ELE LIGHTNING STRIKE - ALL T16s, Shaper, Uber Atziri, HOGM, Chayula, Elder
" WED increases light, cold and fire damage; however Added Fire will only add some more fire so your light and cold will be much less. I just tried in game and I got almost double fire damage but my light and cold were almost halved. Added Fire gives me ~30K lower DPS than WED with just the auras on. I think with the flasks the difference might be larger. However feel free to experiment and try different gems to see what works better for you! Editado por útlima vez por Ceryneian#3541 en 9 ene. 2015 8:44:25
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For those using 200 physDPS daggers you can definitely easily do Atziri map. I just swapped my dagger for Bino's (~220pDPS) and tried the Atziri map and the DPS was more than enough.
These are the DPS numbers I am getting with Bino's: Base in town = 48K. Turn Hatred + HoA on = 78K. Add Atziri Flask = 96K, then add Taste of Hate = 117K. Now in map with 5 power charges and auras on = 100K, then with 5 power charges up and turn both flasks on = 150K |
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Currently at 80 lv, with aura 33K dps, 3557HP, I think my dps will be better when I reach adder's touch and flaying, and with quality gems.
my goal is regret 3 resist point when I have better gear and reach 88 lv. my skill tree
http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgIAAF4DhwV9BbUILgqbDkgPxBGWFr8ZjhutIQMi6iP2JJ0k_SaVJ6kqCy1VMHwyATY9OJY7fD3iSO5KfU2SUUdVS1b6XkVh4mJaZfFnoGyMbWxwUnBWd9d4rnjrfXV_K3_GgOGHdowLjDaNfY2_kBuS85VmmhObJpuNnaqio6Z_pzSxs7IZtUi3F7jKuXy7fMCcwuzN6s960AnTftaK29TiXuOE45_nCudU53To1un-7LDtQe2D73rz6vrr_MX-uv_e Thanks Ceryneian, and I will save the EX not buying bino's. Editado por útlima vez por hkbutubaman#6510 en 10 ene. 2015 11:23:17
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I've really liked this build, i followed it from the original thread, hearing about your uber atziri kill had me more then motivated to pick up and try this with the release of torment, so far in this i have made the following characters:
1 lightning tendrils witch 1 righteous fire maurauder 1 claw-shadow (rather similiar to your dual strike builds) 1 ranger with daggers ---- all in --- the dagger ranger has been probably the most fun, granted the gear requirement is rather staunchy for me personally. the chance of a corrupted +1 stone of lazwhar kinda has me in pinch, but i also play rather extreme hours, my currency gains after about 8 hours go to sh1t, i'm rather sure at some point during the day i get flagged as a bot, as my drop rates go gnarly. but ignoring that and sticking to the portion of this, delicious piece of pie you call a build, doing this without rumi's will get you rather far, another bulwark to be crossed as well as the bor. but the reason i post has more to do with the in spite of a lot of obvious gear failures, this character is still awesomely solid! It also showcases rather well the benefit of reckoning, riposte, and vengeance. Currently, I am running Tabula Rasa quality 10 Lightning Strike, with multi, weapon elemental damage, item rarity, increase damage on crit, and faster attacks. Off linked:(mh) CoH on reckoning with enfeeble on a low rolled Bino's (2ex) Off linked: (gloves) Riposte + Blind // and on the same piece Reckoning with Power charge on crit Off Linked: (rathpith) Vaal haste + Inc duration + faster casting Off linked: (helmet) Reduced Mana, Hatred, Herald of Ash, Elemental proliferation ---- The set up has been more so done and completed with quantity gear, I never expected to make it to the mapping stage, but the grind has been fabulous. I ran with quantity gloves+boots+belt up until 70 over a rather loving 5 day grind session. I play in large chunks of time (at a time) and your build by far and wide has been the most enjoyable, even with quantity gear. as it is: it works functionally and rather proudly. my clear speed is phenomenal, to put it into perspective for someone new trying this build, my clear speed is so fast, i am sill leveling off of docks at level 74. my precursor warning is mostly at the requirement of Rumi's, for maps. aside from this, there is little holding this build back. Again for those of you concerned with the gear, and or gear requirements, set your priority #1 as a Rumi's Granite Flask, and you'll be more then okay for mapping. Any suggestions,comments or concerns in relation to my post, feel free to reply. this has just been my experience. |
