[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions
Is a 5-link setup for EA viable?
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what best dps setup gem for aoe ?
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Quick question because I was messing around with your EE/EO set up and alterantively an EE/RT set up. Does accuracy even matter with how fast this build attacks? should I invest in gear or just screw it?
With EE/EO I only get around 73ish% chance to hit at level 85 |
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I have level 94 Marauder on Standard core now and this build is crazy good for simple and fast killing both mobs and bossses AND tankiness. I can easily facetank Merciless Izaro with left hand behind my back, not using QWERT skills or flasks, for example :) I'll post my version of gear/tree once I will consider my build finished - I'm messing with jewels right now. Even though I am not finished, I would like to say some of my thoughts about the build:
Keep in mind that all I write is valid for high-end use (at least lvl 70 or better 80) and might not be effective or possible when levelling! LIFE LEECH - viable option for getting HP. Works good when mapping, but doesn't work so well on tough boss fights where you leech ocassionally, if ever, and you need your life back right after you got hit, or else you will die. Therefore I find %HP regen more reliable and Ascendancy life leech a good addition, but do not fear to drop Life Leech gem from the bow if you want to. BLOOD DANCE BOOTS - i totally advice you to wear them. Again, they are not necessarry - you can drop them and go for life leech gem instead, but you will sacrifice both attack power (using skill socket) and some playstyle comfort (skipping boots). It is just easy watching you being healed fast as hell by %HP regen. And last but not least - you totally have to WEAR LEGACY boots with the 1% regen (current version is nerfed to oblivion with 0.5%). The difference is huge, trust me, and the legacy boots cost is not very different from the new ones, because it was nerfed very recently. DEVOTO'S DEVOTION HELMET - more decent choice than it might look. The PRO is the agility, chaos resist and a movespeed bonus, which makes you getting xp and currrency much faster. CON is obvious - it has no elemental resists. Thing is, you don't really need to have them on helmet. I got some resists on jewels and took the "+15% elemental resist" node, and I am on >200 resists on normal with only TWO RARES equipped - the rest are uniques. RESIST/EQUIP/DAMAGE - if you sacrifice one skillpoint for the "+15% elemental resist" node and get a little more resists on jewels (two or three jewels saying +25% to damage [combined AOE/projectile/fire] and +12% to two elemental resists), you can get much more damage by having free choice what equip to wear, not just focusing on getting enough resistances. I have only 2 rares, ring and gloves (and legacy corrupted damage talisman with almost no resists, which counts more towards uniques). I run T15 maps easily with basically 4-link (EA-fire pen-GMP-less dur) with damage more than sufficient. In other two sockets I have IIR and IIQ just for getting some more interesting drops so I do't get bored while playing :) IGNITION - it is actually very good. The thing is - later in game you can save your skill sockets NOT running Chance To Ignite gem, because there is enough other options how to get mobs ignited. I am wearing Mokou's Embrace (+10% chance to ignite), 20% quality EA (+20% chance, levelled by myself easily before level 85), Elementalist passive (+5%), Flammability (+14%), Doryani's Invitation - fire variant (+10% when using a flask, easily achieved using Rumi's Concoction or just any Quicksilver/Granite/Sulphur/Ruby flask, which is always a good choice when facing a boss), giving me 49% regular chance to ignite (mignt not be accurate, but the game cunts all sources ADDITIVE in Character sheet), plus 10% when drinking. AND you ignite when you crit as well! Trust me, mobs are burning all the time even without CHtI gem. BURNING - as I said, burning is a huge damage boost, so you may consider having Increased Burning Damage gem. The problem is it is boosting the damage you often do not use. When mapping, mobs usually die when EA goes off and the burning is good for not having to shoot those who managed to survive, because they will die soon anyway. The whole boon of this is that you can run foward quicker. One thing you do not want to focus on is boosting that part of damage that requires waiting. You may think otherwise, but I prefer Empower to IBD. Also increase to burning duration is very nice, but increase to initial EA damage is way better for smooth gameplay. ENCHANTMENTS (from Labyrinth) - Helmet enchantment - there it WAY too much of them for hoping to have the +25% EA damage. Just dont torture yourselg running labyrinth and accept any other decent one. -20% Ice Armour reservation is actually better, for example. Find your own favorite. - Gloves