[2.4] How to smash Heads. Extremely detailed guide about the Facebreaker gloves and builds!
Well what Schaller said ...
Just for comparison... my low level pvp facebreaker ( level 24 ) used to have around 2800 DPS ( no melee splash tho .. but with melee splash should be well above 2000 DPS ) "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Indeed that was the problem. way more damage output now. Made it to 52 so far and now i'm just trying to cap resists in order to get an abyssus without being dead in the water. Thats gotta boost my dps to an insane level... my dps is already 5k with infernal blow!
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I've been asked a couple of times if this build can handle Uber Atziri.
I haven't tried her because to be honest i don't really find the possible rewards that tempting... the axe is not that expensive, the chest is dirt cheap and the gloves are extremely rare... so as i see it it's just better to sell the fragment sets. Now one of the possible problems with ubet atziri is that some players don't have enough damage to kill fast enough her minions before they can heal her. Comparing my DPS to the DPS of others who already killed her i can say that this won't be a problem for this build at all. The defenses are enough to deal with the mini boses. So the only problem is that you can't facetank Atziri spells which most of the time is possible for normal Atziri( damned 12316243 flamblasts at the same time ). What people do is to manually avoid her spells by using movement abilities like leap slam and whirling blades. Unfortunately you can't use them while unarmed. While this is definitely a problem you can still just pop a quicksilver flask and run out of the spell(s) if you are concentrated and have good enough reflexes. So it definitely Uber Atziri would be a tricky and tough but doable fight. Just like i've always said in similar situations.. those are just my thoughts on the matter.. probably i'm right but it's all untested by me ... so ... fight Uber Atziri at your own risk! "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Used this guide for my first HC character on beyond. Facepalm. Gear is not cheap. I gotta run away from those bad ass 2h sword wielding beyonder. I fear I'm gonna RiP soon since I still just a noob.
I'm now at level 59. Any recommended non-likely-RiP toon? I would still like to play on Hardcore after Beyond. Already got these: Any advise? What are my best options? PoE-TradeMacro - https://github.com/PoE-TradeMacro/POE-TradeMacro/ ExileTrade - http://exiletrade.github.io/ Editado por útlima vez por ManicCompression#1304 en 13 oct. 2014 19:45:09
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Hello guys,
Mine char is sitting at lvl 82 with the following itens and Build. Mine damage (without auras is 20540) which are the main area of opportunities? Where i need to upgrade? Anyone mind to assist me on how i can reach close to 50k dmg? BUILD: http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQAAdwCcQSzBS0GOQz3FE0UUhZvGS4aOBpVG_ohAiSqJd8nLyftMZ4yCTWSNuk64TwtR35KyE99UWBZ814TXh9fP1_KYEthIWVNZp5nm2xGbmluqnJscql07XZ_eA15wHrve4x82X7gfuKAVoTZhO-QVZkrnlegtKIApBmkrKZXp4SpbqyqrK-vbLXytz68n72Bvoq-p8APwBrDhsT2xYrGrtJN1I_Yvdwd4urjauOf5FHnkenV7tnvDvAf8i_yRfMG-tL7qv4K Editado por útlima vez por Viperrox#0878 en 22 oct. 2014 18:00:30
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Your rings and amulet can hav twice as much flat physical damage. That should be the first thing that you need to upgrade.
Add max quality to your attack and support gems ( and level them up to level 20 ofc ). Better rolled Facebreakers. It doesn't sound much .. but if yo improve all that the results are ... huge... You are casting with blood magic support gem and because of that you'll always have less dps compared to a mana asting setp where you use added fire damage. But still you can get a lot more with the suggest upgrades "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Might as well try and get some feedback on my own DB Facebreaker build:
Grabbed both the Abyssus and Carnage Heart for really cheap. If I can find a better phys amulet with leech, res (and maybe corrupted minion daamage) I'll swap it out, the 25% reduced life is a killer for being 1-shot on bosses especially with Abyssus. Strategy is to pop a skeletotem around the corner, wait until they're engaged and punch stuff, curse if necessary. Damage is around 10k on what is essentially a 3L. Blood Magic since we have so much Leech, and Endurance Charge on Melee Stun so that we can get charges without Enduring Cry (and so that melee minions get up to 45% phys and elemental reduction). On unwavering mods I have weapon swap with echo+enduring cry. Auras being run are Purity of Elements, Hatred, and Tempest Shield. With Purity and 3 charges most dominated mobs should have ~70% res. Once I path through more block nodes, I might swap out Tempest Shield for Haste - hence the Templar aura nodes (Still need to get enough unreserved to pop totems and curse). Although I could use 15% extra fire, Ash is in a bad spot since prolif kills off the minions, and I don't grab many minion life nodes to benefit much with Minion Instability. |
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Well what can i say...
Are all those points spent on endurance charges + the huge loss in damage from the endurance per stun worth having endurance charges up? You have terrible block chance .. which is pretty much the single most overpowered defensive mechanic in Path of Exxile. Your life pool is rather low. Area all those minion nodes + duration nodes worth it ? Focusing on more offense on your side will result in faster killing > faster minion domination > effectively more minions. You'll have 30-35 minions constantly with 0% increased duration and you really don't need more.... even 30 are more than enough .... hell even 20 are enough .... otherwise they just run around like crazy .. not doing much. The carnage heart .. is .. an aweful amulet in general ...it reduces your damage ( due to no phys mod ) and life greatly ( even more now when you get more life per level > bigger impact from % life modifiers ). In the end .. i'd never run such a setup ... your damage is just .. low ... and all the sacrifies made for having endurance harges - not worth it in my opinion. I see The minions from Dominating blow as a bonus not as a main part of a DM Facebreaker. But again i might be completely wrong ... that's my view of the things tho. All i can say is this - in 99% ( not just in PoE ) simple things > complicated things. What you are essentially doing is taking from your life(def), block chance(def) and damage(off) to get more endurance charges which you get via spport gem(def), spell block(def) and minion buffs(off)... so to make it simple... you lose defense + defense + offense to get ... defense + defense + offense ... the problem is that in the process you are losing more than you are gaining. "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!"
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Hey guys!
Recently i ran out of 75-76 maps ( i keep my 77s and 78s for the times when i reach level 95-96+ ) so i just start running my 72-73-74 maps ( of which i have tons ). And because they are pretty easy to clear i've decided to switch my concentrated effect and increased physical damage support gems for IIQ and IIR gems just to see how it goes ... and .. what can i say .. even with just 16700 Cyclone DPS i have pretty much the same clear speed and i can hardly notice the difference! P.S. I died today because i didn't click "correctly" the portal in a map before i went afk for a few minutes... when will i learn ... goodbye hours of gameplay and map running... "I'm going to show you pain you never knew existed, you're going to see a whole new spectrum of pain!!!!! Like a RAINBOW!" Editado por útlima vez por KorgothBG#4084 en 17 nov. 2014 18:14:07
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Who actually read all this?!
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