[Phrecia] The dirty Scorpion-Tail|Herald of Agony|CI Cyclone-Necro|The Arachnophobia Allstars|660m

RedFlash escribió:
Hello all u great stingers

thankyou Chromino for the mageblood update in the pob :-)

im gearing to it now, and cant wait to see whatt it does for me.

im lazy and hoping for a tanky 1 button setup other then boss where u might swap a gem or 2 and maby do some extra cursing.

back in past legues as templar and blockcapped i always just plowed thue content with the cyclone setup and loved it, is there a good automation setup for the boneoffering thats in the shild now so i cent have to stop and whrow arcanist brand ?

cast when stunned, cast on crit or any other godd idea ?

also swapping out the large clusters for the vetarandefender/riot queller and squesing in tempest shild would this be posible ? or will the mana newer work, even with the new rings circle of ambition and a 80% resavation ebers helmet witch helps a bit on the mana side.

i also gotta ask if there is some nice vids of gameplay, who knowes i might learn something and see some tricks for improving.
other then the Play L channel on youtube ;-)

i dont know if im just too sleappy from being a new parrent or slow in genaral since i die more then i have ever done....

all the best and always thankyou for spanding you time on helping us get better :-)

imhoping also too see then build you where testing you talked about the armor stackking hoa.


Hi RedFlash! Thank you a lot!

Yes, here we sting!

There are so nice arachnophobias in your character-slots. Awesome to see!!

Congrats to beeing new parent! That's beautiful, well and b.i.s. builded!

Also with cyclone you can use a +2 trigger-"melee"-weapon I guess.
I am only 99% sure that also sceptres work. Edited: Tested and works, PoE-wiki says yes and they should fit nice. Or the cheap new dark seer sceptre is quite tanky with around 30% more ehp.
When you finalize HoA lvl 34 a +2 weapon is ordinary quite b.i.s.


Or much cheaper with empty suffix when you have the 8-sec-trigger benchcraft:


Cws is only best for frostshield.
All valuable triggers are in"skilks and trigger": --> "trigger and autotrigger": --> "other trigger". The poe-trigger are extreme interesting, and also extreme complex, to indivualize and one of the most important poe-mechanics.
2 fitting curses on gloves on hit are sometimes cheap to snipe in trade too.
Awakened cwc lvl 5 will help a lot against stuns and allows later to regret 2 passives practical application.

Necropolis-mechanics and t17 stacks sometimes rippy mods and multiple aoe's extreme fast, even 15000 wisps were much, much more easy. So rerolling more easy mapmods is sometimes needed before you juice.

The flask-set-up with mageblood can bring in 89% max-resis with melding, easy 100% spell suppression for switching to divine shield on SoL, permanent bleeding-immunities, some continuous es-leech in combination with by Sin's rebirth buffed damage, and more.
When there is high density and much elemental hits to trigger maximal absorption charges, often graven's secret is a bit more tanky with continuous recoups and recovery. But the mageblood fixes so much stuff and stats, doubles the elemental-ehp, and max-up qol and is more reliable against singletargets.

Tempestshield carry in so much HoA-damageuptime, qol, fun and also defences autoattacking the ranged mobs, that I recommend it always.

In your 80% manamultiplieer-helmet, without your defiance-banner and with 2 passives for another small mana-management-cluster or much better recommended 3 passives for sovereignity instead influence on the tree (& switching out overcapped spellblock on large clusters and rumi`s) you can activate it easy.
It will ingame be worth the 3 passives really!

Above 10M-30M, depending on the poe-content, you ordinary do not need more damage and can balance into much more valuable tankyness and qol.


I take later on pc a look into your pob - edited:

In your actual set the united in dreams is still stronger.

