[3.25] Animate Ephemeral Edge Necromancer
Hi Everyone!
Here's my Animate Weapon of Self Reflection + Ephemeral Edge build! Two of my favorite things in PoE are summoner gameplay and having tons of hp. With the new transfigured gem Animate Weapon of Self Reflection, and the 3.23 update changing Ephemeral Edge's damage to be based on the player's energy shield instead of the minions', it seems like I can finally combine my two favorite things into one nice build! I have been playing this build ever since the beginning of its existence in 3.23, and it is my league starter build for 3.25. With less than 100 divine invested, I can do basically all content in the game, including ubers and super juiced t17! Video showcase: Uber Cortex: https://youtu.be/fjgQYR7Om_c Simulacrum: https://youtu.be/mr9mKPfhemc 270% quantity + 100% deli T17: https://youtu.be/rRFKTvcR3wg Pob: https://pobb.in/3V5D6vovWP8f (60~100 div | 8m dps vs. Uber) My character on poe.ninja with the most up-to-date optimization: https://poe.ninja/builds/settlers/character/Zitta/Zitta? NOTE: Currently working on a CI version that is probably better. CI League start & SSF version here! Will test it out in the coming private leagues Core Concept:
Ephemeral Edge is an unique sword with modifier: "Attacks with this Weapon have Added maximum Lightning Damage equal to 20% of player Energy Shield". Animate Weapon of Self Reflection is a new transfigured gem that can summon copy of our main hand weapon (Ephemeral Edge, in this case) as minions. Our summoned Ephemeral Edge minions will then gain a decent amount of base lightning damage based on our large energy shield pool. In addition, we will use Animate Guardian, Raise Spectre and a bunch of Commander of Darkness auras to buff our Ephemeral Edge minions. That's the build! We will scale our dps through a combination of minion damage and maximum energy shield. Skill Gems:
Main Skill (use awakened if possible):
Animate Weapon of Self Reflection - Elemental Damage with Attacks - Lightning Penetration - Elemental Focus - Minion Damage - Volatility - (From Amulet)Ruthless (For mapping, change Ruthless to Melee Splash) Guardian & Spectre: Raise Spectre - Animate Guardian - Minion Life - Meat Shield Feeding Frenzy: Summon Chaos Golem - Feeding Frenzy Arcanist Brand Setup: Arcanist Brand - Desecrate - Spirit Offering - Elemental Weakness (We want to always have corpses on the ground to proc Plaguebringer and Essence Glutton, so make sure Desecrate is always the first in the link!) Life Auras: Arrogance - Haste - Clarity (level 4-10, depending on how much life you can reserve) Other Auras: Determination, Precision, Discipline, Summon Skitterbots Other Gems: Conductivity, Frost Blink, Convocation Gearing:
For weapon, we'll use Ephemeral Edge of course On our gloves, boots, helmet and chest, we simply want as much base energy shield as possible. The newly added ES base types Warlock Gloves, Warlock Boots, Lick's Circlet and Twilight Regalia are perfect for that! However, Ghostwrithe can also give us around 1050 base energy shield! Use it before you can get a Twilight Regalia with 1100+ ES! On our shield, we want high tier "minions deal % increased damage" and "minions have % increased crit chance" to boost our dps, as well as some amount of minion resistances for them to cap! We need 2 unset rings for their sockets, but their mods can be whatever we need to cap resistances and attributes. If they are already capped, go for the delve mod "Minions deal 25%-35% damage" and crafted mod "+1 to minimum endurance charges"! We don't NEED anything specific on our amulet, so we can just use Uul-Netol's Vow for more damage. If you can't afford it, Jinxed Juju is a cheap alternative! On our belt, we need some amount of flask effect duration or increased flask charges gain to sustain our ruby/sapphire/topaz flasks. Other than that, just get energy shield and whatever you need to cap resistances and attributes! Coruscating Elixir combined with The Traitor (from Brutal Restraint timeless jewel enables us to reserve all of our hp without worrying about chaos damage. Get them as soon as possible! On the timeless jewel, we want minion damage and aura effect. (The bis seed is possibly 505) We'll use our sapphire and topaz flasks to give us some regen and (through the help of tattoos) shock immunity. A Watcher's Eye with "(5-8)% additional Physical Damage Reduction while affected by Determination" is a huge part of our defense against physical damage. If you can, get the "Regenerate (1.50-2.50)% of Energy Shield per Second while affected by Discipline" mod as well! For our large minion cluster jewels, we want 35% increased effect and anything useful to us: minion attack speed, energy shield, resistances or attributes. For medium minion cluster jewels, we need at least Life from Death to sustain our guardian as spectres. For rest of the jewels, get any minion damage mods and attributes/resistances to help with capping! Guardian & Spectres:
With two defensive support gems, heal on block and heal on minion death, our guardian and spectres should not die in any situation! But still, we will not use any super expensive gear on our guardian just in case.
