[1.3.0]PewPewPews official Starter-Friendly Incinerate Build | Stronger than ever!
Editado por útlima vez por JTDSR71#5787 en 14 ene. 2014 20:01:40
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How hard is it to get IIR/IIQ on this build?
Without that all the clear speed in the world isn't going to help you get good drops. Obviously that would change it form a cheap to an expensive gearing requirement, but I'm willing to bet an MF build will be possible IGN: Kulde
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*Warning* WALL OF TEXT
I guess its my time to check in with this awesome build. I am currently level 85 (only 2 lvl behind PewPew) on Domination League and have enjoyed playing with this char by far out of all of my other chars. I think it took me about only about 2-3 weeks to get to level 85 and is still burning through maps like butter. (I only play in groups) There are a few things i have changed over the course of leveling and mapping, and there are some things that i have learned that i would like to share with you guys. Lets start with gear i guess. -First off, my gear is preety bad. they are just leveling gear that i happened to find from maps. -I currently have 3.5k HP ONLY but however the amount of tankiness i retain surprises me with every new end-game maps i do. -It really shows how much you can do with shitty gear by using this build
my current gear- Total spent: under 2 exalted
What I've learned about gearing. -HEALTH is important(duhh) -Mana Regen will be of a great help to you. (IF your not using mana leach) -Amour/Evasion isn't really needed until you start doing hard maps. (this means you can put your IIR/IIQ gear on and farm the shit out of piety, you can also do this for 66-69 maps too but you might run into trouble on some hard hitting maps if you do not have the HP for it.) -Spell cast speed > %Fire dmg/%spell dmg IMO i believe getting more cast speed over %dmg is so much better due to the fact that: 1. Tool tip shows that more cast speed is much better than more %dmg 2. Faster casting = faster life leach / mana leach = better survivability 3. Temporal chains maps can suck my D (meaning that your incinerate will flow like normal than looking like its vomiting flames every other second = more dmg, more life leach etc) Here's a little calculation with a 7% cast speed ring and a 7% increased fire dmg ring. Non: DPS = 1906 7% cast speed ring: DPS = 1993 --> thats 87 more dps 7% fire dmg ring: DPS = 1918.8 --> only 12.8 more dps. This is due to incinerates low ass base fire dmg. OK GEM CHANGES My Gems are: Cast with Damage Taken - Molten Shell - Arctic Breath - Increased Area of Effect Cast with Damage Taken - Enduring Cry - Immortal Call - Increased Duration Cast with Damage Taken - Lightning warp - Reduced Duration - Enfeeble Due to my chest only having 5s: Incinerate - GMP - Life Leach - Added Chaos - (Faster Projectiles/Mana Leach) Flammability - Arctic Amour - Increased Duration (I keep my other Lightning warp on my X, yes i cant warp during combat only when i want to move around. This is not so bad since i only play with a group so any melee on my group can take care of necros) Reasoning: I took out Firestorm and Mana Leech for Arctic Breath and Increased Area of Effect because: I feel like that this is really not needed. The mana leech from Firestorm is almost negligible and while the mana leech from Molten Shell is good, its still really pointless if i am running mana leech with Incinerate. Moreover you only get a large amount of mana back once, meaning that once your Molten Shell pops, you wont have anymore mana leech. #I feel that mana leech on Incinerate will solve any and all mana problems and will make this build fully nemesis viable. Current Passive Tree *this tree may be subjected to changes soon* elemental adaptation Here is how i feel about elemental adaptation: For hard elemental hitters like trappers and 71 temple piety etc etc will shred your MANA before they kill you. Mana leech solves this problem easy. She barely scratched me, and this is without the lightning resist pot. *71 Temple Piety should not be able to one shot you!* make sure you have enough HP/Mana This is the same case with any other hard elemental hitter, make sure you have more than 3k HP/Mana. Under no circumstance should you be 1-shotted by anything. Increased cast speed with Health and Mana Leach will keep you sustained for the entire duration. (I will have Faster Projectiles for easy maps, but for harder ones i will have Mana Leech on which seals my safety.) For the rest of the % fire dmg and % chaos dmg nodes that i took, i might just drop them for more cast speed or more health nodes. OTHER THOUGHTS -Should have no problem with heavy physical hitters! -tanked 71 Colonnade: Carnage(kole) easy while everyone got kole smashed to bits (used mana leech) -survived 74 Maze: Shadow of the Vaal smash ! (used mana leech) -tanked 72 Labyrinth: 2 Sallazzang easy (used mana leech) -killed Spinner of False Hope on 72 Jungle (used mana leech) (dont forget your chaos flask for this one) -many many more WITHOUT mana leech! Group play: Since i map with groups only, almost everyone else runs multiple auras that can benefit us. This means i can possibility change the gems and nodes around. In random groups 70-80% of people will already be running Discipline this means that you dont need to have -1000 Usable mana, and instead will gain +1000 usable mana with added mana regen. I have currently 3000 mana (with out discipline) and i feel like thats plenty of mana to keep me safe. With a group that goes up to 4000 mana + added regen. I feel like if i keep mana leech on at all times, i can replace discipline with another aura gem. (#you will need discipline however if you dont use mana leech, even in a group since your warp will tele you away from them alot of the times) Also Grace from your teammates will benefit you far more than Determination will since you have low Armour rating anyway. This means that spending only 4 more points for Iron Reflexes might not be a bad idea, since grace will give you more resist than your armour gear. (will be a problem once you auto warp away from them Thoughts on