ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
" Hi bud, unfortunately you will have to change to phys gear as well. Phys scaling has more potential for higher DPS however the problem is it is more expensive (than building ele) as you need a good phys weapon to get high damage. This is because most of the phys modifiers in the game are going to be % increased phys or % more phys, or % of phys added as X. So as you can see if you don't have a good base of phys to start with (from weapon) you cannot get high damage. Also the flat phys mods in general i.e. on rings, jewels are not going to be as high, magnitude-wise, as the flat elemental mods. For elemental builds the weapon is not as huge a priority as for phys builds. In fact a few pages back someone was able to upgrade their DPS by getting a dagger with no lightning but which had a X% elemental damage added as chaos mod. You also need to consider if you want to use Abyssus as well which will make it easier to get higher DPS but will hurt your survivability. Your other gear will have to change as you will need an amulet and rings with flat phys instead of flat lightning. Basically any piece of gear/jewels where we had flat lightning or % lightning should be replaced with something giving flat phys or % phys instead. I would avoid Ming's Heart as you wouldn't want to reduce your life and melee phys is relatively easy to scale - Ming's Heart I feel is more for the phys spells who may not have as many options to scale their damage (i.e. if you are a life spell build and cannot use Pain Attunement for more % spell damage like a low-life spell build) Auras you will have to swap from a flat elemental aura (Wrath or Anger) to Hatred which gives % of phys damage added as cold. Same for Herald > Herald of Ash instead of Thunder. Please keep in mind that the downside is if you want to get high melee damage - some of hte items you use will not affect your projectile DPS. So you may end up wiht very high melee damage, but your projectile damage will be relatively low. Doesn't really matter if you want to play melee 24/7, but if you want to have ranged flexibility to use projectiles for hard bosses you would need to have high projectile DPS. Editado por útlima vez por Ceryneian#3541 en 21 feb. 2018 17:43:23
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" Aye it does. Would really like to see new Deadeye but I'm honestly not getting my hopes up. I think we'll probably still have the same issues with Ascendancies being imbalanced. |
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Thanks Ceryneian, I get it now. I wil stick to elemental as its not too expensive.
Did you see the new champion changes 100% taunt on hit--- not sure on hit means projectile hits too when taunted n enemies cant evade attacks- Does this mean for anything else than shaper - you dont need a lycosdale? Champion is looking pretty sweet with perma fortify - stun immunity due to perma fortify Taunt with damage reduction and Cannot evade attacks and 20% more damage. Domine Non Es Dignus
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" Hi buddy, it's a very interesting class now. Yes the taunt path is really good - yup on hit applies to anything that hits including melee attacks, projectile attacks, some spells. Yes you won't need Lycosidae xD. But unfortunately anything that cannot be taunted you won't get those buffs. +1000 to AR adn EV while Fortified is also really good. Someone on reddit posted this good site to compare the ascendancy changes: http://kokoska.janeek.eu/ |
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what would be a good offhand to replace when going champion and an elemental weapon? - Now i know shaper stat stick and main hand phys weapon are so OP for it.