- With cyclone you often do not reach more than 80 virulences singletarget in my experiences, path for the jewel-slot in the ranger-area instead a medium cluster.
- With more ghastly jewels and probably better a cheap 120% the adorned+blue corrupted magic ghastly-jewels the +2 weapons will become better.
- I guess you can regret the +30 str for a free passive.
- Awakened cwc lvl 5 will help a lot against stuns and allows later to regret 2 passives practical application. Then you can also path across 2 passives int instead 3 passives Deep wisdom and lord of dead whenever you need another free passive.
- With a well rolled quartz-flask (18%) and the suppr-mastery (8% phasing) you can switch out magebane on SoL or 3 passives instinct.
- With a permamament corrupted-blood-immunity-magebloodflask you should switch out the not optimal "hollow leer" jewel in your set-up.
- Probably you can change out the balance of terror. Withers should be maxed without. When you need more withers take in Sin's rebirth.
- Change rational doctrine to a ghastly jewel or to the adorned+blue corrupted magic ghastly-jewels.
Optimizing the ghastly-jewels will be very valuable, they can almost double the damage.
- Push out sniper´s mark. Despair and temporal chains are much stronger (5M more damage).
- Perhaps try out ball lightning of orbiting somehow & somewhere triggered (cwdt, triggerwand, cws, etc.) also with cyclone beside blazing salvo for more virulences and more es on hit. But I still need myself to test that set-up.

Great gear and well done!
Editado por útlima vez por Chromino#4813 en 1 may. 2024 15:39:24
RedFlash escribió:
Hello all u great stingers

Here is a test for cyclone-blazing salvo pathfinder against the formed.


I missed to start the flasks and it still worked tanky. With phantasms and returning projectiles damage was only low 50% and damage could have been doubled.
But I substained only 70 virulences when I was really close next to the singletargets whirling. Instead in maps always full 95 virulences are reached also with cyclone.

After I tested with cyclone channeled ball lightning of orbiting, using only low 70% chance to poison for spells, 45% poisonchances for cyclone and only 5 links. It`s overall much better against the elderslayer singletargets when I did not missed some mods or something else. With more damage-uptime and around 70-80 virulences singletarget it`s almost equal to storm burst:


I already edited, improved and updated the cyclone set-up.
Because cyclone has many advantages, like with continuous movement evaded damage and with ashes good movementspeed and as drawbacks the not optimal maximal es on hit with watcher`s eye, less range and needed bleeding-immunities as stormburst, I will do again some more testings.
Editado por útlima vez por Chromino#4813 en 1 may. 2024 17:08:30
I added a new T17-example too.

T17 juiced, 400% additional damage, beyond-juiced, delirium-juiced, mobs always full critcharges, mobs 140% more at-speed, etc.


Uber Lycia
Nightmare of Lycia

Herald of Agony (Pathfinder this time), cyclone cwc ball lightnings of orbiting, 20M ehp, 20M damage (lowgeared and unoptimized missing the awakened unbound ailments and the second curse for 40M), 90% max all ele-resis, melding of the flesh

Editado por útlima vez por Chromino#4813 en 7 may. 2024 3:38:19
Beyond and Deliriumjuiced T17 Sanctuary

RedFlash escribió:
Hello all u great stingers

Congratulations to the big 100!

Strong stinged!
Fantastic fantastic build, first time trying necro after sticking to guardian hoag for a long time :)

Thanks for the build!
Editado por útlima vez por mrflamee#4135 en 10 may. 2024 23:27:23
mrflamee escribió:
Fantastic fantastic build, first time trying necro after sticking to guardian hoag for a long time :)

Thanks for the build!

Arachnophilia Mrflamee! Congrats to lvl 100!

hehe, that +6 HoA-lvls Skin of the Loyals is impressive. Also the circles of ambition, the wand, the unique megalomaniacs, the watcher`s, the ashes!

You use the tattoos for spell suppression and for poison on hit perfect! Great set-up with the adorned!

I will take a look and perhaps change default out the chaos-mastery too like done in the iron-reflexes-variation! Thank you for showing your awesome set-up! With exchanging one ghastly jewel also 93M are possible. Very interesting mana-reg!

Great pathed with the 4. large cluster and with 102 virulences!

Awesome builded - 82M damage singletarget, 1M ehp - thats totally impressive.

Editado por útlima vez por Chromino#4813 en 11 may. 2024 14:16:41
Thank you a lot again mrflamee!

With more budget and much of your maxing I optimized an updated the voices-HoA-necro-set-up.
Stationary with mindfulness-notable for 60-80 mana-reg /sec.

With the squirel-shield in 'squishy' 200k ehp like other minion builds damage around 220M can be reached when you focus on dps. Select a second chaosdamage- or chaos-minion skill when you want to oneshot the Ubers.

