BANANATHROW lvl100x2 proven;uber atziri capable ... (crit ele spectral mass dps and mf capable)
specc is semi outdated.. missing the time to create a new guide. core principiles still work and are in use. build avail in mf version with aura support and 300 rarity (what i did till 96) and dps version (iski, balguez). if your curious start at page 58 for ambush char developments and check balguez and my posts. STEP ONE GET BANANA SKIN ... STEP TWO OUTDATED GUIDE CORE PRINCIPAL THE SAME STILL WORKS FINAL DPS BUILD in SPOILER LOATH BANE VS EAGLE thIRSt discussion on page 146 STEP THREE WE DONT FUCKIGN SNAPSHOt, YOU SNAPSHOT YOUR A FUCKIng LOOSER OR DONT hAVE ENOUGH GEAR AND WANNA DO UBER (tHEN ITS OKAY) STEP FOUR - READ IT ALL REALLY EVERYTHING .. YES LOTS OF WORK BUT AFTER ALL PAGES YOU UNDERSTAND HALF tHE GAME IS VERY GOOD FOR YOU PREVENTS FAILS STOPS NUMB QUESTIONS ! FINAL DPS 170k ->GMP<- Final gear for mirrors at
final max dps standard mirror gear mapping gear setup (ignore links)
7k es specc: item combo: -> ![]() Hi Guys, i get asked to much about my build recently. A comprehensive guide with ger progression will come later i just do a quick roundup here so poeple that are interrested can get the idea and play around themslves if they want to. The Damage, nuts and bolts To start you off here the screenshot of what i get -->self buffed<-- (outdated its 171gmp so 240ish lmp see spoiler) ![]()
offense defense detailed
![]() ![]() I recently ran with one of those +2 aura 75% effectiveness guys and got pushed beyond 80k. That level can be reached solo as well, though. Currently i get 4k dps per 30 flat ele dmg / 23 spell dmg / or 30 wed. If you look at the gear below u can calc it urself with maxed jewlery and the right dagger ( ias crit high spell dmg decent ele dps) it will cap somewhere around 80k. this is what currently happens when playing with an aura supporter adding highe rlvl anger wrath ; haste and hatred to the show :! its a bit ridiculous :!
Gameplay videos
Averga courtyard gameplay scroll to end to see some ncie survive on ele ref map: courtyard double boss no added mods (after i crashed twice at 100% es there today and logged back in with 10% less xp i needed some revenge ...) double reflect 77 shrine + loot unfortunately filesize reached beforee piety an bandicam not automatically doing another :/ easy mod palace and boss low regen 90% double boss crema -res double boss crema boss i acutally laughed irl at this one: The gear for it:
*Drums* The specc: (oudated see page 37 for final setup) So how does it work: I am a huge fan of elemental dmg due to its wayyyy larger potential to scale to absurd amounts (no reflect issues) + the doubled dmg via shock stacks so the idea was lets run anger wrath scale em with ias, crit and multi and then this little crown came around the corner and did the icing on top of the cake. I have 5,1k town dps and this scale sup to the screen u see above. I use Flickerstrike for the power charges. Though i sometimes swap poc in for crit dmg gem when either soloing 77+ bosses with bad mods ( enfeeble is horrible e.g.) or grps to slow so to little frenzy charges get generated and flicker becomes a pain to use. Shavs adds around 8k dps ( the ias from low life) and the crown does 4k per 22 spell dmg. You can use this build without those two remove the spell dmg nodes ( and get ias, ci , crit) and will still do 20k+ for a cost of like 5-8ex ( 5l eva es chest 1ex dagger 1ex for the jewlery). Defense Defense works three ways: 1. 80%+ Flask uptime 2. CWDT phys immunity 3. Each blade hit gives me 20-30% es back. Once they are up and mobs are around you become close to immortal ( the larger the pack the safer it gets which is funny because well most builds have a different opinion on that :D) You have no armor your build can not work? 1. introduction of cwdt + immortal call gives u bascially phys immunity as long as u do not get one shotted 2. See the flask setup i acutally do have 50% pyhs reduction with 70-80% uptime 3. once the blades are out its almost impossible to kill me since they cover a whole screen and each ---> single hit<--- gives me 30-50% of my es leeched back But but but so much dps u die to reflect u do die ? u must die? Vaaal pact + ele dmg. Every single hit u do will give u leech and reflect calculated solo, as long as u dont one shot urself with one single blade ( that would need a 35k Single hit so not happening before 160k dps) you will survive. to support this statement here is the calcuation: - assume u do 100 damage - life leech will give u 8,5 life leeched back per 100 dmg - THis specc does like 20 phys 80 ele dmg -> we get 15% reflected = 12 dmg back reduced by resistances = 3 dmg back -> 3 dmg reflected for 8,5 leeched This means i can do ele reflect maps pump into a whole fucking screen of reflect shrined crit weaknesed mobs and STILL have 30% of my leech ( and i do that and never died to that :D). if you do that math with physical damage and take into account that your armor wont reduce the reflect at top dmg levels anymore you can easily see why i dont like phys dmg for insanity dps builds. It is only risky in -res maps, but i use flasks for that. It becomes dangeorus when getting cursed and not beeing capped thn. I use he right gear / falsk for that as well. Fun fact While Coloring for 3g 2 r i got 4r 1 g and tested dual strike melee splash with two 120 dps 2aps max crit daggers. Same specc same gear i get 130k tooltip with the same specc. If those daggers had 70 sp it would go beyond 200k but i fear the single hits might get to strong then ( es jumping 5k ->2k->5k which is dangerous if u get a large hit in between). Gear progression Okay that about sums it up if you want to go that route and are poor atm here is a quick list of what to get first: tier 1: 15-20k dps 1. Aps >1.85 max crit dagger ( dps DOES NOT MATTER although phys dmg is preferrable on the early levels sinc eu wil need it for leech) 2. 