[outdated] Caustic Arrow Solo Map MFer (20/300+)
" Having labyrinth flashnows/flashforwards... |
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" Haha. Man Labs sucked. Ran about 25 or so just to pick up my last boot enchant. But got lucky with helm enchants... "only" took about 40 or so for that once I'd run 20 or so to pick up everything other than "totem" enchant. But it looks like you're almost over the line for 40/40. Just one luck lab run and you're there! Editado por útlima vez por hankinsohl#1231 en 12 abr. 2016 1:21:36
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" Other than being incredibly boring, I didn't find lab runs that bad. Took me about... 15-20 hours or so, of runs? At an average of 6 runs an hour. So 90-120 runs. Anyway, just glad they're done and all I have left is Zana. Finally sorted my Talisman merged stash tabs today. Looooooool. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018.
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" :-) My Standard tabs are really disorganized. I used to save virtually every gem that dropped. So I've tab after tab after tab of worthless gems to clean up. And I saved all maps but didn't used to use the chisel recipe... so there's tab after tab of maps. And uniques... I used to save all of them. Lot's of worthless unique tabs in Standard too. Etc. It would likely take me 4 hours or so to get rid of all the junk I've got on Standard and get my tabs to where I like them... Since I never seem to play Standard these days (I sometimes test build concepts in Standard, but that's about it), I think my Standard tabs are doomed to eternal disorganization, LOL. ========== Agree with you about Labs... it's the sheer boredom of running lab after lab after lab hoping to hit that final enchant that's so boring. On the bright side, I got these while trying for the umpteenth time to get my final boot enchant: Editado por útlima vez por hankinsohl#1231 en 12 abr. 2016 3:41:45
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Does anyone know if there's a sure-fire or best way to get a Vaal Temple map?
Last league I read something about guaranteed Vaal Temples if you Vaal a certain map (can't remember which map and can't find the reddit post which lead me to this conclusion last league). Anyhow I Vaaled one of these maps last league and got a Vaal Temple map- but maybe it was pure luck. ============= This league I've Vaaled a bunch of T13 maps... no Vaal Temple so far. |
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Yeah... I agree... Lab isn't that hard... I tried unweakened Izaro yesterday... Vulnerable/Ele Weakness + extra Fire/Cold/Lightning Dmg and nearly died, but pulled it off... otherwise its a breeze... but its still 6-12 minutes of running thru maps skipping everything, barely looting, just to usually get nothing out of it
... if this challenge happens next league (hopefully only wanting 8-10/12 instead), I'll adopt the more VOC method of buying a tab of ilvl 84 whites to enchant while working the challenge @Hank... sounds like you'd be better off spending 25-30c in trade 820 for vaal temple entry... that's the route I went... I think the sellers are people already consistently running t13s and vaaling them for 8mod IIQ numbers... and then selling Temple Access when they get lucky to finance their mapping I really haven't done too many lab runs myself... still need aura/totem/curse/trap, and boots crit/kill... done about 15-30 runs I bought me a set of 7 league steps a while back... theyre great for running lab faster... no worries leaving them on for Izaro... only my fire resist drop to around 60%... and mana regen is weakened... I can even keep them on while mapping super low map tiers like all my corrupted t1-3s... I start to feel the regen loss eventually tho, since dropping Clarity for Arctic Armour Editado por útlima vez por Piros#7740 en 12 abr. 2016 4:10:09
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Anyone currently doing this on PHC? I am thinking about this for the next 3 month challenge league but whats off putting is the lack of movespeed and mobility. My playstyle is an extremely fast paced 1 hit and move kinda thing so currently I'm looking for an MF build which has the speed and capability to 1 hit stuff and move at like 80% movespeed or so.