Also learnt why voidwalker is so important , totally forgot the part of 100% pierce while phasing. My dual curse setup had conductivity as offensive curse - switched it to proj weakness for pierce. is proj weakness 100% pierce to cursed enemies?- meaning its still better to stick with 40% inc lightning strike damage as helmet enchant. The free perma fortify was what was missing from my defensive build setup while on slayer. lot of hard damage reducts 6% from taunt point and say add a chaos golem for 4% thats 10% hard reduct. Its turning out to more tanky than i imagined. As far as i know Shaper+Guardians are the only things that are taunt immune - meaning id need a lysosdae at that point when i am doing them. Domine Non Es Dignus
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Zinja for your trade filter request see below and I've also added some other good tools for PoE I think some you are probably using already but just thought it would be good to list them all:
Poe.Trade live searching and alerts: - On poe.trade click on the blue bar "Click here to perform this search in Live mode and be instantly notified when new items matching your criteria are posted." > then adjust your options - Alternatively, PoE Sniper: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2027114/page/1 Copying from Poe.trade into Path of Building: - Add this Chrome extension: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/poe-trade-copy-to-path-of/dfieikfjcjekajhabkpjoffobdlillli - I believe there is one for Firefox as well - It will put a small "POB" link next to each item on poe.trade - click it to copy, then go to Path of Buildling > Items > Create Custom > and paste! Price Trends and Statistics: - http://poe-rates.com/ - This tool has very nice visuals. Use this to search prices easily to see trend, avg, min, max etc - Example I searched for Voltaxic on Abyss to see price over past 6 hours, by # of links: http://poe-rates.com/index.php?league=Abyss&item=Voltaxic%20Rift&interval=6h Vorici Chromatic Calculator: - http://siveran.github.io/calc.html - Use this to determine the cheapest way to chrome factoring probabilities plus cost per attempt - For example if you are thinking about buying a 183 dex Assassin's Garb chest and want to put 3R + 2B + 1G > this will show you that the cheapest way is to roll Vorici 2R1B attempts, with an expected (average) total cost of about 3.7k chromes Aura Calculator: - https://poe.mikelat.com/ - I like to use this when I'm theorycrafting and trying to figure out if I can squeeze in an aura / herald and how many nodes / what uniques I may have to use List of Vendor Recipes: - https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Vendor_recipe_system Crafting: - For lists of affixes and DPS calcs: https://poecraft.com/ PoE Database: - http://poedb.tw/us/ - This I like to use when I need to find some data on bosses e.g. how much HP does Armala Widow on T15 Sunken City have? (http://poedb.tw/us/area.php?n=Sunken+City). What are her resistances, what moves does she have, which are attack vs. spells, how much damage do her moves do:(http://poedb.tw/us/mon.php?n=Armala%2C+the+Widow) Daily Lab Layouts: - Notes for each lab of the day showing the layouts and direction to go to find exit to next lab area: https://www.poelab.com/ |
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" Yeah I had thought about pierce for your Slayer but since you were going to play melee I don't think you would have much trouble clearing packs using melee LS + Ancestral Call even wiht low pierce. Unfortunately it is not that easy to use stat sticks with Lightning Strike. This is because the offhand stat stick trick really works well if you are using 1 weapon for your main skill and your offhand stat stick cannot be used with that skill. Otherwise your attack skill will alternate between using your main hand and off-hand, and if your off-hand weapon is too weak vs. your main hand this will cut your DPS. For example Heavy Strike can only use 1H weapons for Mace, Axe, or Sword. So you can use Dagger or Claw as a stat stick for Heavy Strike. Glacial Hammer is another example. Reave is the opposite: it can only work with 1H Claw, Dagger, and Sword. So you can use a Mace or Axe as a stat stick. Double Strike is unique as well because it will only use your main hand when dual wielding. You can do the same trick with ancestral totems - because ancestral totems only use your main hand. You can put a weapon that you want the totem to use in your main hand and then lock it off by using a skill that can only use your offhand (i.e put 1h axe in main hand for the ancestral totem and then use dagger in your offhand for Reave). This is what some people used to do they use Rigwald's Savagery axe in main hand (when it had 100% chance to bleed, but now nerfed) for their ancestral totem to apply Bleed, and then they use a dagger in offhand for Reave and link Bloodlust into Reave. As you can see from here Lightning Strike works with every weapon xD, so unfortunately we can't use stat sticks that effectively on LS: https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Melee_skill Basically you will need to find a weapon that can not only match Lycosidae, but when factored into LS dual wield alternating attacks - can STILL give you higher DPS than Lycosidae. These are probably going to be very expensive. Yes, true, but we need to wait and see what they do to Slayer xD. But regardign taunt not working on Shaper and Guardians - in all honesty I think for leveling past level 95 you should be skipping Guardians - there is no point really doing these bosses? they hardly give any XP and the time wasted trying to kill these bosses you could be halfway through your next map. Once you hit 100 you can unspec to more damage on Champion or unspec to a different Duelist ascendancy. Editado por útlima vez por Ceryneian#3541 en 22 feb. 2018 16:49:34
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Welp new Raider changes looking good - looks like now we can get perm onslaught easily even 1v1, so yes finally I will drop my Silver flask guys!
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hope you can start playing in the new league .
Domine Non Es Dignus
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Cant wait the league to start. Seems like ele lightning strike would be even stronger with new perma onslaught buff on, also we'll have +1 flask, cause there will be no need in onslaught flask anymore.
So hyped already |
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