ZiggyD's Etheral Knives Mana Shield Scion/Shadow Build Guide - Hardcore (Updated for 1.1)
" The damage will be more consistent as it's not reliant on positioning as much as ST but it wont have as high top end potential when you get mobs in the sweet spot. I'm fast approaching 10k DPS on EK though :O Hard to say about clear speed but Ill try and do some map commentaries soon to show off the potential of the build so you can compare a bit more easily. Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive
YouTube.com/ZiggyDStarcraft Twitter.com/ZiggyDStarcraft PoE and Strategy Gaming Content |
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today i came up with a variation of this build, whats ur opinion on
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgAACGe31vKX21mbXS2oqJqxkFpSgwlKyEZxb55uqrQMykq18pMnwzqpbjWSHNzcV1Ytm7V4Df6PrFl_xh6UrH8Zir6KWK9N44jxJ6kRli-dwcWsP97lLYP7CQHcNuimV-djWm0OSBbziEKXBvba4uqkGQHnOuExnv4KJDydqiY8gh7EohqPYSEb-qcwn8vyRadcYqzbC6EihO8S4SXfFCBJUdad9Ph07YTZUEeiQHrvZU1uaWBLR37EuAUt1fhAoCFgnrl08RjbhTJbr90NTir8xSmlZ6CHdkp9 IGN Crakk Editado por útlima vez por maryn#2152 en 20 nov. 2013 2:26:54
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Hey Ziggy - been wondering about your CoDT setup. Is there a specific explanation to why you run decoy totem in the setup aswell, appart from the selfcast one you're running?
Does it taunt mobs off you the instant its cast or? I was just thinking that if you feel on top of selfcasting the higher lvl one, then something like temporal chains for the last slot, or maybe something completely different could be an option? I guess my question is - if you could leave out enduring cry/decoy totem of the CoDT setup, what would you bring instead? NB: watched your "flask-video" - very informative, and taught me a few things i didnt know:) All the best! |
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" Yeah, it tanks hits and taunts mobs off you right as it goes up - counters the taunt effect of enduring cry. That said I had to remove it and go purely self cast today since I used up my red gem slot adding Empower to arctic armor. So now I just run CoDT on a 3L. If you wanted to run something else on the CODT proc it should be enfeeble. Even a low level enfeeble is a huge damage reduction on the mobs that procced it - fantastic skill to use there imo! Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive
YouTube.com/ZiggyDStarcraft Twitter.com/ZiggyDStarcraft PoE and Strategy Gaming Content |
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Hi Ziggy,
love this build ejoying almost all of your video's but the link from your youtube videos to your skill tree isnt working. it links me to this forum thread. could you please look into that thanks in advance Relord |
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" That was planned as then I don't have to update every video's links every time I make a change. This thread also has a lot of additional info about the build. You'll find the passive tree in the OP by the way - in case you missed it. Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive
YouTube.com/ZiggyDStarcraft Twitter.com/ZiggyDStarcraft PoE and Strategy Gaming Content |
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Hi Ziggy,
I would love to watch your videos but bandwidth is an issue where I am. I'm 50 now and still just using ST, will probably use it until 70. I have some questions for you and I apologize if you have them covered in the videos somewhere: What is your flask setup? How is IR if you don't use any Armor / Evasion gear. I notice every piece of Armor / ES. I'm not sure how buff stacking goes with flasks and passives and IR- am I okay using Evasion / ES gear? I'm guessing the benefits stack up in such a way that due to the Armor / ES circle by Templar, I am forced to use Armor / ES gear. How would your passive tree look at level 70? How important is the 6L? I don't see myself getting a 6L unless I get rather lucky. Editado por útlima vez por Valentia#0482 en 20 nov. 2013 10:42:23
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Hello Ziggy, I'm kind of new to this game. Already have a 55 Marauder and decide to try your build. I saw in your videos that you don't have room in QWERT for all the 3 auras, so you don't use them all togheter? Or its possible to use one aura even if don't put them on QWERTY or active them? I'm only confused on that part of the build. Excelent work!
EDIT: Now I already know that you can use a buff, remove from the hotkeys and still get it. But like the guy under me, how much mana will last of 3 auras? Wont be too little? Editado por útlima vez por snnow#2739 en 20 nov. 2013 20:21:34
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Back with yet a few questions:)
How much mana are you sitting at when running 3 auras/do you allways run the 3, or is there's situaions where you take off Hatred for instance? And then a question for all you ppl trying this build out - i need suggestions on where to go first at this point in my build path. I kinda started off wrong compared to what Ziggy suggested, and took the whole templar side first - but i finally reached MoM now. This is where I'm at atm:
Im thinking i should definately go for Path Of The Warrior next - but from that point, I'm a bit undercertain as to which nodes i should get first. Just reached act 3 mercy - sitting at: 3121 health 2636 armor 2578 mana with 429 left after applying 3 auras. Would love some thoughts from some of the ppl who have tried the build out - maybe you found it better to aim for mana early, or hp or some aura points? Any suggestions are welcome. Editado por útlima vez por Wackofalltrades#5493 en 20 nov. 2013 16:14:44
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" IR is for grace and jade flasks but also for gear flexibility. except for the warding this setup is pretty optimal. Twitch.TV/ZiggyDLive
YouTube.com/ZiggyDStarcraft Twitter.com/ZiggyDStarcraft PoE and Strategy Gaming Content |
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