BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)

u have resist problem then and i nevr got to test if increased dmg counts like e.g. wed or is a more multiplier. if it is just like wed its shit compared to good wed elem dmg rings. if its more it would be totally op but i fear u have to dorp malies then to cap resists
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Hi mate
Few Questions :
* I notice you passed on Iron Grip on your way to Vaal Pact and did not pick it up. So is it for later or you don't intend to ? Because if you don't you can use the same 7 points from STR node before Unwavering >> Vaal and go the other way (Vigor) its still 7 points but you will get extra EN charge and EN charge Duration .
* I noticed you recommend high EVA gear (5l eva es chest)but then you get Unwavering Stance that basically reads "can not Evade" . Is this mistake or am i misunderstanding what Unw.St. does ?
* Also "Shavs adds around 8k dps ( the ias from low life)" what IAS ? Isn't it 30% Spell ?
or did you mean Shav + blood rage ?

Thanks for the guide . LVL 62 atm having fun .
IGN : xXxNocturnexXx
Editado por útlima vez por Ecofatalis#6179 en 24 dic. 2013 13:30:10
Blood rage gives up to 54 atk speed when on low life, that's a huge buff you only get with Shav's.
Iron grip buffs physical damage, this builds clearly lacks solid physical damage to benefit from it.

I recently bought Auxium which allowed me to drop Dream Fragments, that's a good dps upgrade (with a decent ring) and now it feels like mandatory to have a decent mana leech.
I'm still not entirely confortable with my mana pools but it has seen a huge improvement.
Half regen map and no regen maps are doable but it's very slow and quite frustrating to run.

I don't think that the switch to Crown of Eyes can be done before 87+ (currently 80) or this would mean dropping either a lot of very strong dps nodes or a lot of ES/res nodes. Still getting capped resist with Crown of Eyes and a 350+ES spell dmg shield will be really hard.

Do you know how the bonus from Crown of Eyes applies? I would like to do some number crushing and see how far it could get me with my current gear. Should I just count it as %increased projectile damage (which applies to both phys and weapon elemental damage) or doesn't it apply in a different way?

the same suggestion was made on reddit: the original path came from wanting iron grip and i forgot to change that back to the endu charge. I meanwhile have iron grip in again to get me a bit more pyhs for more ml on low regen and no regen maps. Which of the two paths u choose is very dependent on if u have a spare point for iron grip or not and how you feel about your manaleech.

I do not suggets to get a high eva es chest for the eva but due to the fact that the colors are easy to get on those. For playing ci a max es chest would be best (if not using shavs) but 5 offcolors on pure es arent easy or cheap to get and id save up for shavs before investing the required amount for the colors.

@habory: it gives close to 30 wed each 22 spell + a bit mor ephys dmg. the phys dmg is very noticeable on the mana leech side but not very noticeable on the dps side. If you want to know how much more you'd get with a crown just put 30 wed ring on and off. Its a bit rough but a good rule of thumb. And yes i had the same feeling on slow regen and low regen first i t gets better and better to the end though. The more dps u get the less an issue it becomes.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
Have to respect 75 points.. but wanna do it ;O
Also want to ask - what do u think about voidbringer gloves?
@_inQontrol lvl 100 Ambush
gear, tree:
Editado por útlima vez por ex_vitek#5561 en 26 dic. 2013 4:52:47
have you ever thought about using "added lightning" now that it got buffed by 100% ? (instead of increaed crit or faster attacks) ?

using it instead of faster attacks might help with some mana issues ;)
IGN OneMonthHC: Twohundred
Added Lightning isn't as strong as Increased Crit Damage and it also has a higher mana multiplier.
However it's probably a viable alternative (though I expect a lower dps) to Faster Attacks as it makes it easier to get the right colours, and as you rightly pointed out this should alleviate to some extent the mana issues.

I took Iron Grip to get a slight phys DPS upgrade, I'm not entirely convinced by the benefits. The upgrade seems too low for me to really see a difference regarding my mana leech. I'll keep it as is but I'll probably change later.
im currently using accruacy gem.

have tested added lightning vs inc crit dmg (which is lower dmg then either accu or faster attacks) -> added lightning unfortunately sitll comes out way behind (52 vs 46.5 k)

it is even on dualstrikers now im told though.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide:
Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave)
I might try Additional Accuracy as well, I tried a lvl16 non quality gem and it gave almost the same DPS as a q14lvl17 FA. This would also mean a lesser mana consumption which is always appreciated.

There is one good thing regarding the gearing of this build, the weapon is cheap.
My previous and my current one (
) cost me less than 10chaos each.
They are far from perfect but work well, it feels much better than those build that are almost entirely relient on the weapon.
Can't say the same for the jewelry though...
Great build, is a powerhouse with the right gear. My tree is very similar, i dropped armor, mana and attack speed in the duelist area and went toward ranger for ballistic mastery, picking up mana and aura nodes on the way. I feel a bit safer with the range.
At the moment I sit at 52k ST selfbuffed with pcoc linked to it (ST, lmp, wed, LL, inc Crit dmg and pcoc)...Getting a 5off color shav would be ideal but is sooo hard!
Thanks again for the build!

My Tree

My gear

DPS: 52k
ES: 6.5k

I have 10 char 85+ and this is by far the most OP spec I tried so far. Thanks again for sharing =)
IGN: Std -> Hossina (lv100 Scion)
Talisman -> Voltaxina (lv96 Ranger)

GMT +1, Central Europe
Editado por útlima vez por Hossdelgado#4527 en 31 dic. 2013 11:02:39

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