[3.20] Ice Shieldmaiden Scion Build
" The points in the tree is why :) It's a shitty amulet all around, but because of it, it allows you to find it corrupted (and even double corrupted) for the extra curse, carrying an anointment that isn't WoD, and whatever other goodies you can roll, plus liberating 3-4 points on the tree. Put all that together, and it becomes pretty hard to replace! Not impossible of course, but you do need a pretty strong amulet to make losing tree points worth it. " You fit it by making sure it has mana reservation corruption: It'll set you back some Div depending on the second corruption (I found that one surprisingly cheap, +2 to Hatred and Herald of Ice is very much worth it though nothing for Determination), but it'll help a lot with reservation. One last thing. If you're going to try and go deep in Sanctum with this build, consider testing Glacial Hammer. All the "guardians" can be both frozen and stunned, which can help an awful lot. EDIT: Also, consider bringing a decoy totem. The guardians ignore the decoy totems, but the non-guardian enemies do attack it, giving you time to get rid of the guardians if you can't pull them away from each other. Editado por útlima vez por Walkiry#7196 en 1 ene. 2023 23:00:55
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Heatshiver was game changing, holy shit.
I've switched back to glacial hammer now since i am finally doing sanctum and honestly felt more comfy, so not having a seventh aura helped a lot with the reservation stuff (since blood stance is useless for Glacial Hammer). Also got myself to lvl 97 and that rounded up the build in terms of passive points quite nicely I think, build is pretty solid, fun to play and able to clear most content (some uber pinnacle fights are hard though, 8M DPS is not enough apparently lol) Latest interesting changes: Got a "pretty strong amulet" to replace the stones, even having to sacrifice the annoint and a couple passive points I believe it's still a pretty good replacement, if not BiS for the build maybe (detable because ele damage with atk might be better than flat cold): Got a new pair of Megalomanias to help out with jewel slots and reservation: Also managed to get a pretty good relic from sanctum as well: No disponible And lvl 97 allowed me to go for an extra jewel slot above devotion for 3 passive points. Sadly I've spent a lot of currency and time trying to craft a replacement chest piece before realizing that it would be worse of marginally better than my current chestpiece because hatred effect is THAT strong for this build. lol (was trying to go for an incursion HP + veiled spell block + additional curses hunter chest) Now I do have one more thing I want to look at: What are the odds we can replace *the weapon*? Part of the sucky DPS on the build is frostbreath being an awful stat stick, but having a godlike double damage affix, but, can we roll a godlike one handed mace that does better than frostbreath? That would give us a better base damage and allow us to actually use double damage nodes from the timeless jewels or other sources of double damage. =o Algunos objetos de esta publicación no se encuentran disponibles actualmente.
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how's the build going so far guys?
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" That's pretty cool. I'm a little worried Heatshiver will get nerfed, simply because almost every aspect of this build has been hit by nerfs since I first posted it (kid you not, I think Frostbreath might be the only item that hasn't changed). Amulet-wise, I do think mana reservation + goodies is the BiS way to go. Even in the basic, all-purpose trees I posted in the guide, an amulet with a big mana reservation affix can allow you to remove the small cluster jewel for reservation, liberating two points for the tree AND allowing the slotting of a good jewel. That already is competitive with the chance to block from Stone of Lazhwar, you just need the rest of the amulet to match the extra corruption + anoint. But, as you probably have realized, that's very expensive :) The relics allowing to get Elemental Overload for free has been one of the biggest boons of this season for the build, hands down. I'm still hoping to find another spell block one with better second affix than my current one, and adding EO is a single divine last time I checked. And yeah, uber pinnacle on 5-10M DPS can be pretty hard, heh. That's one of the reasons I prefer the tank to the Humvee, the damage loss is not as impactful because you're already low for ubers. " Yeah, Hatred is the only scalable source of more damage for this build, so it has huge impact. To push it further, gear-wise, you're going to have to start doing some strange things. Here's some of the ones I've tried but have given up on: - Get a double block shield with a prefix AND a suffix free, craft suffixes cannot be changed, and hit it with a veiled chaos to grab that extra curse effect from veiled mods, then craft the prefixes. Expensive and, with nerfed harvest to reforge prefixes, too much of a crapshoot. - Get a pair of incursion gloves with cold res and cold damage suffix, and fracture it. Then craft the rest of the gloves again (also, use harvest to re-roll the values of the cold damage before trying to fracture). I've never actually hit the fracture, and pre-fractured gloves are SUPER expensive. " Historically most Glacial Hammer builds go two-handed. A badass staff with block implicit would do the trick of being better than FB + Shield (remember the 1% damage per block on the shield, it's big) and still allow big block numbers; just more pressure on spell block. If you go Ice Crash, there's a ready-made solution: Paradoxica. With cold damage or penetration, and attack speed. Expensive, though. Specially if you want to corrupt it. I haven't found a good solution to fit everything and a different, better, 1H weapon. Getting enough double-damage mods is pretty hard. " Hit level 100 for the second time (I usually don't push for it) and the sanctified relics have allowed some experiments with the tree that would be impossible with regular leagues, so the build's worked pretty well in the league. Biggest downside is not doing Sanctum too well, which is partly why I've stopped pushing for harder endgame content. Trade's been very sparse with good Watcher's Eyes, which leads me to believe they've really nerfed the drops for the entry items of pinnacle encounters and it's not just me feeling like it. That, or people just find it more profitable to faceroll Sanctum for guaranteed divs. Algunos objetos de esta publicación no se encuentran disponibles actualmente.
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I wonder how a Devouring Diadem would perform for this build. Not only you can reserve all of your mana, it also allow you to run a Divine Blessing + major aura setup (depending on how much max ES you manage to get).
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Hey, noob here
I'm curious about your thoughts on the Glacial Hammer Raider builds that have been popping up more than Ascendant builds, like pro's and con's compared to the Ascendant build esp since 2 have made it 2 level 100 in HC SSF. But more specifically, I'm wondering what your thoughts are on Precise Technique over Elemental Overload. I might be missing something, and the furthest I've gotten is late Act 8 (I only play HC). I was thinking high dexterity is necessary for Magebane to pop anyways, crit is another thing to have to build around and another up-time during combat is more cognitive load. Would PT be better if you aren't going to get extra damage from crits anyways? Here's a link if you haven't seen yet: https://poe.ninja/challengehcssf/builds?class=Raider&skill=Glacial-Hammer&heatmap Thanks :) |
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Any chance for an update of this to 3.21? I tried to convert tree in POB but it's crashing on tree 3. I figure probably a missing mastery but not sure.
A Grandpa that happens to love Path of Exile. Maybe a little too much.
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