controlled destruction) * (1 + frenzy charges) * (1 + wrath) * (1 + elemental overload) PoisonH * (1 + pierce + remaining pierce chance) * (1 - spell echo) * (1 + pierce gem) * (1 + void manipulation) * (1 + frenzy charges) Scenario 2 - Added Chaos Damage: (Spark + Added Chaos Damage) * (1 + pierce + remaining pierce chance - void manipulation) * (1 - spell echo) * (1 + pierce gem) * (1 + void manipulation) * (1 + frenzy charges) * (1 + wrath) * (1 + elemental overload) PoisonH * (1 + pierce + remaining pierce chance) * (1 - spell echo) * (1 + pierce gem) * (1 + void manipulation) * (1 + frenzy charges) Scenario 3 - Elemental Focus : Spark * (1 + pierce + remaining pierce chance - void manipulation) * (1 - spell echo) * (1 + pierce gem) * (1 + void manipulation) * (1 + elemental focus) * (1 + frenzy charges) * (1 + wrath) * (1 + elemental overload) PoisonH * (1 + pierce + remaining pierce chance) * (1 - spell echo) * (1 + pierce gem) * (1 + void manipulation) * (1 + frenzy charges) Now it's just about plugging in numbers into the formulas and solving. Scenario 1: Controlled Destruction 438 * (1 + 0.5 + 0.5 - 0.25) * (1 - 0.1) * (1 + 0.29) * (1 + 0.39) * (1 + 0.44) * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + 0.21) * (1 + 0.4) 438 * (1.75) * (0.9) * (1.29) * (1.39) * (1.44) * (1.2) * (1.21) * (1.4) Spark damage = 3620.90 PoisonH = 362.1 362.1 * (1 + 0.5 + 0.5) * (1 - 0.1) * (1 + 0.29) * (1 + 0.39) * (1 + 0.2) 362.1 * (2) * (0.9) * (1.29) * (1.39) * (1.2) Poison damage = 1402.45 Scenario 2: Added Chaos Damage (438 + 149) * (1 + 0.5 + 0.5 - 0.25) * (1 - 0.1) * (1 + 0.29) * (1 + 0.39) * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + 0.21) * (1 + 0.4) 587 * (1.75) * (0.9) * (1.29) * (1.39) * (1.2) * (1.21) * (1.4) Spark damage = 3369.91 PoisonH = 337 337 * (1 + 0.5 + 0.5) * (1 - 0.1) * (1 + 0.29) * (1 + 0.39) * (1 + 0.2) 337 * (2) * (0.9) * (1.29) * (1.39) * (1.2) Poison damage = 1305.23 Scenario 3: Elemental Focus 438 * (1 + 0.5 + 0.5 - 0.25) * (1 - 0.1) * (1 + 0.29) * (1 + 0.39) * (1 + 0.49) * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + 0.21) * (1 + 0.4) 438 * (1.75) * (0.9) * (1.29) * (1.39) * (1.49) * (1.2) * (1.21) * (1.4) Spark damage = 3746.62 PoisonH = 374.7 374.7 * (1 + 0.5 + 0.5) * (1 - 0.1) * (1 + 0.29) * (1 + 0.39) * (1 + 0.2) 374.7 * (2) * (0.9) * (1.29) * (1.39) * (1.2) Poison damage = 1451.25 In terms of damage per hit while at max frenzy charges and while proccing Elemental Overload every 8 seconds it's: Elemental Focus > Controlled Destruction > Added Chaos Damage. HOWEVER, Elemental Focus means you will never apply shock/freeze/ignite with your Spark. The build has a flat 15% chance to shock. The Added Chaos Damage scenario also has 15% crit chance on Spark. The Controlled Destruction scenario has 9% crit chance on Spark. Needless to say, you WILL be applying shock either from the flat chance or from your critical hits. Let's compare whether the extra damage from Elemental Focus is worth losing out on Shock. To do this we change the (1.75) multiplier in the Spark formulas for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 into (2.25) since Shock is a 50% increased damage multiplier. Scenario 1 - Controlled Destruction: 438 * (2.25) * (0.9) * (1.29) * (1.39) * (1.44) * (1.2) * (1.21) * (1.4) 4655.44 Scenario 2 - Added Chaos Damage: 587 * (2.25) * (0.9) * (1.29) * (1.39) * (1.2) * (1.21) * (1.4) 4332.74 We don't have to calculate poison damage again because it's directly related to the Spark damage; the higher the Spark damage the higher the Poison damage. So in a scenario with perfect conditions, where you've crit and applied shock, Added Chaos Damage and Controlled Destruction both surpass Elemental Focus. Based on the numbers I would say Controlled Destruction is the best 6th link gem out of the three gems examined in this post. It easily beats Elemental Focus due to the ability to apply Shock and it beats Added Chaos Damage in damage even though it will proc Elemental Overload less frequently. tl;dr: Controlled Destruction > Added Chaos Damage > Elemental Focus for the 6th link. If there are other viable gems for the 6th link that only deal with increased/decreased/more/less damage modifiers then you can easily plug the numbers into the formulas and see if it beats Added Chaos Damage. I thought about Faster Casting but it just gave me a headache. I'll think about it more later... maybe. I'll blame any mistakes I've made here on the lack of sleep I've had these past few days. I'd appreciate if you'd point them out though so I can correct them. EDIT: Added Spark's 70% damage effectiveness factor in Scenario 2's Added Chaos Damage. This greatly reduces the final damage values in the 2nd scenario making Controlled Destruction the better 6th link. Editado por útlima vez por deadlul#3893 en 12 abr. 2016 16:21:30
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In order of importance, what attribute gives more dps from the tree?
