ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
" Yes base build is working for latest patch. Important to note that 2 items used in the build have been nerfed: Soul Taker and Bringer of Rain: there are still legacy version of these items but they are more expensive. New version of Soul Taker has less damage, and new version of Bringer of Rain has less life and a little less damage from the inherent Faster Attacks. --- UPDATE: Currently switched to Lightning Strike and it works very well. I have switched from LGOH to Life Leech for Lightning Srike because LGOH gives very poor regen when 1v1 a boss (unlike Double Strike + LGOH which still gives strong regen in 1v1), so I switched to Life Leech gem and so far so good. Gives a lot of flexibility because you do not need an AOE gem and can choose to shoot from range with shift click, the shock stacking is also very strong. This is the current tree I am using: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIBAdEEfgSxBX0FtQX5BukJIQ5IEZYV8Ba_GtsbrR6BJDwk_SaVJ2EnqTIBOJY6WD3iSO5JUUp9S41MYFVLVupW9Vb6Wm1h4mKsZ6Bte3BScFZ0QXfXeK59dX3jfyt_xocZh3aH24hCjDaQG5Vml9CaE5smnaOdqqOKpn-nNKdcr-uxs7IZtMW1SLcXt9O5PrvjwFHBxcLsxKLN6s96037VANaK1p3Xy9o9227b1N7244TnVOd06NbrFO1B7g7z6vyr_MX-uv8cI_bv8FpIokD0-KEiiGsZ1w== Editado por útlima vez por Ceryneian#3541 en 10 mar. 2014 0:58:45
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Thanks OP for the constant updates!
Just wanna clarify, you mentioned you are using LS now and that saves up a AOE gem. I assumed that you are referring to Melee Splash gem? If this is the case what support gem you recommend in place ? Or did I got you wrong :o IGN - Duck_Ya
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" Thanks for the comment. Yup Lightning Strike in Bringer of Rain with Life Leech (quality helps), Multistrike, and Additional Accuracy (no mana multiplier). You do not need Melee Splash or LMP. But you need good phys dagger. I will post more comments/feedback on Lightning Strike. One thing I noticed is that the skill spikes in damage as the shock stacks set in, but I have not had problems with phys or ele reflect due to how Lightning Strike splits up your damage to part phys part ele. Even an ele refl mob on an phys refl map did not give issues. I recently switched to Life Leech so I will re-test the reflect and see... I want to try Atziri but unfortunately have only found 1 fragment so far, and sets of fragments are selling for 30ex which is insane. For now I am just testing this on maps. EDIT: I will post my gear update as soon as I can figure out my cold res. Without Soul Taker my cold res is at 40% ish. So I am looking for a new belt or I think I might just run Purity of Ice. Right now my gear is all the same as before just a different weapon. Also trying to get the new boots cheap and divining. Editado por útlima vez por Ceryneian#3541 en 10 mar. 2014 12:20:11
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" sure, the link to my thread, which is outdated since i haven't updated it. i took a lengthy break from the game but this new content is amazing and i'll be playing PoE steady until dark souls 2 is released on PC (apr 25th). in any case my build has slightly changed due to the changes to vaal pact, but i remain just as tanky by taking out some life leech, adding stone of lazhwar spell block and LGoH. works wonders with 16 atks/sec, lol i still think my thread and base ranger build applies and is an easy, quick, amazing defensive setup especially with the new uniques. those gloves would be fun to use too but i am completely unable to sacrifice my gloves due to resistances since i use so many other uniques in my build. its great to see you experimenting and bettering yourself as a player and with your build. very versatile and powerful. though i didn't know of your build before i created mine (which is quite similar) if i were to ever run a hardcore league i would definitely be mimicking your build hands down without question. |
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Thanks JunKx for the post and the link to your thread - I'm sure many find it helpful.
