Crucible Launch - Live Updates 🔴
Really curious how to interact with Crucible once you have your ideal weapon.
Is it intended to be skipped after the first few days? Why not let them drop loot? Why not let it drop a random item with a crucible tree unlocked but 0 exp? Why not let it drop Globule of EXP to use at a later date? Why do I have to carry around an extra weapon and micromanage my offhand weapons for crucible? Why do I have to hold the channeling down? Why Can't I pick a slider and say go. Why is it so hard to see the channel past the first node of exp? Why not let us crucible unique weapons during campaign? Why do low level uniques not have good skill trees at end game(give it a level requirement who cares) Why have a detrimental mod on low level items on the first node(before players have scours)? Why not let us remove or upgrade tiers of mods at a sharp fee? Seems like, an interesting idea but not a lot of depth to it? I'm confused how we should intereact with this going forward. |
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" My Champion Kite Shield vendored for rare Champion Kite Shields instead of uniques. I purchased it, split it, and both split copies vendored into rares. The resulting rares are both item level 66. The split was done with at least one beast that had a very low level (about 19). Hope this helps. |
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Bet latest patch didnt fix anything of the addresed above.
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Much wow
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I really want to play POE. This league is so bad I am considering doing yard work week 1 of a league launch instead of playing the game. I am actually spending time with my children and wife. Honestly, you guys made a great game, but the focus on POE 2 has made it so much worse than it could be. I really hope POE 2 is great because, between it and the lies about not spending time on Ruthless (this may as well be ruthless the league) POE has really suffered.
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Update: Mobs are still way too tanky and strong even without holding down the mechanic all the way.
Still outclasses a fully juiced metamorph by about 5x Mash the clean
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I'm not sure if GGG is seeing why this mechanic is so toxic.
- I can half-channel 4 times in the duration it takes to complete one full-channel encounter. Assuming I don't get magically 1-shot through my 50k armor and 88 max res. - Even as a very tanky jug that can eat pinnacle boss mechanics that shouldn't be possible...I still have to be terrified and kite a full-channel crucible in a map with "nothing scary" mods. - The result of these is "I just half-channel every crucible and it's totally fine" except when being something like 2/3 channeled somehow results in 3 rares, multiple magic monsters and the difficulty of a full channel. Ties into next point. - Channel doesn't stop immediately when you let-go, making it even harder to find that "sweet spot" where you don't spawn a rare. For a while I was settling for half-channels to try being time-efficient...then randomly one slid slightly over half after letting-go and I got 3 GG rares that went ballistic and killed me. I finally hit my mental limit and stopped it altogether. - Clearing the surrounding area, standing there channeling, then possibly kiting, all feel absolutely terrible when there's literally zero profit and you're losing more time to just get currency. - These give no currency. The amount of reveals I did to only get one "20 chaos" vendor reward...I missed about 100c of natural drops in all the wasted time just for that. The remnants are cool...but require your well-known worst trade system in the industry which is unfortunate. All your most-loved league mechanics just spit-out currency to fuel more trading, crafting, etc. Everytime you've released a terribly overtuned RIP-skip mechanic like this, it gets a damage nerf. Legion, Sentinel, Betrayal, a few others at least, all needed their damage reduced. Here you JUST reduced HP. That's concerning. It's not that "FULL CHANNEL HARD BE READY" it's that "Fully channel will just kill any build regardless of how tanky you are unless you drastically overgear it." So the design is to skip/ignore the mechanic until you're drastically overgearing the content you're doing and purposely not making the content harder (more map juicing etc) so you can just farm your cruicible trees and make near-no currency for hours on-end? Holy cow that doesn't sound fun. EDIT: Idk how I forgot to mention this, but keeping an extra item in your inventory (off-hand isn't helpful because we're leveling gems there) feels absolutely god awful. Mobile games have better trading... Editado por útlima vez por Tonst3r#4966 en 11 abr. 2023 14:15:30
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Reduced attribute requirement Crucible passive is not working.
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Make "sells for an extra" a mod on EVERY SINGLE MOD.
Does the item give 8-12 cold damage? Okay, now it gives 8-12 cold damage and sells for an extra 17 fusing when sold to a vendor. Or 23 breach splinters. Etc. There are other ways to do this, but we need something to make it worth interacting with. It got old before I got past act 4- and I don't rush to high end content. I do the league content every area. Until I get bored. In this case, I just got a unique weapon and stopped the pain all together. This was the fastest I've ever stopped doing the league content. It should have been fun. |
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Please, fix your servers! Error 502 on the trade website, every day since the launch of the new league.
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