[2.2] Poor Man's guide to big wand CoC - 200K Dps and Atziri on a 5L
My name is AngryCustard and I like CoC.
Cast on Critical WTFpwns... It is the most fun you can have without hot sauce, soooo many pretty colours, sooo much destruction literally everything in front of you shatters to pieces. It has great diversity, you can run whatever spells you want, and there are great benefits to each depending on the situation. If you're a DPS Warrior you can hit easily reach multiple hundred thousand DPS. But mainly we play CoC becuase it is just damn right fun to do so! I know that there are many other CoC guides, but this one will stick to doing things on the cheap for biggest bang for buck. So without further ado, how to CoC. PeaCoCing is pretty easy really. I avoided it for a long time, because I always thought it was gear intensive and expensive. But there is no need to be scared young grasshopper, peaCoCing easy to do, can be done cheaply and you can start from as early as level 40 and on a 4Link. There is only one piece of gear that you need and it is cheap and readily available. The only required piece of gear is Voll's Protector. And with the changes to reflect in 2.0, you can run 2 spells on a 5L as leech is no longer a requirement. Depending on which route you wish to take, the two best skills to proc your spells are Barrage or Kinetic blast. Both skills have benefits and negatives see the skill setup section for my review of each. 2.2 Ascendency Update Ascendency Classes
Scion Assassin: The +1 Base Crit is the most incredible buff for this build. However you will need to generate power charges somewhere somehow. Pick Assasin First regardless of what other subclass you wish.
Scion Deadeye: If you are going to specialise in Projectile Spells which is my recomendation, this class is ridiculously good, the up to 30% More Multiplier combined with 50% pierce. I have no words. This should be your second Ascendent Choice Gear: Total Cost 3ex
Current Gear in Talisman
I don't understand why the restless ward is so damn cheap you can by a 5L for way way less than an exalted! Don't be a gear snob. Rare's are great! You can run a full set of rares without a single unique other than your chest and have incredible results. Trying to fit a Rat's Nest and Maligaro's Virtuosity is incredibly stupid and incredibly expensive. Just don't bother. You'll have the same results with Rare's only you'll have way more life and resist. So you won't die anywhere near as much. With the Introduction of the Restless Ward and Blasphemy Voll's Protector is obsolete in my opinion. By Running Blasphemy Assassins Mark, you very quickly build your charges up and with Restless Ward you never run out of charges, you can full clear and entire map and ever once drop your charges including stopping to pick up gear and running between packs of mobs. Required Chests Armor
Top Choice! When combined with Blasphemy Assassins Mark or or + If you choose to use a Tabula you will need to run Power Charge on Critical as your 6th link. Eventually if you want you can nab up a 6L Voll's or Restless Ward. But basically I'm just showing off......... Wand Discussion
People have stated that my build is misleading due to my wands. The wands were self found/crafted. I literally picked up and alch'd every single imbued wand I could find during Warbands and made both of those. You can use any 10+ crit chance wand to get the build working and upgrade your wands as you alch or buy better ones. Below are some examples of wands you can use while you're waiting for wands like my current ones.