Nemesis league: -Having mana leech on instead of faster projectiles (solves mana problems) -Dropping Discipline for grace -getting Iron Reflexes instead Granted that you will have 2-3k mana for this to work well. Final Thoughts on Infernal Mantle -I feel that you really dont get a whole lot of dmg from Infernal Mantle. yes it gives you chaos dmg and ~30-35% fire dmg and +1 gem, but is it worth it? mabye -its good for the mana but at the same time it can be a little bad -and ultimately i feel like its a cheap replacement for high ES chests. I got my 5L for only 1 exalted. While similar 5L ES chest would cost ~5 exalted +++ -4L mantles are only around 1-2 chaos which is super cheap. Final Thought on the build: SUPER STARTER FRIENDLY Honestly as someone who just started out not too long ago this build have been the most fun and rewarding build i have tried out. I would rate this build 8.5/10, its FAR SUPERIOR than all of the other starter friendly builds such as lightning arrow or 2H spectral throw. It makes you feel like A FUCKING FIRE GOD. YOU FUCKING MELT EVERYTHING IN SECONDS YOU TANK ALL THE MOBS WHILE MARAUDERS RIP AND CRY LIKE GIRLS For real though while it may not be as tanky as other Tank Incinerate builds, its by far the cheapest. You really dont need to spent alot of $$$ on it. A 4L infernal mantle is all you need! And try socketing and linking yourself, 4L are pretty easy to get. I've linked a 4link with 2 fusings before. Make sure you use a Amour Scrap once to improve the chances. Why you should play this build: -The feeling when you get warped inside a huge group of mobs, tanking and melting the shit of out them while your derpy ass teammates takes forever to kill a single blue mob. -The feeling when your the only one alive in your group after they dropped like flies while you roast that boss like its sunday night bbq. -The feeling that you know your gonna face melt this boss while your teammate are scared shitless because they already know their gonna rip and says i'm not fighting this boss. -The feeling that when a host links a rare map, and you dont even need to look at it because you know your gonna fucking burn through any of them. Editado por útlima vez por Primordial_Burst#0804 en 15 ene. 2014 1:19:46
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^ +1 for every word of that " Hey Swarm, if you do decide to go for this build, I have a spare 3L Saffels Frame that I'll sell for cheap, like 6 chaos. If you're interested just send me a PM here. As a fairly new player, I highly recommend this build, for fun+speed+ the pure Facemelt! Editado por útlima vez por KeefK#2647 en 15 ene. 2014 1:20:11
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I royally fucked up my Mantle. Had a RGGB 4L with mana leech which was decent enough, kept me at full mana with AA on but damage was kinda low, so I changed it to RGBB and put in chaos damage instead. Damage boost was huge, but I run out of mana in seconds, BOOM, dead. Wasted 200 chroms (!) to get it back to RGGB but no luck. Not playable like this.
I'm lvl 63, 1500hp, 1700ES with discipline, 1000mana. I'm kinda scared to go EB+MoM with these stats. Guess it's back to Piety farming on main until I can afford to 5L RGGBB the mantle. :/ Shop closed until further notice. Check out my Dominus musical tribute instead:
https://soundcloud.com/hackproducer0815/dominus |
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" Well totally my fault I actually didn't know that puncture does more damage when you move. I guess I panicked and tried to run or something, happened pretty quickly. |
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OK, so how flexible is this build, one thing I want to try is a CI build.
This would cost a bit more, as you need resists and ES on most of your gear. The point is...I HATE chaos, Shav's are too expensive, and getting chaos resist is a PITB. But..is it viable? Well, I have a lvl 79 witch, I am tempted to regret back to this build, and give it a whirl. Thoughts?? IGN: Kulde Editado por útlima vez por Yxalitis#6223 en 15 ene. 2014 9:33:12
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OK, so how flexible is this build, one thing I want to try is a CI build.
This would cost a bit more, as you need resists and ES on most of your gear. The point is...I HATE chaos, Shav's are too expensive, and getting chaos resist is a PITB. But..is it viable? Well, I have a lvl 79 witch, I am tempted to regret back to this build, and give it a whirl. Thoughts?? IGN: Kulde Editado por útlima vez por Yxalitis#6223 en 15 ene. 2014 9:39:18
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" One thing you really need to think about is how much mana regen you will get using Disc and EB, especially running Clarity. With 30% going to mana, from MOM, you will have an affective health of about 1950 as well for bigger hits. I would not say you wasted 200 chromes, because you failed to turn it back. I would say you wasted them, because you didn't at least try MOM and EB. I say try it. If it doesn't help you, at most, you used some respec points. Really not a big deal if you don't change the build around to much. Also I know you have the Mantle, but have you thought about trying a Cloak of Defiance. Will add a ton of mana and regen and send an extra 10% damage to mana. (I use it and don't use leech at all for most things.) Like the mantle it is cheap no links/sockets, if you want to try it out. |
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" yes, I am strongly leaning toward trying this. I actually already have a saffel's although it's only 2L. Probably not worth the extra expense for the extra socket. Thanks for the offer though! Also, re: IIR/IIQ I'd imagine that it's possible to stack in this build if what people are saying about the gear requirements being low are true. The main barrier to IIR/IIQ is that some builds just need other affixes, right? Clearly this build doesn't need as much, so it should be fine I'd think. Last question: at what point do you actually need to start using Infernal Mantle? IGNs
Standard: Gyakufu | Gyakufuu Warbands: Tsukikage Tempest: Yamakage |
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