Guardian: Leer Cast, Dying Breath, Garb of the Ephemeral and Legacy of Fury Spectre: Pale Seraphim, Perfect Spirit of Fortune and Perfect Forest Warrior AAAnd that's it! Thanks for reading! This is definitely my favorite build ever and I hope you'll like it too. I'll try my hardest to answer any question. Good Luck! Editado por útlima vez por Zitta#7813 en 12 sept. 2024 2:35:48 Reflotado por última vez en 12 sept. 2024 2:26:36
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Hey, I had done something similar but keeping Energy Blade and going 2h instead. Had you considered that and what are your thoughts on it?
Great build, quite fun to play. Thanks for the writeup, gave me some thoughts. |
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" I spent a lot of time playing with 1h energy blade. With the same gear and tree (except swapping my rare ring with Replica Voideye), 1h energy blade do ~40% more damage but have only half the amount of ES compared to Ephemeral Edge. I never tried 2h but I imagine it'll do slightly more damage and have slightly less ES than 1h? While having that much more dps is great, my goal of this build is to make an exceptionally tanky summoner; with energy blade the build feels only as tanky as an average minion build. I also tried going all-in on ES on my tree to reach 10k ES with 1h energy blade. But for that I'll have to lose most of my regen, a bunch of max res, and can't use coruscating elixir to ignore chaos damage anymore. In the end it's still about 40%-50% more damage, half the amount of EHP/max hits and less defensive layers compared to Ephemeral Edge. |
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Hello, can you give me PoB of season 3.24 about this build?
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" Will update this post after the league drop! But the major changes for 3.24 (at least at league start) should be to use Perquil's Toe instead of Ashes for lucky minion damage; and to use Arcanist Brand + Desecrate + Spirit Offering + Essence Glutton ascendancy instead of Bone Barrier. Use an unset ring and drop Unearth and Convocation (or get it on shield) for extra sockets. The new Bone Barrier ascendancy won't do much on this build since we don't use Life, and the 40% minion energy shield will make Guardian's Blessing minion take a lot more damage. |
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Do you think it would be viable to use Fleshcrafter + some passives that increase minion chaos res + 40% minion ES ascendancy? I wonder if the minion survivability and damage would be better?
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" In terms of damage, swapping Ghostwrithe with Fleshcrafter will make us lose about 30% ES, so it's only good against monsters with really high res, not to mention that it will also make us 30% less tanky. (Keep in mind Ephemeral Edge now only scale off of player's ES, so giving our minions ES will not make them do more damage) In terms of minion survivability, my guardian did not die once in this league so far, and I have yet to encounter a situation where my animated weapons can't do damage because they die too quickly, so it's not a problem :) |
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I have to say thank you for making me discover my new favorite leveling skill. They are like SRS, but follow me, and like zombies, but fast and aggressive. I love it!
But the damage seems a bit low later on. 10 div for 3 million? I understand wanting the extra tankyness but it feels like it will be whittling the enemies once past white maps. Also not using the new leech node before it is inevitably nerfed seems like a wasted opportunity. Wouldn't it would give that tankyness that the damage is being traded for? |
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" Fair assessment. After playing for a week, I do feel like with those op spectres gone, this build is currently investing a bit too much into defense. Also it is pretty unfortunate that Ghost Reaver is just a little bit too far from my tree. Maybe with higher budget, a stats stacking version of this build will be able to utilize the fancy minion leech. Definitely a thing I want to try out later in the league! |
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" How about anointing it instead? Or try to work in one of the unique boots that can be anointed for a second anointment? I have been looking around and asking questions without much luck but how about a poison version? The new phantasmal might turns physical into chaos and applies wither. Could a Replica Innsbury work for yet MORE wither? I'm clueless about these things. |
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