-Chaos damage -Projectile damage -Spell damage |
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" Chaos damage and Projectile damage have the same value since they affect Spark and Poison. Spell damage, elemental damage, and lightning damage have lower value since they don't double dip. Chaos damage = Projectile damage > Spell damage = Elemental damage = Lightning damage |
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Awesome explanation on the 6th link!
I'm curious though, what about a 4th possibility - Empower? Could that add more than all of those? |
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Ok I'll give the math a try. Please correct me if I'm wrong
We're going to use Empower level 3. If this is already better than Added Chaos, then we'll know for sure that Emp lvl 4 is a lot better. Scenario four: Spark - Spell Echo - Pierce - Poison - Void Manipulation - Empower (level 3) Spark * (1+ increased/reduced damage modifiers added) * (1+ more/less damage modifier #1) * (1+ more/less damage modifier #2) * (1+ more/less damage modifier #3)... Spark * (1 + pierce + remaining pierce chance - void manipulation) * (1 - spell echo) * (1 + pierce gem) * (1 + void manipulation) * (1 + frenzy charges) * (1 + wrath) * (1 + elemental overload) (A quick question, why did you add +.5 for both pierce and remaining pierce chance? Do those add to the damage? I bolded that part) Using Empower Level 3: Spark Damage @23 = (55 + 1041) / 2 = 548 Pierce @23 = 32% more proj dmg Void Manipulation @23 = 42% more dmg 548 * (1 + 0.5 + 0.5 - 0.25) * (1 - 0.1) * (1 + 0.32) * (1 + 0.42) * (1 + 0.2) * (1 + 0.21) * (1 + 0.4) 548 * (1.75) * (0.9) * (1.32) * (1.42) * (1.2) * (1.21) * (1.4) Spark damage = 3228.65 Hmm seems not so good. Its really missing that 1.44 multiplier from controlled destruction (or the other 2). Conclusion: Empower lvl 3 is not so good. Haven't tested empower lvl 4 but i can't imagine that it'll make up the difference. Plus they're worth like 10 exalts each. |
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Thanks for build, so far so good!
Not sure about having easy to level as a pro, at least with spark. You are tickling enemies to death until you've done cruel lab and got volta/drillneck combo, very slow.. I had a question, does the poison dot contribute to life leech? |
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" Well done. The only "error" was using level 23 Pierce and Void Manipulation since Empower only gives it's bonus to active skill gems so only Spark would be affected. Also you didn't have to do the math for Empower. Just had to compare whether level 23 Spark had more or less damage than level 20 Spark + level 20 Added Chaos Damage since the rest of the multipliers in the link would be the same. Regardless the final answer was the same. Added Chaos Damage > Empower. As for your question: I added 0.5 for pierce and remaining pierce chance because Drillneck increases Spark's damage by the character's arrow pierce chance. We get 50% from Deadeye and 50% from the Pierce gem which accounts for both factors of 0.5. " I felt leveling with Spark was easy while it was in Lifesprig. I do not believe leech works on dot damage, I believe you only leech from damage caused from a hit. So you would only leech from the Spark hits. |
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Just respecced my 91 scion to this build and its sick, haven't sorted out most of the sockets etc yet but it clears 2x faster than my 6l low life blade vortex did. Domination: swarmhostimba
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" Yeaaah buddy. That's pretty nice to hear. Nice helmet. |
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Leaving this here for people who are interested. aswell as some feedback/ideas of improvement.
Level 100 tree. " The idea of my build was based of looking at several builds out there, and then combining the good, whilst leaving out the bad. I've added my own twist to it because by default i am a lazy player, i dont enjoy managing charges, or warcries. it's a lazy mans build that works the same if not better, and doesnt over complicate things. I use the same general items and gems as all other builds, the one thing that is different is i take overcharged to have my charges up easier, faster and longer, and its more Reliant. Some stats: Chaos capped Elemental capped 5.5k health. 600 energy shield. 5 power charges 5 frenzy charges 3 endurance charges. Auras are Clarity, herald of thunder and wrath(in essence worm) Gear: " Atm im debating on wether to take a Restless ward for charge duration (I love charges) Or get the Cherrubim's Maleficence for more dmg, and evasion. Anyway my take on the build. |
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