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" Hi! Thanks for posting, and glad you like the build! |
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(please correct me if you think I made a mistake somewhere) Offensive 1. Crit Multiplier I reach about 552% crit multiplier = 5.5x damage multiplier 2. Assassin's Mark 39% more extra damage to your crits = 1.4x damage multiplier. This does not factor in Curse on Hit buff to curses, or reduced curse effectiveness by bosses. 3. Elemental Resistance Reduction ~1.5x-2.9x multiplier on lightning, fire (Herald of Ash), and cold damage (Hatred) due to the -47% res from 20/20 Elemental Weakness. Range depends on if a mob has 0% (1.5x increase) or 75% (2.9x increase) lightning resistance. This does not factor in Enhance, Curse on Hit buff to curses, or reduced curse effectiveness by bosses 4. Shock Just need 1 stack now, and you have 1.5x more damage. In TOTAL there is about: 5.5 x 1.4 x 2.25 (average ele weakness multiplier) x 1.5 = 26x damage multiplier. The big increase is coming from Crit Multiplier, Elemental Weakness, and Shock. I think this is right, but someone let me know if they think my math is off. Even without the 2.25x average elemental weakness multiplier I am at 12x damage multiplier. This is why if you are in a double reflect map you can die if you crit and fail to evade/block your own damage. If I have to run double reflect map (i.e. from Zana), I either take out WED gem, or just simply swap to a white dagger to lower your DPS for the map and reflect is no longer an issue. Defensive A. ATTACKS Chance of Attack Hit = Chance Not Evaded x Chance Not Blocked i) Regular defense: 50% evasion, 75% block Chance to Get Hit = (1-50%) x (1-75%) = 12.5% (we were at 9% in patch 1.2 when we had 40% dodge and 70% block with 100% uptime) ii) Regular Defense with Blind: Blind reduces enemy chance to hit by 50% so it will act to increase ONLY EVASION => 75% evasion, 75% block Chance to Get Hit = (1-75%) x (1-75%) = 6.25% (we were at 4.5% in patch 1.2) iii) Regular Defense with Blind + Vaal Grace: 75% evasion, 35% dodge, 75% block Chance to Get Hit = (1-75%) x (1-35%) x (1-75%) = 4.1% (we were at 1.9% in patch 1.2) We Are Missing Effects of: a) Increased Monster Accuracy - your evasion % tooltip is specific to monsters at your level, higher level monsters and bosses will have more accuracy and higher chance to hit b) Enfeeble - significant decreases to enemy accuracy c) Ondar's Guile- doubles evasion chance % vs. projectile attacks d) Evasion Entropy - creates sequence of guaranteed evades and guaranteed evasion breaches, but over the long-run the probabilities will conform to above. Good situations: versus boss or single enemy; bad situations: groups of mobs. Evasion entropy is shared so the more mobs you fight at the same time the faster your evasion entropy will increases and the more likely you are to take a hit because once your evasion entropy passes 100 your evasion is breached, the entropy counter would then reset. You can reduce this rate of increase by using Temporal Chains. B. SPELLS Obviously there is no evasion against spells, so we have to rely on spell dodge and spell block, which are both RANDOM. This is important to keep in mind. Chance of Spell Hit = Chance Not Spell Dodged x Chance Not Spell Blocked i) Regular defense: 75% spell block Chance to Take Spell Damage = (1-75%) = 25% (we were at 17.5% in patch 1.2 with Phase Acro) ii) Regular defense + Vaal Grace: 34% spell dodge, 75% spell block Chance to Take Spell Damage = (1-34%) x (1-75%) = 16.6% (we were at 6.3% in patch 1.2) Editado por útlima vez por Ceryneian#3541 en 12 ene. 2015 22:11:24
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For those using Taste of Hate, be sure to remember that if you want to eke out maximum DPS you need to drink it at the same time as Atziri Flask.
