[2.3] Explosive Arrow Build - Uber viable - 100 hc/sc proof - Scion, Witch, Duelist, Mara versions
" ok thx a lot for those information. il go golem for merciless and pendulum for uber lab wich seem pretty damn strong but you will need to time your attack.... between for your neck, is it better a +1 frenzy or this one? Editado por útlima vez por zakariusqc#1505 en 10 sept. 2016 16:29:42
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" Well i mean for a boss you just wait till it gets up and then do more dmg 40% of the time. And for clearing it might help with a blue pack or a nasty rare. Regarding the neck (and i hope i understood you correctly!): Tiki is good option dmg wise, but its pretty much just whatever reasonable neck works for you. If you get enough res and life elsewhere then go for Tiki (and i mean you are playing in essence standard, sooooooo dmg is a lot of fun! =p). I vaaled this neck myself, so thats pretty much the reason iam using it. |
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damn im lucky :) i bought a second rearguard for my single target setup and i said, fk it, il try vaal lol that will be great on single target setup. on my aoe setup with life leech it wont help that much ^^
tried my other one lol had less chance this time but atleast it didnt break it |
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ok i just got my double golem. just a question like that, is your golem always up with your cast when dmg taken setup?mine no.....they die to quick. im often left with no golem and if i want them again, i need to stand in the middle of monster to get hit and pop them
edit: ho well actualy its not to bad, leveled my fire golem a few lvl since and its getting better. on trash they are mostly up but on boss they often get raped and i end up wihtout golem lol and cant summon them back unless i get hit edit2: overall, the build feel INSANLY strong atm. finaly got my kaom heart +some good item. im still on a poor 4link....im trying to build up my single target setup but after like 300+ jeweler, my second quill rain is still not 6s.....still trying to 6s it and il start working on 5-6link after......or il look to buy one instead...will see. higtest map i have done so far is tier 6 but still really easy. with my 6k life pool, i feel really really tanky since i got my kaom heart. i can survive everything without trouble.my dmg is still good even in 4link. i 1shot trash and most rare and on boss i can sometime 1-2 shot them.overall, im loving this build so far. easy to gear up at low lvl and when you start investing at end-game, you become a beast.i was usualy playing TS or LA ranger but was getting tierd to be so damn squishy and dying in 1-2 hit, this build solve my probleme :) Editado por útlima vez por zakariusqc#1505 en 11 sept. 2016 23:25:30
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Ty for share, I just ended the labyrinth with the build and is very good. I only need to get the frenzy charge gear now.
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ok guys, true story here, watch out for your flat elemental dmg when you make your gear upgrade. i have been upgrading my gear a lot the past few days and......i didnt watch out about flat cold,lightning dmg lol. i just realise today that...i might take a look at my gear if i still have some and indeed, my gear didnt have any light or cold dmg.....so my curse on hit didnt trigger EE anymore and it was hurting my fire dmg also.....been like that for a few days.....no wonder why my dmg felt so damn low when i was doing my merci lab lol. didnt had any probleme maping still but now im 1 shooting every boss again lol.
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To be honest I dont know if ill keep my EE. It trigger with the curse, yes, but what about multiple explosions? Is not hindering the damage of the burn also?
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Keep the EE. It only seems to make problems, but it really doesnt.
Ignite: Yes EE means the ignite does less dmg. Consider this though: A) The ignite does more dmg in the first place because the fire res was lowered when it was applied. B) You can just easily reapply EE with your curse on hit or a second single target stack. Since Ignite is a degen it does not proc EE. Multiple Explosions: If they hit the same target you probably deal enough dmg anyway, plus again you can just fire your curse on hit setup multiple times into a pack to constantly apply EE. The biggest problem for EA dmg wise is fire res. Therefor EE provides an immense dmg boost togehter with the fire pen. (And still has some minor problems with high res rares or high res maps.) |
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Thanks, Ill keep it.
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Even if EE were in the wrong state (which, for me, I think mostly happens due to splashes off walls - but then again I'd rather have 5 arrows splash than just one arrow hitting - like any boss caught in a doorway or for example inbetween orchard pillars dies super fast), having fpen gem + curse makes it mostly insignificant. And when EE works in your favour, it's amazing.
I went ahead and took the two warcry nodes in ascendancy and won't be going back to cloaked in savagery, as the only time that works is when you get hurt bad. Rallying cry is super cool. But, more interestingly, it also makes enduring cry super cool (and I'd rather have a bit more survivability than dmg, which isn't really needed). With 20q inc duration linked to enduring cry, I have over 2.2s duration on the buff (the one you usually barely notice, the 400HP/s regen), but only 2s cooldown. Which means as long as there are (enough) enemies nearby, you get perma enduring cry regen, max charges, near perma immortal call (well, depending on your CWDT lvl and the situation) and that nice heal on use. Based on your maxHP (and along with that regen), you can regain up to 3k HP every two seconds. Very nice complement to your leech (which is bursty and doesn't sustain all that well). Editado por útlima vez por Gell#4458 en 13 sept. 2016 23:11:42
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