[3.25] SadPanda's Poison Summon Raging Spirits Build Guide | Ready for the Event!
Hi Panda,
i need some help: https://pobb.in/o6FBQcSDp20D I´m a bit confused with my accuracy rating for the SRS. I need the Mastery + 2 Abyss Jewels with T1 minion accuracy to get 100% hit chance. What´s wrong? Pls also Check my Link Setup with Aura etc. I currently running Determination from the Turtle and Vitality from the other dude. Thx for help Greets Aru |
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" It depends on what setting you have on pob, it might show less accuracy against pinnacle bosses. The thing is, seems like you have enough accuracy to map, and it also depends on the level of your srs gem so try to keep it as high as possible. Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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any plans to update to 3.23? with new ascendacy/charms and maybe new spectres? thxx!
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" Ok lets do this. Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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3.23 UPDATE:
- We lost quality gems so we could use just normal 21 lvl srs gem instead and we would be fine, at this moment I see no other new gems that are useful to us. - There are some spectres I considered to use and these are: - Perfect Guardian Turtle : determination aura https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/mX642OwS6 - Perfect Hulking Miscreation : damage to srs - https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/gX9EqzOsQ - Perfect Forest Tiger : haste frenzy charges https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Affliction/zeXeWjqh4 From these spectres I prefer: - Ancient suffering - Perfect Hulking Miscreation The reason is the auras we get from other two are weaker compared to ours so we can simply get benefits from our charms like rmr and stack all the auras on ourselves. No disponible No disponible No disponible These are some of the example charms we could use. When it comes to new ascendancy, we will be choosing Primalist of the Wildhood. Because charms are great, simple as. Ashes lost its value for us, Replica Dragonfang is the new desired endgame amulet. My day 6 Ninja: https://poe.ninja/builds/affliction/character/MrsDeath_/SadPandaAfflicted?i=0&search=class%3DNecromancer%26name%3Dpand&time-machine=day-6 I feel like there are no other changes left to cover, rest is same as previous leagues. Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities! Editado por útlima vez por MrsDeath_#3960 en 17 dic. 2023 1:45:58
Algunos objetos de esta publicación no se encuentran disponibles actualmente.
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Thanks for the update I have very similar setup for charms. If you could glance over my gear and see if anything noticeably I could change up.
I am on the hunt for 2+, suppress helm My first league I have done uber elder and the other pinicals. Do you think it's worth running banner charm over rmr? Also what's pick on amulet anoint? I see you run entrenched. I have covered that suppress and got +1 spectres. Running turtle Warcheif the constant +3 endurance is nice Arena Master (would perfect hulk Sim better)? |
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personaly i feel ashe is great, it synergy well with new srs gem + unleash.
awakened or not,at 50% gem quality there's 75% chance you summon 8-10 minions with full seals in one cast. Editado por útlima vez por Nightash2322#5270 en 19 dic. 2023 10:10:39
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" dragonfang's +3 is too big to lose. I think our quality is almost useless, get a 21 20 and you are golden. Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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" +1 spectre on amulet enchant is good Trust your mind and strengthen your abilities!
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To MrsDeath_:
i love poisonSRS,and i believe its not only a leaguestarter but can be scale well into late game. just wanted to shared some different perspective here derived from original building path: "chaos penetration" and "dot multi" and "more chaos" are the biggest factors for poisonSRS scaling from what i tested. /*Diff 1*/ so i am using "The Adorned" framework. Theres 2 thresholds for 100% poison on hit: https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/The_Adorned - By 127% and x3 15% "poison on hit" slot into passive tree. so total 4 jewels - By 134% + "100% darkness enthroned" x2 '15%' into passive tree + 1 into belt. so total 4 jewels as well but more flexible. what u get from doing this(i am assuming using "134% adorned + 100% darkness enthroned" here) IS: A: with x4 ghastly eye jewels total to active Amanamu's Gaze and achieve 100% poison without using "united in dream" which free a support gem instead of withering touch.(i am using void manipulation for "more chaos" factor ) B:tons of chaos flat damage added for srs. one ghastly eye avg means 60 chaos dmg added, The choice for jewels are flexible. /*Diff 2*/ Spectre and death attument srs has "skeleton" and "construct" tag, by using perfect ["hulking miscreaton","judgemental spirit","forest tiger"]. you get: - srs deal 100% increased Damage - srs have 30% increased Attack and Cast Speed - srs have 162 to 270 Added Chaos Damage(huge flat chaos dmg) - srss have 216 to 324 Added Fire Damage (ignored if using void manipulation) - lv28 Discipline(great aura for minion suvival even better if "Mind over Matter" is spec) - lv22 Haste(so u can use other aura for enlighten+3 aura setup such as grace) source:https://poedb.tw/us/Summon_Raging_Spirit#RagingSpiritSummonedSkull https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/18ih16k/judgemental_spirits_ally_skeletons_deal What does it mean in one word? one pob compiled with correct custom modifiers setup for Affliction new Spectres,shows - 50M dps for x20 srs - reasonable EHP 242043 without MageBlood(sampled using my unfinished lv94 char) pob:https://pobb.in/TtrmNUh4mZ1D --------------------------------- same setup for latest your MB build /w multistrike bossing setup ofc (i am assuming using "hulking miscreaton","judgemental spirit",consider less dps if not these Spectres): - 30M dps for x20 srs - ehp 283937 pob:https://pobb.in/G7yLWm2LWc6- --------------------------------------------------- PS:this is my second league, and i love necro and minions build,your guide inspired me and i was planing doing srs since last league, and i did it. i respect your guide a lot and i know srs has a hardtime to simulate the right dps with pob, hope this time it will work. From what i tested there is a ceiling for poisonSRS which is dots cap by system limit? But at least i believe srs is very very strong build from start to mid league or may be late and dps lose from ['dragon fang' - 'ashes star'] is about 4% btw from your build simulated in pob. Peace. Editado por útlima vez por Nightash2322#5270 en 21 dic. 2023 4:37:04
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