[3.0]Facebreaker Cycloner REDUX - Voyage to 1M dps
" In my opinion? The only reason to use a Carcass is because of the added AoE range. If you take my build into consideration, the point where you can think of using a different chest is when your Herald of Ash does enough overkill damage to burn kill all mobs you don't hit with Cyclone. This is purely with clear speed in mind though. My character has enough dps to have the luxury of switching chests without giving in on clear speed. I've switched my 21/20 Cyclone for a 20/20 and I lose about 700 dps so if you use a Bronn's you will get an increase of let's say 1,400 dps over a 21/20 Cyclone gem. The problem is, a Carcass also gives you AoE damage which applies to Cyclone and I think to HoA overkill damage as well (or at least the proliferation damage to other mobs) so at best you will break even. To add to my last post about the survivability, Herald of Ash is a huge asset as well. You don't have to be in the middle of the action all the time because killing a few monsters at the edge of a mob causes them to burn all the other monsters in range of Elemental Proliferation. All in all, to me, the synergy of this build is amazing. With a huge amount of dps you are able to kill single target monsters in an instant, even bosses like Palace Dominus. The incredible movability adds to survivability as you are less likely to get hit. The AoE from HoA takes care of monsters out of your Cyclone range which again adds to your survivability as you don't have to get close to the burning enemies. Add to this the amount of block, dodge, life leech and regen and I do think the term "high survivability" really does apply. Yes, it does take a specific gear set to be effective. Yes, is does take skill to be able to get yourself in a position where you are less likely to get hit and to use Cyclone to it's fullest potential. No, this build is certainly no god-mode build but in the end it really does it's job as a hard-hitting killing machine with high clear speed. And indeed, the build is open to a lot of interpretation. If you wanna go for dodge then you can get a high Ev shield and chest. If you want to get high armour then it's no problem sacrificing dps for armour. If you still want full block, by all means, sacrifice as much dps as you want. If you want an Atziri viable build then you'll only need to have about 40k dps to get her down quickly enough, so the other 75k dps can be used to make the build you want to play. You could even make a high block/spell block build or go for a low life ES version (probably with even more dps). With my character I wanted to show why Facebreaker is still awesome. You cannot crit with Facebreaker, the skill tree has no true unarmed nodes to boost your character but still you are able to get to a level usually reserved to expensive crit/gear dependent/mirrored weapon builds. IGN: Sciontics https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/993394 - Facebreaker Cyclone REDUX Editado por útlima vez por DeChaoOrdo#4367 en 22 ene. 2015 22:47:17
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I just did a quick test with a Bronn's Lithe compared to a Carcass Jack. My Bronn's is not linked so I just put the 21/20 Cyclone gem in both chests to see the difference in dps.
Carcass Jack: 26,728.5 Bronn't Lithe: 27,940.9 With all support gems I think the difference will be a bit higher so yeah, a Bronn's does give you more damage. The downside is, no life and no resistances on the chest. IGN: Sciontics
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/993394 - Facebreaker Cyclone REDUX |
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may i ask the importance of gem?
Cyclone Blood magic Added fire dmg Faster attack Melee phys dmg Concentrated effect ? I only have a 4L atm and will soon have a 5L, may i ask what are the best gem for a 4L and 5L setup? SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
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" may i ask what were your evasion% with Bronn't Lithe? and also does the 20% reduced area of effect really change the gameplay? (like u feel* u hit a lot less further? SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434
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just a quick question :
Would lgoh + Belly be better? (cyclone - BM - mpd - lgoh - conc effect) Or quality Blood rage + Carcass jack ? (cyclone - BM - mpd - faster attacks - conc effect) Also with the lgoh option, if I have 350 life regen, would it be better to use Blood rage + lgoh? Or just 350 life regen + lgoh? Thanks! |
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" Why ask all these questions? you want to know if it works just use it and see what is does. Unless you dont have the gear your asking about i dont see no reason as why you dont test it yourself. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/913599 <--- mirror Thread
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" a) didn't have the right gear at that moment b) wasn't sure what was more efficient; because I was quite new to cyclone (and still is) Think there is no reason to have an offensive attitude towards some newbie asking for help. All I wanted was to have some help from more experienced players, that's all. Gear - 4.5 exalts total, NOT optimized AT ALL
Atziri deathless kill - Level 84, 5 link, Non-legacy facebreaker, Torment league http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hVnV1eIPHG8 The run was very sloppy as this was my third attempt to atziri, second attempt with this character. The last attempt to atziri was way back in start of Rampage(like 4 months ago? idk), so I forgot lots of things. However it turned out ok-ish. Demo vid at lvl 82 128%IIQ map Just doing some easy map, made a demo vid. Will try higher maps in the future. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the great build, I'm really enjoying it atm! Wanted to show that non-legacy facebreaker + 5link is not that bad. The build still works great, even tho you don't have lots of currency in standard league. Editado por útlima vez por greensunggwa#6763 en 25 ene. 2015 3:29:03
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" Not meant to be offensive. Its just you kept asking questions that seemed easy to answer by just testing for yourself. Sorry if it came over as offensive. Thats why I also asked if you maybe dint have gear to test it. Now we know :) Gz with your deathless atzi by the way! http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/913599 <--- mirror Thread
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guys we only need 4% reduced mana reserve node, if we have 2xlvl 20 reduced mana gem...
so why are we going so fast for that reduced mana nodes? and why are we taking so many? https://poe.mikelat.com/#JWSsFe/N=RJqd also, is QUALITY bloodrage mandatory for the lifeleech? SHOP : http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/682434 Editado por útlima vez por xenochaos1#4153 en 25 ene. 2015 18:06:46
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" The mana multipliers for Elemental Proliferation and Increased Burning damage apply to the amount reserved by Herald of Ash so it takes up a lot more mana than just the base 25%, that's why you need all those nodes. The quality of Blood Rage is not mandatory but it does give you 3% more leech so I'd say it is pretty important for your survivability, especially against reflect and the sorts. @greensunggwa >> Really awesome that you've shown that the build is quite league friendly as well. Great job on killing Atzi without dying and what a troll unique drop on those 3 bosses :D IGN: Sciontics
https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/993394 - Facebreaker Cyclone REDUX |
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