Main reason I'm revamping this character is because I am trying to increase the defenses while also increasing the DPS. The most convenient way is to keep on Bringer of Rain (for the high block) and spec into a crit build like daggers. I am now using Lightning Strike because it allows you to play either as upfront melee or as pseudo-range - similar to Spectral Throw. I like this a lot because you can choose to get aggressive and fight up front with high DPS or play safe and try and kite with lower DPS. Right now this build is stronger than before. I only have problems with double physical reflect (physical reflect and double elemental reflect seem to cause no issues). UPDATE: - Olmec's Map: uploaded video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1jPcBCUl8s A lot of degen - spell damage, chaos damage, physical reflect mobs, elemental reflect mobs. But my main issue is that my life regen is not as rapid as what I had with Double Strike. You can see how I use Lightning Strike sometimes in melee and sometimes in ranged mode. Lightning Strike tooltip is a bit misleading because it does not factor in the potential for shocks which will nearly double your damage. I'm not sure if it was lag/desync or what but sometimes my projectiles were not doing damage to my target, but overall I really like LS. Chaos damage was a bit painful because I still have -60% chaos res and forgot to bring my chaos flask; also forgot to equip my ice flask xD. Current tree used in video below: I reduced some physical damage below the ranger and got more mana regen, I am running Purity of Ice to max out my cold resistance because it is cheaper for me than having to try and look for new belt and rings/gloves to balance it all out. I will try and do this eventually, but for now the Purity of Ice is a good fix. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIAAdEEfgSxBX0FtQX5BukJIQ5IEZYV8Ba_GtsbrR6BJDwknST9JpUnISdhJ6kwcTIBOkI6WD3iSO5JUUp9S3hLjUxgVUtW6lb1VvpabWHiYlpirGegbXtwUnBWdEF313iufXV9438rf8aHGYd2h9uIQow2kBuVZpXIl9CaE5smnaOdqqOKpn-nNKdcr-uxs7IZtMW1SLfTuT6748BRwcXC7MSixqLN6s96037UI9UA1orWndfL2j3bbtvU3aje9uOE51TndOjW6xTtQe4O8-r8q_zF_gn-uv8c - Vaal Double Strike: more observations so far: enemies DO NOT target your double. The double does A LOT of DPS as well. Still need more clarification on this skill because I linked Faster Attacks to it and it looks like all that did was increase the speed at which I use the Vaal Double Strike and not my double's attack speed. Also when you activate the skill there is a red bar at the top for the skill which I think indicates the life of your double. However - I have never seen this bar drop once even with AOE attacks. Also linking Faster Attacks to Vaal Double Strike DID NOT change the Vaal DS tooltip DPS - which is strange because linking Crit Damage changes the tooltip DPS. If anyone has ideas for interesting gems to use on Vaal Double Strike would be great to hear. - Acrobatics: I managed to get my hands on the new boots to test out, I divined them to get 16% spell dodge and then spec'd into Dodge (I had to unspec from life to get the points but the good thing is that Atziri's Step gives a good amount of +life). So I am now running with 40% dodge, 71% block, 46% spell dodge and 75% spell block. - My Current Gem links: Bringer of Rain: Lighting Strike -> Additional Accuracy (quality gives increased crit chance) -> Life Leech (quality increases rate of life leech) -> Multistrike Rathpith Globe: Enfeeble -> Blood Magic -> Enhance Dagger: Temp Chains -> CWDT -> Increased AOE Boots: Smoke Mine -> Reduced Mana -> Hatred -> Purity of Ice Gloves: Vaal Double Strike -> Increased Duration -> Whirling Blades -> Faster Attacks Editado por útlima vez por Ceryneian#3541 en 11 mar. 2014 0:50:02
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Just watch the final boss fight Queen Atziri Flameblast damage is around 6000. How can we adjust the build to fight this monster?? Editado por útlima vez por 1up1up1#5083 en 11 mar. 2014 0:45:18
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" Thanks for the link to the video, insane map. I believe the key is damage avoidance, not a good idea to try and purposefully tank stuff you can easily avoid. There is an area to the right where the flameblasts don't seem to reach. Just set a Smoke Mine there and whenever the flameblast starts to charge up - teleport there and set another Smoke Mine -> repeat. I realy wish I could try Atziri fight because I have some more ideas for the fight, but the pieces for her map are so hard to find and too expensive to buy for now. So, either use the Smoke Mine strategy for the large flame blats, or use Whirling Blades / Leap Slam for the smaller flame blasts. It is almost like fighting Dominus except you need faster reflexes. Anyway, that's just me talking about my ideas for beating her. Will be way harder to do this consistently in real combat without some practice. FYI - I think you CANNOT dodge/spell block the Flameblast because it seems to be an explosion. Her other skills don't look that insane - some sort of lighting blast like storm call (this I know should be able to spell dodge/spell block) and some sort of hard hitting projectile - which should not be a problem with Ondar's Guile. She also creates 4 copies but you need to target the one with the flame in her hand as some of the other illusions have 100% reflect apparently. Editado por útlima vez por Ceryneian#3541 en 11 mar. 2014 1:13:37
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" Thanks for your information. I really hope that you have a chance to fight this, quite excited about it :) |
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" Edit - I think you actually can spell dodge / spell block the flameblast. EDIT: - I took out the Additional Accuracy gem so my hit chance and crit chance are lower, but I added in Melee Physical Damage on Full Life for much higher overall DPS. Another good gem to use with LS is Weapon Elemental Damage, but it does not give as much DPS increase as Melee on Full Life. I'll be testing out this new link. Editado por útlima vez por Ceryneian#3541 en 12 mar. 2014 0:16:01
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Stats so far:
4.1k life about 55k LS DPS 30% base evasion (before Jade flask or Grace aura) 40% dodge 71% block 46% spell dodge 75% spell block Still testing out tradeoffs between WED / MPDFL / Additional Accuracy, as well as taking out life leech gem and possibly getting life leech on gear. |
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