I have played Voltaxic LA Raider with an abusrd amount of movespeed (130% with quicksilver) but sadly ripped to Malformation piety+boss damage and I am looking for a build that has that type of mobility and damage. Caustic arrow seems to be one of the things where you shoot 1 arrow and move, just like Voltaxic, minus the huge "piercing+chain" effect that LA has. I was looking around and thinking about how to create a Caustic arrow raider to achieve that amount of movespeed while maintaining the life pool and defenses because I play on hardcore always. True, I will not get the dodge/spell dodge from playing Trickster but I gain a huge amount of movement speed. Has anyone been successful at making a ultra fast version of this build? Thanks in advance. |
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" Yup, probably so... Yet, I like to accomplish the achievements on my on insofar as reasonable. This league I've done all the achievements solo - although I picked up a few Perandus guardians while doing Zana/Gorge/Plateau rotations... But I'm running out of T12/T13/T14 maps and still haven't been able to Vaal a T13 into a Vaal Temple... Also, still no Perandus Manor (haven't seen Caidro for quite awhile while running maps). -------------- So once I exhaust my remaining top tier maps, I'm going to just buy my way through the rest of the challenges. Editado por útlima vez por hankinsohl#1231 en 12 abr. 2016 6:10:18
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" That's basically what I use Standard for as well, but also if I find a league to be particularly underwhelming (Talisman, Rampage), I end up in Standard and I just work on rebuilding my currency, if I'm not actually fucking around with build concepts. " It's just a T13 vaal. Anything you read about a guaranteed vaal temple was just trolling. As Piros mentioned though, just pay for the entry, or be patient and constantly run high maps to vaal all your T13s. That said, gratz on getting to 36 (mostly) solo. I count rotations as a solo effort, in terms of challenge clears, btw. Because there's technically no benefit / advantage to running parties other than sharing challenge completions. " You may as well ask for a sentient astrophysicist unicorn with an elephant trunk. No MF build one-hits anything. The only way that happens is crit builds, and if you go crit, you just don't have the ability to MF and sustain your damage. The reason is simple: diamond rings are a requirement for crit builds. Which means no Ventors, no Andvarius. In addition, the other typical uniques you use (Maligaro's, Rat's Nest) means that res balance as a major issue. Can't exactly wear Andvarius, or mediocre Ventor's, when you have a minimum two other slots taking up your resistances. Oh, and then your crit quiver automatically takes up two suffixes that can't be used for resistances. Etc., so forth. So, sorry to say, you're not going to get that clear speed AND be able to MF. You pick one or the other. With the possible exception of RF / Bladefall Totems, this is probably the fastest MF build you're going to get that maintains defensive balance, damage, and survivability. You can, however, always split the difference: sacrifice one slot for quantity (gloves or boots), and then just IIR on whatever rare pieces you are using, and IIR in your 6L. You'll still eat a significant amount of damage loss sheerly on the basis of dropping your 6L gem for IIR, but you should be able to get 16-20 IIQ / 150 IIR. Won't be as effective as it could get for damage, nor will it be as effective for MFing as a build with numbers such as mine, but... could be what you're looking for. Problem is it still won't one-hit things in higher maps. I've run Voltaxic LA and learned you really do need to maximize your gear for damage output in order to get it done where it just decimates everything. Maligaro's & Rat's Nest, WED belt, crit/wed rings, crit/wed amulet, crit/wed quiver, etc. Dropping any one of those is like murdering 20% of your possible damage output. Drop anything more than one of those and you won't even one-hit things in lower level maps. The damage cut is too severe. So your decision comes down to a) Recognizing that if you want to MF, or dps (and by dps, I mean murderously fast crit clear speeds), in the more efficient manners possible, you need to pick one, and not try to do both. b) Accepting that if you do decide to try split the difference, you're drastically going to lower your potential efficiency in BOTH MF'ing and clear speed. I mean hell, even this build takes a damage cut for IIR. It's just less significant because it's non-crit. As for MS, Raider means you're saccing a lot of damage or other defensive capabilities just in order to acquire movespeed. Which, by the way, you're over-prioritizing. The only time you really need the extra move speed is between packs, and a lot of the time you're stopping to pick things up anyway. Hence, dual quicksilver. Your best option if you want to increase your move speed, which I'll reiterate is largely unnecessary (I keep up with virtually EVERYBODY in Zana rotations except high-attack-speed whirling blades users, and I use Goldwyrm; and I outpace almost everybody in Haku rotations) is to change to Sadima's Touch and run 30% MS boots. Jul 27, 2011 - Sept 30, 2018. Editado por útlima vez por Serleth#4392 en 12 abr. 2016 6:46:46
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Started a new scion, can't wait for lategame.
Seems very interesting. Level'd with spark and 2x lifesprig, on 42 I made the switch to CA, now I'm rushing to late game. Thanks for the build. |
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