[2.2] Fyndel´s LL BM or Mana Spectralthrow - UPDATED FOR ASCENDANCY
At least that nerf will not affect 1% of spectral throwers that have funds to spend some mirrors and respec to physical wanderer or some other builds, and again faceroll new content for 4 months.
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Anyone done any math about drawback due to CoE + PA and (possible daggers) nerf?
Tree will be updated ofc, but if dmg reduction will be like 10-20% overall, there's kinda no need to abandon this awesome build imo. After all many have saved orbs for months to aquire a decent EQ and I personally don't see anything good in hawking a CoE / Shav / loath bane for like half of the current price... Here's my eq, some of my buddies have already sold their entire eq accepting the loss they made, I will def. stick to ST and try to figure sth out after patch
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"rly depents what they change but spectral throw will always be arly good build just depents how auras will look like so the question is gonna be if its gonna be CI or still lowlife for auras Every Class 100
Discord Alex22#8812 if u cant catch me online in Poe |
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Really like the build. Not up to the point everyone else is up to but getting there slowly. Had a few questions.
With 6 power charges/already high crit dagger (I've been told to use a binos untill loathe bane or similar mirrored daggers, so I picked up a good roll one) & perfect legacy maligaros/the majority of the crit nodes you use in your lioneyes paws build character - how much is it worth to use diamond rings as a base type? I am having trouble with resists using COE/lioneyes/maligaros which all have no resists to speak of, and COE -30 fire. Trying to run purity in my shield as suggested but that leaves my mana too low with a 6 link, even taking out enduring cry for reduced mana so I just have immortal call leaves me with roughly 160-170 mana. I cannot afford acuities yet for the INT. So the question is would it really damage my DPS that much at later gear/levels to use an ele base/prismatic base ring? I was planning on forking out some exalteds to pick up something decent and wanted to be able to use it for a while. Another question, how does a low life power siphon build compare to this one in terms of DPS? As they do seem very similar in function. No rush for an answer, any suggestions appreciated. |
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" I didn't "do the math" but I took out PA and the 3 nodes required to reach it, and respeced them to get elemental dominion. With PA : 120k gmp dps Without PA, without elemental dominion : 92k gmp dps Without PA, with elemental dominion L 101k gmp dps Flubby in domination was running around 55k LMP dps, and was still carrying the hell out of parties. Double that dps, with GMP is still absolutely amazing. My gear is worth around 2000 ex, I dont plan on selling it for cheap like the noobs panicking in trade chat. #1 spirit shield - #1 ES/all res diamond ring - 6T1 ES/WED/tri-res rustic sash mirror service
http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/989804 twitch.tv/steezbattalion IGN ddddddddddddddddddddime |
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I think this will work for endgame ->
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIAAdEFfQx9DkgPxBB_EZYXLxmKGo8c3B0UHaoksCj6LJwspi0fLYMvbzQKN2Y7fDvhPI5DY0SrRnFHBkyzUDBVrlXWVupW9VfJWPVZ81yKXypfamNDZOdmnm0Zb55wVnC7cU1943_GgKSDCYbRiEKPRo-mkBuQ1pJ9kyeXBpfQmG-aE5rPm7Wdo53EoSKiQKKjpwinK6_rtAy0xbcxuJO4yrk-wBrBxcHzwuzDOsSixp7KStkT217bbtvU4Yji9-OE5c_quuvk6-7y4fT49tr60vsJ_KvAUXDVcFKIa7b3ES-ZmutjGdcF-RXw51TVAA== Taking Ghost Reaver kinda forces you to go Assassination so can't really go out there. IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014 8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015 |
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" I think if you really want to get good you eventually will need those diamond rings. I'm not using them because i need resist and ES harder at the moment. but for the perfect build you do need them i guess. these are the ones i use. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/913599 <--- mirror Thread
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Nice alt-art ring bro, self-craft?
IGN: Chundaziri 8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014 8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015 Editado por útlima vez por Chundadragon#1131 en 12 ago. 2014 13:12:24
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Thanks, I think I was just curious really as to whether other people thought they were a solid priority or not. I think I'm going to stick with two resist rings with WED/attackspeed/ES for now then. I might pick up a pair of tamings later on like Fyndel suggested. Maybe just one, I think it would solve my resist issue while I upgrade the other to a diamond and work on from there. Some solid rings you have there, the first looking like it could keep you going till way into endgame really if you wanted the extra ES rather than crit. Thanks again for the help. |
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" Make sure you get accuracy on rings or derp =) IGN: Chundaziri
8/8 Ambush/Invasion Complete - 21/06/2014 8/8 Warbands/Tempest Complete - 10/08/2015 |
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