I am now of the strong opinion that Omen/Prophecy Wands are far better for this build than Imbued Wands. Imbued Wands have attack speed but they are much harder to scale base crit, even with power charges up depending on your gear you might not reach the crit cap. Current Wands in Talisman
Old Warbands Wands
Wand Options/Progression
Helm Options
You have several solid options for helms. If you can afford the resist and also the life and you have one in your stash then a Rat's nest is a good option. However I personally think you're better off with Starkonja's head. Now if you are having issues with resist, a high accuracy life and resist rare is going to provide you with a good benefit. As accuracy is really important for Cast on Crit. Scold's Bridle provides some interesting options, you could sacrifice a wand in favor of a shield as this will boost your dps. But we have no phys defense so you might WTFpwn yourself at strange times like after just taking a big shot from a boss. Best in Slot: Starkonja's Head Glove Options
Gloves are sort of interesting. I personally think Maligaro's were overpriced in warbands, but if you have a pair, they offer crit chance and crit multi. If you had to choose between Rat's next and Maligaro's. Maligaro's all the way. However I personally think an attack speed, life and accuracy set of rare gloves with some resist is going to get you a better outcome. You can also run Facebreakers for that 60% increased crit multi. But no life, no resist attack speed or crit chance. And Facebreakers are not expensive. Best in Slot: Rare accuracy attack speed gloves. Boots
Basically just run the best pair of rare boots you have. Life and resist with move speed. Jewellery
First off Balance your resistances. Secondly add life. Finally add crit chance. You do not have to jump straight to crit chance life and resist. Just make do with what you have and upgrade when you can. Belt
As much freaking life and resist as you can get! That is all. Pots
I run 2x Atziri Flasks as this is my only source of life leech. I found that running one wasn't enough I'd occasionally get stuck without the ability to leech. Running two means I never run out. I also run 2x Movement pots coz I always want to be able to move around quickly. Jewels
Volley Fire
This is a great Jewel, you want to run at least one of these, two is ideal. It gives you a surprising amount of coverage and additional proc's of your spells. These are a very strong DPS increase against packs of mobs, nearly zero gain against single target bosses. Rare Jewels You will want to run 4-5 Jewel Sockets for your CoC build 1 or 2 will be Volley Fire the rest will be rare jewels these must have increased maximum life, if you don't have this on your jewel you're doing it wrong. Other useful stats on your jewels are as follows: + Mana gained for each enemy hit by your attacks + Knock Back Chance Increased Damage Increased Spell Damage Increased Spell Damage while Dual Wielding Global Critical Strike Chance Global Critical Strike multiplier Increased Accuracy Rating Skill Tree's
Revised 2.2 Level 90
https://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAABAAAAAQHBbUHHgj0DdEOSBGWG8ggbiP2JP0mlSoLKlstHy2oMHEwfDWSNj031DpCOlg64UGWRnFJUUrIS1dLeEyzTZJN41AwUUdS7FVLVcZd8mHiYqxjQ2pDaxdsjG1sbqpvnnBSdwd7w3_Ggl6C5IMJg9uHE4nTiq-MC4w2jX2Nv5ARkyeVIJUunKSdqqEvoqOkeKZXrrOxkLQMtMW18rfWuXy86r6Avoq-vMBUwOPB1cHzwuzK08_d0B_Q9dQj2L3bWdte3aje-OOE51TssO0_7-vw1fGK8bPyRf4K_o__3g== Level 80 Level 70 Level 60 Level 40(Can run Barrage Cast on Critical from here as your main attack) Bandits
Normal: Kill All or Help Oak
Cruel: Kill All Merciless: Help Alira Skill Setup and Review
Blood Rage! Use this! It gives you increased attack speed and free frenzy charge generation. Offset this with life regen nodes on the tree, the investment of 3 nodes will give you 32% increased attack speed and 12% more damage. Best three point investment in the game. lvl 1 Barrage: Gets a rating of Flaming Boss Ninja 10/10. This is by far my favorite skill to proc spells with. The reason for this is that it's proc's are completely predictable and does not decrease or change between single target and mobs. It also costs next to nothing so can easily be sustained, and with the right Elreon jewellery it is possible to run a Zero mana cost setup. Video Demonstrating Barrage https://youtu.be/D_zMexms260 lvl 1 Kinetic Blast: Gets a rating of Monkey with Top Hat 8/10. This skill is incredible for clearing packs, it is literally the most amazing thing ever when confronted with a large group of monsters the number of procs you can achieve is stupidly high. However it has two major draw backs which stop me from using it. It has a very high mana cost, which makes it prohibitive to use when running Voll's protector. It can also be annoying against single target bosses, your procs reduce a lot, unless the boss happens to be standing by a wall or in a group of monsters. **Please not that whichever skill you use, barrage or kinetic blast, you want to use a lvl 1 skill. Leveling your Barrage or Blast offers you absolutely no gain in dps, but will put your mana cost through the roof. I do not recommend any other skill for procing spells using a wand. The best Gem Setup is as follows: lvl 1 Barrage or Kinetic Blast > Cast on Critical > Greater Multiple Projectiles > Spell > Spell (5L) > Spell (6L) In [2.0] There is no requirement for a Life Leech gem. We get all out leech through Atziri flasks. Spell Reviews - Best to Worst
Artic Breath: Rated '4Kg of Pancakes baby!' 10/10, this skill cannot be beaten for Cast on Crit, it does a metric ass load of damage, it chills everything it touches so it also has a huge defensive element. It also looks pretty damn sweet. It does have two negatives, it's low crit chance at only 5% and that it is a ground hugging projectile meaning it doesn't fly over terrain obstacles.
