[2.2] Poor Man's guide to big wand CoC - 200K Dps and Atziri on a 5L
SUP anybody here i really want a crazy coc build and this looks really fun altho is this still viable at 2.3?
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I"ve been theorycrafting a verison of this in 2.3. I played a version of this with scion in 2.0 and loved the playstyle.
Anyway, I've come up with 3 possible solutions. Inquistor:
Extra crit chance, plus elemental damage. would have 6 total power charges and 5 frenzy charges. IR for defense, and 180-190% life without jewels. Dual wands. https://www.pathofexile.com/fullscreen-passive-skill-tree/AAAABAUBAQAGAO4ClgSzBS0LYQxSDY0N0Q-rFSAV9ha_GjgbyCFgJIsmlScvKU8ppSo4Kk0s6TWSNj062DrhPC0_J0MxRJ5KfUrIS1dM_03jTipPBFFMU7tVS1WFWhpbr1-wYeJieWKsY0NmVGjya7dsjG1sbqpvnnBSdO108XcHeu99W4KbgwmDX4PMhMWFe4V9hrOHE4d2idOK5IwLjDaQVZJumjubtZvsnHucpJ2qogCly6i5rEevbLXytz65fLxWv9XAZsDjwzPDOsauykrSfNi92sHdDeFz44Tjn-w47LDtYfAf8bPyRfnd_gr-jw== DeadEye:
Free extra projectile and chain for more in pack AOE overlaps of FB/AB. Lots of Attack speed, projectile dmg, and accuracy from Ascendancy tree. Would have to run EVA/Acro for defense and have 170% life before jewels. Dual wands again. 5 power and 5 frenzy charges http://poeplanner.com/AAAABAICAQAGAF4FtQguDPINjQ-rE9oVQxX2Fr8ZjiLiI_YkiyT9JpUqCyo4Kk0tqDBxNZI2PTpCOuE-zz8nRwZH4kp9SshLV0t4TZJN41FHUUxU_lVLXfJfsGHiYnlirGNDZdNsCGyMbWxuqm-ecFJxQ3cHfVuDCYTFhxOHdonTjAuMNo19jb-VzJuNm7WcpJ2qo4qkOaR4pcumV6xHsQGxkLTFtfK5fL3mvoDA48HVwuzDOspKz17TftQj2L3b592o3vjjn-dU7LDtP-2D7g7vevGK8bPyRfLh-WP8xf4K_o__3g== Occultist:
Class gives us a ton of defense with ES. And decent power charge generation (10% on kill). Should be enough with all the duration nodes taken in tree. Allowing us to use LL in gem socket and dual curse on hit something like temp chains + vulnerability. Could either take the +1 curse or the energy shield regen. Tree would have 8! power charges and only 3-4 frenzy charges. Not sure if you could frenzy up charges for this one. This would be wand shield, so no twin terrors node, but with 8 power charges, should have enough crit chance for clearing. Bosses would be tough I'm guessing. Worried about attack speed, spell damage, and accuracy on this tree though. It has 5 or 6 jewel sockets to make up for some of the DPS I guess. http://poeplanner.com/AAIAATxBQUlEQVJnQWN0LUs2UUpMcmhzbDJWdHRHUkZRTmJtbkt4MVBMUjlNc3lCdVVERGtJaWxQYTdlRmZaNDhqSFlpOUd3TGt5ZU1OdS1JLVRmWHowbXh2b3FoTDlBZjctdUowM0JTS2d0ZDhpc0s0NFFOMFdORGJXekRPaW80bTdXRXhWLXd5a3B2bnB5a2h4TjNCNE1KNTNUYlh1aldWUDY5NWo3UFVVZm5WQ1Q5Xzk0RnRZMl83TENNQzdsOHl0TzBET3E2RFh4R2NldnVNdEZGUjhCbXRRU3hrQzJvdm9BaTZ0NzRwSGpCMVZmSktQb2MzSThhdUpOQ1M0WEYzNzVfeHNIRjdCZ3N2eFhYaHE1V1k0XzYwTkJmYXZMaFJ3YXQ4UmhkdV93VmZocEk5Q2g4OEpFSHh2ZVNkQT09AAhBQUFBQVFBQQAA I'm leaning towards deadeye just because it's probably easier to gear and can become a lot more tanky with the investment into a coil/Kintsugi 6L. The cost for a 6L good ES chest with off colors is a lot. |
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