enchantment - since you deal absolutely no regular damage, all of them are absolutely useless, except one: Word/Edict/Decree of Light. It still deals no damage, but heals your butt insanely. It absolutely doesn't matter, whether you take the normal, cruel or merciless version. All are absolute win! There is 1/13 chance you will get the right one at the end of labyrinth, which is rather good. So I dare you to wait for right day when the labytinth setup is easy and quick and run it until you get it. - Boots enchantment - there are more nice options but I would pick one of the defensive ones. Attack speed, ignite or crit chance seems fine, but you already have plenty of that and doesn't really need more. So pick either Cruel Lab version of 8% dodge or my personal favourite, 1.5% regen. Or 8% move speed for a little faster mapping. There are only 15 options to get, half of them usable and one (fire damage) that must NOT be used if you have Elemental Equilibrium. And some more random thoughts: - Having 25% damage + 5% HP jewel is nice and expensive. You might go for some much cheaper damage/resist jewel OR pure damage, when you feel tanky enough. You can buy +39% damage (combined AOE/projectile/fire) jewel ten times cheaper than cheapest HP one (no joking) - Do not fear Mokou's Embrace increased chance to ignite yourself. It is actually a good thing, really! You get burned a lot, giving you speed boost, with downside of literally getting NO DAMAGE at all. I don't put it off even when running not-uber Atziri (seems crazy, I know). I died ONCE from burning damage - died slowly when eating an apple with the left hand, which counts towards dying from dumbness anyway :) - common CODT-immortall call-enfeeble saves lives. Do not fear running two curses (with flammability). Mobs can stay enfeebled all the time until you finish your cigar and care to kill them, using flammability after EA. - When choosing your panick-button Life Flask, consider getting the Heat suffix. With HP over 6000, you usually don't care about bleeding, whose damage is often low enough (when not facing Atziri :). Though it is essential to have anti-bleed "staunching" suffix on one of your flasks, i consider getting frozen more dangerous. - If you have spare cash, consider getting some high-block Rumi's Concoction. That flask shoots your tankiness right to the sky, really. -for those who are wondering, my current boss skill setup is EA-Fire Penetration-Less Duration-Concentrated Effect-Slower projectiles(or GMP)-Empower. For cheaper 5-link build i would drop the expensive Empower. Treat this post as my own opinion, it is certainly not the only efficient way how to play EA. I am looking forward to hear criticism/advices :) Editado por útlima vez por Fishmeal#7084 en 14 may. 2016 16:51:06
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" It depends. If you want to run Atziri all day long, you shoul get some accuracy on your gear, because it boosts your damage noticeably. If you want to get some currency/XP and are running maps, it is actully BETTER to have lower accuracy - arrow, that misses or pierces its first target will blow stuck to the mob standing behind. This way with 50% acccuracy you can kill whole mob pack at once and with 100% accuracy you will kill just those unlucky mobs standing in the front, making you wait for the first EA go kaboom and then shoot another arrows. Anyway, you will probably have some 70-80% hit chance without RT and do not fear - it is quite okay. It doesn't matter if you stack that maximum of 5 EA in the bos in 1.4 or 1.6 seconds :) TL-DR: Forget Resolute Technique, Elemental overload is good and missing some arrows doesn't matter. Editado por útlima vez por Fishmeal#7084 en 15 may. 2016 3:20:11
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Enjoying the build
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I am just wondering how the first hit of Explosive arrow applies the 50% fire debuff to enemies? I am presuming because of the flat cold or lightening damage on the gloves?
Could someone please confirm, I am a noob after all :) Much love for the help e77322447a68f9c997c346c2e4539ca7
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" Yes, the first part of Explosive Arrow attack is actually just the usual attack, so if you have added lightning or cold damage on rings/amulet/gloves you will add that element to your attack (proccing Elemental Equilibrium and making hit monsters ready for fire explosion - second part of EA) . Take care not to have any added fire damage to attacks on gear. https://www.youtube.com/user/DaidelosGaming/featured
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Gonna try this in the new Prophecy league, hopefully there aren't any changes that will ruin this build D:
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I'm also thinking about giving this a go in Prophecy. Which class do you think will be best with the addition of 2 more ascendancy points?
Thanks for a good build guide |
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