5link with 3g 1r 1 blue 3. maligaros ; flat ele dmg /wed jewlery resist shield and boots tier 2: same dps as tier 1 plays better 1. add an auxium it plays a lot nicer due to more leech and no freezes. IT enables you to jump into packs and not caring anymore tier 3: 25-35k dps 1. add a crown of eyes AND a strong spell dmg shield -> switch to spell dmg based tree tier 4: 50k+ dps 1. add the 6link shavs and go rampage I don't believe you stop trolling and last words I will add a solo vid later the week, but my pc cant handle 6 Man grp + taking vids. If you want to see it live : we are constantly running high maps (76/77/78 2/3/3c buyin) just add me and chekc my status if there are spots sand enjoy the show. if enough ppl are interrested i might do a 1-2h stream session -> post in this thrad if ud want something like that and if enough poeple are interrested i will do one... Shoutouts to my beloved dual strike melee minions iski and pocketrocket and our little leeching goloum shiiitpickle . if your ar elooking for a no vp life based spectral whose dmg is based on the same principle (stack anger wrath get fast aps crit dagger) works well too check out iskis quick roundup for what he did not wanting to do the smae shit i do but still not wanting to dualstrike anymore :D Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) Editado por útlima vez por Flubby#5422 en 10 jul. 2014 19:04:08 Reflotado por última vez en 5 oct. 2016 9:00:33
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This looks glorious. Now I feel like I need another scion!
The 5 off-colours Shav seems pretty hard to get though, I can't imagine how many chrom were used. I guess I'll try the cheap version first. |
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good job Flubby awsome build and your always welcome from me Much love <3
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the colors cost me 7k chromes allthough i know poeple that did several 5 offcolors below 2k .. as is aid shavs only add s8k dps and same es so you cn simply go for an eva es chest whcihc an get those colors with ease.
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) |
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I realized I could just respect a few points from my low life CoC scion and this should work.
Definitely going to try this. Editado por útlima vez por Haboryme#1915 en 16 dic. 2013 5:25:24
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Thanks for posting this, i never asked but was wondering, looks cool in action btw.
IGN: Halipusi
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Without Auxium (would use Dream Fragments instead), wouldn't it be hard to sustain the mana cost of SS? With CI I can only run Anger and Wrath and I'll barely have any mana regen. My phys dmg on my weapon will also be quite low so with just 2% ml I feel like this will play out my mana pool really fast.
Any insight on this? |
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a) u have 4ml when using crown + enough phys dmg due to its added attack dmg
if u only have the 2 from tree and no crown u do have mana issues BUT spectral without 6l and wed costs less then 30 mana so its basically okay and u jsut have to pot sometimes. For that case ( low phys dmg no auxium) i would go and get some mana regen and max maan on the jewlery those stats dont add much to the cost but make it playable. If that doesnt feel right i would get 2-3 more max mana /regen nodes and rmeove some es or crit. Allthough u rly have to try it out. I usually felt fine with like 150+ open, and when i didnt i just specced some more mana /regen. Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) |
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I'll see how it goes once I get my weapon.
I also realised that I can use my RGGGBB Shav (I'll probably put PCoC as sixth link it only has 110% mana multiplier and it will save me the need to use flicker strike) so I should be able to run a low lvl clarity for a little extra regen. Hopefully this will work. |
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it will i did that for 3-4 weeks before finally getting my colors it actually plays more rleaxed due to not having to flicker the whole time :)
Ingame @FlubbyEverywhere domination or @Flubbyy default
Massive dmg spectral throw guide: Old anarchy rich poeple specc: (Flickercharge low life ele cleave) |
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