The Taste of Hate flask gives some extra cold damage which is then boosted by the Atziri flask. Usually for maps I alternate using each flask, but for bosses that I need to gun down quickly I use both simultaneously. Based on quick testing I am getting about 6K of extra DPS just from using both flasks at the same time. This may not seem like a big deal for some, but remember that when you crit with multistrike your 2 other hits will crit, and if the target is shocked on the first hit then you can get some insane spike damage on the subsequent crits from multistrike on the shocked target, so even a small DPS gain will give a big boost when critting on shocked targets. ![]() Editado por útlima vez por Ceryneian#3541 en 12 ene. 2015 22:38:53
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To help people new to the build understand the defensive layers, these are the different survivability methods I use in this build:
1. Movement Skill - using Whirling Blades to avoid damage (Atziri spells, Dominus smash etc.) and for better positioning. 2. Ranged - if you have good DPS you can kill mobs without getting close since your projectiles will give you a lot of damage, allowing you to play safely at range. This is one of the few builds, if not the ONLY build that can play well at range with blind and max blocks. Bosses like Maegara (Crematorium), Fire Totem at Olmec, and Academy boss would be hard to do if you relied only on melee skill, but are easy to do if you have ranged capabilities. 3. Freeze - this is a very nice part of this build being able to freeze due to SHOCK and HIGH CRIT. Nothing can hurt you if they are frozen. This build can deal very high cold damage on par with glacial hammer builds so it is easy to perma-freeze all the bosses in the game except for Atziri and her gang which cannot be frozen. You can buff your freeze more by using curses (Assassin's Mark + Ele Weakness), or using Taste of Hate. This is also where Reckoning helps - as it can freeze mobs if you block. 4. Evasion - this excels in 1v1 but is not great in crowded situations due to entropy counter being shared by every surrounding mob that is trying to hit you. It is especially strong in 1v1 because once you take a hit, a number of subsequent hits are GUARANTEED to miss according to your evade chance. Blind is a MASSIVE buff to your evasion and scales extremely well throughout the game. With Ondar's Guile you will never have to worry about projectiles. Buff evasion using Jade flask. 5. Dodge - right now this only comes from Vaal Grace. Very important to use this when you feel you are in a tricky situation. Faster Casting and Inc. Duration are the best links. You can use Vaal Grace about 3-4 times per map. 6. Blocks - this adds another layer to our defense. For attacks it comes after evasion, so you can still block even if you fail to evade - this will reset evasion entropy so you can still benefit from taking no damage and having subsequent guaranteed evades. However for spells this is our only layer of defense, so it is something to keep in mind as you play and take on spell-heavy bosses. Patch 1.3 obviously makes it harder to get to max block but with Rumi's flasks we are able to get temporary buffs to max blocks. Overall, block scales very well throughout the game against all enemies - please keep in mind though that it is purely random. 7. Damage Reduction - we have very little of this, but more damage reduction than in 1.2 since we have dropped Acro and can get some armor from Rumi's. Key items for damage reduction are Endurance Charges from Bringer of Rain, and damage conversion from Taste of Hate. If you are having a lot of trouble it is best to use a CWDT + EC + Immortal Call setup. 8. Leech and Regen - this is why I love the Cautious mod on my life flask and the Herbalism node - if I take a hit and get below 30% HP I get very fast regen. If you use Bino's you can easily get very high regen of 2K+ HP/sec. Those using Atziri Acuity should look into running Blood Rage to benefit from the extra instant life leech you can get. 9. Curses - Usually I only use this on bosses on very hard 78 maps. You can put offensive curses to buff your freeze, OR you can put defensive curses: Enfeeble and Temporal Chains are the best options. Enfeeble gives damage reduction and buffs your evasion. Temporal Chains reduces rate of enemy attacks and casting so it is especially very helpful against spell-bosses. Editado por útlima vez por Ceryneian#3541 en 12 ene. 2015 23:25:32
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Awesome build and some amazing information in here!
Now sadly i couldnt find too much information about the colours of the dagger and what gems to put in, maybe i overlooked it. Its like whirling blades and....what? ^^ Also asking because i consider to mirror a dagger, so what would be the best colours for it? Please help me out. IGN: Firorath / Ninpa
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" Hi thanks! Best colors are GGB - you will always need Whirling Blades + Faster Attacks, and you can put in the blue socket different things like: PCOC, Ele Proliferation, Lightning Warp, or curse like Enfeeble. Please see below link for mirrored dagger comparison from 1.2. You should get the Ambusher type if you have Acuity - otherwise the attack speed is too high and you may have mana problems. If you don't have Acuity you should get the Kris type. For Ambusher - Honour Etcher is the best dagger to mirror (slightly higher DPS than Loath Bane on this build) and has much lower fee than Loath Bane. http://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/503727/page/100#p8701959 |
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