Bladefall Rated 'Don't feed it after midnight!' 10/10. This skill is insanely good. It rains down such fury it makes thor look like a little girl. Massive area coverage, can hit multiple times and does physical damage which is so much better than elemental in most cases. Arc: Rated 'Jessica Biel in blade Trinity' 10/10 rating upgraded in 2.1. This skill WTFpwns in 2.1, the flat 20% increase in damage at all levels + 7 chains! It can touch mobs more than once, it shocks everything and just ramps your clear speed to infinity and beyond. Fireball: Rated 'the ducks nuts!' 9.9/10, many people complain about fireball not having a large enough AOE etc etc. But plain and simple there isn't a spell that delivers more projectile damage. With it's high base damage and 6% crit chance, along with a moderate AOE, this skill tears the ass out of any bosses underpants. Freezing Pulse: Rated 'Kings of Leon before they were famous' 9.6/10 Upgraded in 2.1. Freezing pulse is a tooltip warriors dream, no other projectile skill is going to give you as large damage per hit numbers due to the 1.25 damage multiplier attached to the skill. The added projectile speed on level helps over come this skills biggest weakness the damage drop off at range, adding projectile speed on Jewels/Wands will really aid this bad boy, this skill can seriously WTFpwn. On the plus side it has 6% crit chance and 100% pierce. Negatives are pretty much required to use a 20% quality freezing pulse. Ice Spear:Rated 'ice cold beer on a hot summers day' 9.5/10. Ice spear is fantastic, especially a quality one. Quality on Ice Spear is projectile speed, when you combine that with it's 7% crit chance and the fact it is all cold damage your Ice Spear will be the first projectile spell to hit any target it's fired and it will almost always crit meaning your target is frozen. It also pierces nearby enemies allowing it to hit multiple targets. Great offensively and defensively. Glacial Cascade: Rated 'Philly cheese steak' 8.5/10. Solid Damage, it's true damage is basically double the tooltip as it will likely hit enemies twice. It also has physically damage which is super nice. However it got nerf'd into the ground in 2.0, had it's balls cut off with it's crit chance dropped to 5%. So I find it hard to recommend this skill. It is kind of just a good spell but not a great one. Ice Nova, Shock Nova, Flame Surge: Rated 'The three Amigo's movie' 7/10 These three chaps are solid entertainment, but they just lack that special something to take them over the top. Magma Orb: Rated 'your weird cousin' 7/10 This skill is fireballs strange cousin, you know the one you shouldn't like but still kinda do but you aren't actually going to tell anyone. Yeah that's magma orb. Stick to fireball he's a lot more normal. Ball Lightning: Rated 'the rodeo clown' 7/10 this is just good for a laugh, chuck in a bunch of knock back and enjoy the show. But it doesn't deliver enough damage per hit to shock blue/rare mobs/bosses and so it isn't worthwhile running. Firestorm: Rated 'not as good as last time' 6.5/10 Remember when you went to a restaurant and it was awesome! It changed your world. So you take a date there... and it sucks... like really sucks and you worry she will never see you again. That is how firestorm feels when you use it. It's pretty and there are great expectations but it doesn't deliver. Discharge: Rated 'sorry what did you say?' 6/10 Anyone who has ever used this skill will understand what I am talking about. I value my ears too much for this spell. It delivers massive damage, but in a really annoying way that is kind of hard to setup in a reliable way without spending an absolute ass load of currency on a Voll's devotion. Spark: Nope Probably forgot a skill or two but if it is not in here it isn't worth using. Aura's This has changed in 2.1 with the introduction of Blasphemy.
