[3.0]Facebreaker Cycloner REDUX - Voyage to 1M dps
" You can do whatever you want with the build basically. I use different mechanics than most other Cyclone builds. For example, with a low dps tank build there's no use in having a HoA + Ele Prolif setup because the overkill damage won't nearly be enough to kill enemies that you're not hitting in high level maps so you need much more range on your Cyclone to have any decent clearspeed. It's not bad or wrong, it's just a different use of the skill. My build is more kill before being killed, relying on high movement speed and attack speed to avoid getting hit and having decent armour and block chance and high leech to not die from one-shots. For reflect mobs I have a Rumi's Concoction giving me 15k armour and 75% block chance so that's not a problem at all (though you have to pay more attention to rare mobs so it's a bit more of an active playstyle). One huge advantage that's currently in the beta is that there are no more elemental/physical reflect rares. They reflect all damage now but only the rare reflects, the mobs surrounding it don't anymore. If all the buffs that are currently available in the beta really get live I expect to hit at least 200k dps. IGN: Sciontics
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/993394 - Facebreaker Cyclone REDUX |
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Is it HC viable? Maybe someone asked already, sorry if so
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" In it's current form? Probably not but with some adjustments (no Abyssus, more life and armour instead of physical damage) I've seen some great variations that were very succesful on HC. I do have to say I still play this character as a test char so I die way more than I should. Once the patch hits I'm aiming to make a final build and try to level to 100. IGN: Sciontics
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/993394 - Facebreaker Cyclone REDUX |
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a few questions
1. I have a marauder that got its ability points reset, so I wanted to use this build, would it be that much different instead of using a scion? seems like you only miss out on those attackspeed/cast speed nodes on the right side 2. I do not have a lot of money (only one level 70 character on maps) and found a 670% facebreaker a while ago. Obviously it's not the best, but I was wondering if I could get away with a low budget build with a meh facebreaker would it be better to keep farming and build up more money for a better facebreaker or could I still make the build be decent on a lowbudget (obviously not as effective as yours but still good) |
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For Atziri (all bosses) what flasks should you use? Just the ones in the guide or some different ones i have never tried her before so i don't really know and i could not find much info about.
best regards Ulriku and thank you for the build it really is great Editado por útlima vez por ulriku#4811 en 17 may. 2015 10:35:38
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Would be awesome, if you could make a Leveling Process ... where to go first and what to get first ...
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well, hello first i gotta say that i love this build ! i just cant wait to have a belly 6 linked x.x so i can destroy everything :3, and im here to share the way i leveled up from 1 to 79 with this build since i see many people asking for it.
Remember this is the way i did it ... it isnt a must !. well,i basically went tank untill, i could changed to a "good" shield, got an abyssus and started using blood magic. i used static strike from level 1 to 65. i used this weapons(gonna link them in order from lower levels to higher levels)
karui chopper is not really necessary i used it for like not more than 7 levels like from 58 to 65. i basically 4 linked those except the rusted sword because it is only 3 sockets , and used static strike + weapon elemental dmg + physical to lightning + melee physical dmg as soon as i could(this could be in whichever part of your gear its not mandatory to place it in your weapon). my recomendation is to get as fast as posible the herald of ash + hatred + reduced mana, and at around level 50 try to get the herald of ash setup that is in the main post. Another thing is i had in my off-set all the gems that i was going to use later like cyclone and the others so i was leveling them while i was using the others. for gear well, i used whichever low level unique i had and all the gear i was getting while leveling and i got an amulet and 2 rings from elreon those that look like this (with the -5 mana cost ) that is super useful for leveling.