The budget is still much, much cheaper as all the aurastackers, armourstackers, branders, and captain lancetank + other known high-maxed builds use.
Please apologize when I judge about the ghazzy's personal phantastic custom mods, glascannons-ag's and 0-lfe support-spectres, long to search for 2-withers-generatings, 5 mirror-wands and 10-mirror-helmets etc. a bit critical.
In the minon-meta HoA is probably now outstanding when the crawler is well-tickled-done. Compared to other meta-skills the HoA-autobombing-quality and qol can to be pointed out more in better youtube-videos.


The megalomaniacs and the skin of the loyals are rare to get. Overall they are very reliable and flexible to be exchanged too in the whole set-up with the +1 chaos-mastery (15M), fearsome force buffing more HoA-crit (15M), with the cult-leaders (13M), with better rolls and corruptions (on the rings, on mageblood) for 1-2 free passivepoints more, 35% increased effect of the small rare cluster-transferpassives, better suffixes on the rare medium clusters, even better megalomaniacs with 3 useable notables, a better rolled the adorned, a second circle of ambition instead the nostalgia, etc...
To clearly stat: in necropolis already all b.i.s. megalomaniacs showed up and I owned them in the last leagues, - and for sure each single one can be replaced flexible for 0, 0.5 or 1 passive.

The dot is still hardcapped by the poe-engine, so it would be also possible to path to steeped in the profane for 10M more damage, to use aspect of the spider for 15M more damage, to whispers of doom or anathema-ring for flexible gloves or more curses (punishment etc., 10M-25M), for a different amulet-anoint (like spiritual aid etc.), for a hungry loop with a ag or other support-minions, to one more jewel-slot, perhaps for the balance of terror and then following 20% physical taken as chaos with taste of hate/ as cold damage or vessel of vinktar (5M), or to bottled faith instead the rational doctrine, or for a brutal restraint and a free belt-choice, to rare ghastly jewels instead set-up with the adorned, etc.

With better crafted suffixes on the boots or helmet 8% more spellblock could be maxed in again. 90% max resis are capped easy with a second winter prowler instead the evasion-mastery. Perhaps the chaos-golem will be exchanged to linked support-phantasms featuring feeding frenzy.

Also the manamanagement remains quite flexible with the amulet-anoint, sovereignity, influence, small or megalomaniac clusters - so in theory a really good uul`s amulet etc. could be used again like in [3.22] for additional 10M more damage or other interesting supports...

With the cheap and tanky dark seer, weaker quieter voices or without awakened empower still very nice 160-170M damage are substained. It`s extreme easy also to build in again the es-mastery written in blood when wanted. For some poe-content the tanky choices in the atlas- tree, with enfeeble, more es, the es-mastery, the dark seer, the third clarity-watcher`s eye-mod, introspection, etc. should be choosed in exchange for 10M less damage dealed.

So as result also this updated pob is by far still not totally optimized.
I will add soon the pathfinder, the trickster and the guardian-specialisations.

But right now our dirty herald brings over our messages and lessons of crawling destructions in full convincing:

260M arachnophobiatic damage

113 virulences are used, 180 and more HoA-virulences /sec generated, 0.5M to inf*** ehp, 87% max-resis (overcapped).



The buggy webpage pob.inn can sometimes not display the ehp correct. Please import for the correct data the pob into pob-community-fork when there are not 174M damage and not 20M-inf*** ehp counted.

When I am informed correct this [3.24] HoA-build deals double the damage and reachs double the ehp as well as the doubled substain as the other actual interesting minion-builds (relics, golems, spectres, srs, etc.).

Yes, it is minmaxed, but when I compare it to my former witches, pathfinders, guardians and tricksters which did all ubers, 20000 whisps, most necropolis-mods, t17 etc in low 30-70M and low 400k ehp, this tattoo-using-setup is probably attractive for all the poe-demands. Of course iron reflexes for farming u-sirus in 150k armour and more can be still switched in too like in all former leagues.

Of course this allrounder needs to be specialized too when you farm individual uber-high-juided poe-content. Of course we can balance it into tanky doubled max-hits taken or tripling the already inf** ehp in the exchange of 10-15% less damage dealed.

Editado por útlima vez por Chromino#4813 en 3 jun. 2024 13:45:44
I guess that HoA is ready for meta again and in lategame better to scale up as other mortal poison-minions in t17.

Hehehe. Let`s sting!
i really resepect and aprecciate the effort you put into this guide, but as a relative newbie, i have no clue what to do with it tbh :D

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