Blasphemy - Assassins Mark Herald of Thunder - Curse on Hit Assassins Mark Herald of Ice - CoH Assassins Mark Low Level Clarity if required Damage
Many many damages
(Screenshots to come) Fireball: Damage per hit currently 7K Arctic Breath:damage per hit currently 6K Total Damage of 13K Per Hit multiplied by around 16 procs per second = 208KDPS Not Bad for a 5L my friends... Adding a 6th Link adds an additional spell for roughly another 100K DPS Dual Wield vs Shield
I personally prefer to Dual Wield wands, this has several benefits, attack speed, spell damage, projectile speed, crit multiplier, flat elemental damage for spell rolls etc. However if you feel like you're a bit squishy you can invest in a spell damage and spell crit shield, that also has resist and life. So it depends if you want more DPS or more life/survive.
With the shield above, I lose about 2K damage per hit when compared to the two wands above. Defense
We are a glass cannon for the most part, you're probably not going to be able to do Uber Atziri or Core Malachai with this build but you are going to be able to do pretty much everything. I have torn regular Atziri several new ones, and have run high level maps all the way up to level 81. Our biggest defense is a large life pool, I currently have 5.7K Life. This is achieved by stacking as much life as I can on every single piece of equipment and running life on Jewels.
Can Atziri?
If you liked this guide I also have a poor mans guide to bows over in ranger. https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/1386577 Editado por útlima vez por AngryCustard#6831 en 8 mar. 2016 22:39:27 Reflotado por última vez en 29 jul. 2016 15:23:17
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I love the attitude in your guides. I don't feel like it's a chore reading the entire damn thing lol. Awesome guide, and thanks for the laughs along the way! If this character is as fun and cheap to play as your bow guide (I'm sure it is), this will likely be my next character :)
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2nd guide by you and I know for sure I'm going to try this out.
As I said before, please do keep on making guides! They're well organized, actually fun to read and I love the fact that the entry level in these kind of builds require the bare minimum. Thanks, again! |
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+1 for using Starkonja's Head. But, as this is the second time you do it, I'm afraid you'll make the price go up. Anyway, thanks for your guides. My poor man's ranger is level 91 now. I'll try this as soon as I can get my hands on two decent wands (too bad they don't sell as cheap as Glares do).
Editado por útlima vez por lussiano#2573 en 23 oct. 2015 11:34:33
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What do you recommend leveling with?
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Question: do you think it could work fine with a Tabula, using PCoC as the sixth gem?
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You said that with Elreon rings you can keep up with a 0 mana cost, that's cool and all but getting GOOD Elreon rings is REAAAALLY hard.
How is the mana upkeep without these rings? Do you personally have any mana issues? Why did you choose Blood Siphon over Soul Siphon? What if you took the 8% max mana and Soul Siphon and the 3 life nodes, that's only 2 points more, but would fix most, if not all mana issues I guess. Editado por útlima vez por Wallwalker22#6069 en 23 oct. 2015 17:53:20
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Duplicate post.... Sorry.
Editado por útlima vez por Wallwalker22#6069 en 23 oct. 2015 17:40:29
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Came here from link on your poor mans bow guide because I so enjoyed the way you wrote that one up, happy to say you didn't disappoint, both guides are not only informative, and concise, but also entertaining.
Kudos and thanks. I officially volunteer you to write an SRS guide next since I'll probably do that for the upcoming 5week league. |
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" Yeah, it's working fine for me. Getting 3 green sockets on the Voll chest is painful. " I have one -8 mana Elreon ring, Barrage costs 7 mana, and it's fine, I can spam it without going OOM. You could also try a +mana on hit jewel, I suppose, with Barrage you are hitting things constantly. |
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