10 points tree
30 points tree
50 points tree
60 points tree
70 points tree
80 points tree
i got to this point at level 60 because i killed all the bandits and finished all the quests. starting from the 79th and 80th point i started using the shield nodes(didnt do it before because i didnt have any good shield). https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgAAvrz0xkUKNdYxnjrhplf-CvJF2L23PsauPC3E9nzZ9zJyqWjyr2xM_wSzogDwH8Bm6hh2rM9-rY3ZYVcN8awpLny4NZK18qlueA2-igHchNlHfr02ZU2-p8qQvYGZKxXsuR3vDhQgXz8aPvIvUEfkUTsobj0DlmBDgwlvnspKwzqbtRa_D6tTNWHiJpW1SG1sl3mExH7gdn-eV3uMeTl-4g== 99 points tree
https://www.poebuilder.com/character/AAAAAgAAvrz0xkUKNdYxnjrhplf-CvJF2L23PsauPC3E9nzZ9zJyqWjyr2xM_wSzogDwH8Bm6hh2rM9-rY3ZYVcN8awpLny4NZK18qlueA2-igHchNlHfr02ZU2-p8qQvYGZKxXsuR3vDhQgXz8aPvIvUEfkUTsobj0DlmBDgwlvnspKwzqbtRa_D6tTNWHiJpW1SG1sl3mExH7gdn-eV3uMeTl-4i_MtorBgmLshO907XrvBS1gS14TQKDAvwSHj5kyTmqM9W_IFKLZ i really think this is one of the cheapest builds ive seen apart from summoners build that are atziri viable. because to be honest every single build that is atziri viable makes you spend 50ex+ for it to be "super easy"(not more than 7 mins to clear atziri). i did like a little summary and this build can be awesome with about 13ex which will get you awesome accesories with alot of resistances and flat phy dmg and hp + a 5L belly of the beast thats 10ex accs+belly examples of some accesories u could get.(i focused a little bit on resistances since im having problems to cap them.)
![]() ![]() ![]() and the other 3 ex to get the rest and if you cant find a really awesome shield i recommend that you get 1 of these
![]() or both , why both well because you can use lioneye's remorse pinnacle tower shield while you clean a map and change to saffel's frame branded kite shield in case you need to kill a spell caster boss. well, that is it, thats how i leveled from 1 to 79 in 1 weekend :), hope this is useful for everyone who wants to start this build. and im sorry if there are too many mistakes, but my native language isnt english, so i did my best :) Editado por útlima vez por sipsi32#6813 en 18 may. 2015 12:44:51
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I'm doing really good just feel like it should be easier. I have almost maxed resists (67 lowest, not counting chaos) and around 4200 health with 223 life regen. I'd say I really only die to reflects and cannibals but come close to dying all the time. Anyone recommend any upgrades?
Oh and I'm level 75 if that's not indicated somewhere and 69K cyclone damage. edit: Just wanted to clarify, I don't come close to dying "all the time." I really do tear thru sh** just feel like maybe I'm 1 or 2 items away from finishing the character. passive tree: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAAAdwDlgSHBLMFLQ-rFCAWvxo-JpUpLi_MMZ4yCTJONZI11jrhOyg8LUCgRQpHfksKTP9QR1M1Vw1eE18_YENgS2EGYeJi7GVNaPJsRm1sbj1vnnJscql07XaseA15OXrvfLh82X7igwmE2YTvj5mbtaIAplepNKlurY2vbLVItfK2irc-t9m9Nr2Bvoq-p768wGbAv8GCwzrEFcT2xq7KSsqQz37Yvdlh5FHqGO8O8B_xrPIv8kX0xvcy_go= Editado por útlima vez por Mirkocrocop#1032 en 18 may. 2015 11:29:21
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Can anyone give me hints on gear progression starting from lvl 35 and or explain the gem skill setup a bit.
I'm kind of a newb and want to play this build but I feel overwhelmed. Thanks |
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well, problem for me is that i had all those uniques to level up that i basically one shotted everything so didnt worry that much about gear , all i can say is try to get as many resistances as you can in your gear so you wont get rekt when you change to cruel or merciless do some Docks farming and try to get some items
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