[3.16] LL Phys DoT, Blood Gems Scion Build "guide"
[3.16] LL Blood Gems Phys DoT, Exsanguinate, Corrupting Fever.
![]() ![]() ![]() Do you like to not burst enemies and watch slowly how they die? Do you like the blood gems everyone forgot about except when they are linked on Spellslinger or Mines? Then i have half a build for you! Then welcome to my 3.16 build adaptation from AndreshKi's Blood Queen Guide, featured below. Build is very open to improvement and tweaks for playstyles and preferences, have fun! Important Notice:
First time adapting a PoB from past leagues to the new tree, and first time making my own PoB. All the gear is from a non min-maxed lvl90 character on the Ultimatum League.
This is also not a full guide, but i will do my best to explain most of the features.(It's getting better) Changelog:
30/10/21 : Realized you can stuff Pride Aura by getting rid of Flame Dash or using empty socket on CWDT equipment, under investigation. (Possible, updating PoB soon) 27/10/21 : After testing and leveling the character through acts, updated the PoB (added notes, removed alt. tree, new items, fixed issue with reservation.) 25/10/21 : Created character "VikingBloodQueen" in profile, updating PoB on leveling and support gems later. 21/10/21 : Creation of the post (And a little later, updated PoB) Path of Building:
Ultimatum League Tree (AndreshKi's Guide) https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3085369 3.14 PoB: https://pastebin.com/qwCpgy6a Scourge League Tree adaptation. 3.16 PoB: https://pastebin.com/YK6eG3jP (Be sure to read the notes for additional information and explanations) You will need Path of Building Community Fork to view the passive trees. Items: Weapons:
Dual Cold Iron Point unique dagger. These are absolutely Endgame items, spell damage implicit is the best but around 2ex (Ultimatum), dont worry, normal Cold Iron Points will be just fine. (While leveling or league starting use dual wands, Spell DMG or Phys DMG) Links: Void Sphere--Hextouch--Vulnerability // Main curse to group enemies up and amplify damage. War Banner--Herald of Purity--Flame Dash // Extra Auras helping with damage and our movement skill. Equipment:
Helmet: The Devouring Diadem unique Helmet. This helment provides a lot of things, less reservation for our main auras, Life, Mana and ES recovery from Feast of Flesh and the Eldritch Battery Keystone to absorb damage from MoM and casting our trigger while having almost full mana reserved. Since Exsanguinate or Corrupting Fever doesnt have any helmet enchants, you can probably go for Vulnerability Effect, or any other enchant from auras or other skills (And since it has a veiled mod, if you get Ailment Duration while Focussed its even better.) Petrified Blood--Arrogance Support//Malevolence//Vitality Petrified Blood on Arrogance to keep us always at low life for Spell Attunement, and using the reduced reservation on our other auras with mana. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Body Armour: The Ivory Tower unique chest. Absolutely great chest, giving us ES per reserved life, and ES per second. Giving us a lot of synergy with MoM and defence against chaos damage while being low life. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Belt: Doryani's Invitation unique belt. (Phys Variant) This is a great belt and very budget friendly since you can choose to farm Atziri to from this belt. Mainly it helps a lot with our resistances, phys damage, and gives us a bit of life leech based on our damage, which is always good. (Not really mandatory, just res and life belt is also fine) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Gloves: Apothecary Gloves with Essence of Delirium Increased Damage over time gloves, slammed with an Essence of Delirium for the "30% more DoT" is absolutely best, this is where we are going to link our Corrupting Blood. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Boots: Any Rare resistance boots Any boots will do just fine, you're mostly looking for high res, high movement speed boots. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Accesories: On the Amulet youre looking for a High Life amulet, if possible with reduced reservation while you get the helmet and go MoM If you're rich you can go for a Double Influenced (Hunter, Crusader) +1 to Strength gems, +1 to Phys Skill Gems. This is our main source of scaling our damage. (This is a very bad amulet, please don't copy this.) Again, simple gear, high res or life rings, OR Lori's Lantern unique Ring, #% Life bases are also very good if you get high life and resistances. Links
Useful Tools // https://siveran.github.io/calc.html // Chromatic Calculator Body Armour // Exsanguinate 6 Link Get level 21 Exsanguinate if possible Pick one. (Cruelty is enemy HP dependant but SW has a lot less duration on Exsang debuff. Read Notes on PoB) When available, switch Swift Affliction or Cruelty for Empower Support. (If you have white sockets you can change Chain Support for Empower while bossing for the extra Single target damage instead of dropping Swift Affliction or Cruelty) (I dont have a lvl 4 Empower to link, but you get the idea.) +#% Dot Gloves // 4 Link Careful with the level of this gem. Corrupting Fever may have a higher life cost than all your life, so you wont be able to cast it. Bear this in mind when upgrading to a lvl 21 Gem. Auras // Helmet Before Catarina unique helmet: Link Herald of Purity to Arrogance to go Low Life After Catarina unique helmet: // All these go on the helmet for less reservation. Only link Petrified Blood to Arrogance. Vitality and Malevolence go on mana Extra auras on other stuff. Thrift Store Pride and Herald of Purity = More damage. Other // Wherever you have space. CWDT Setup: (Disclaimer. After Immortal Call Cooldown Nerf (60seg) it is no longer efficient to run on CWDT. I have no idea what to put here. Go nuts. Enlighten on auras maybe.) Hextouch Vulnerability: Pretty self explanatory, just throw this whenever its off cooldown to maximize damage. Movement Skill: We don't really need anything else (Or have space...) to move around the map, you should be fine with a lonely Flame Dash. About the author:
So this is my first time posting and creating/adapting a build, any questions can go to my discord Black Viking#4270, or comment right here any tips or questions about the build. Special thanks to AndreshKi, the original author of this build, you can check his guide here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3085369 // Without him this wouldn't be possible at all. And also to Sarganis87 for damage calculations Any questions about the build i will try to answer and update PoB in the coming weeks. Will most likely not play as a League Starter. Good luck and have fun Exiles! Editado por útlima vez por Black_Viking03#4422 en 4 nov. 2021 3:32:47 Reflotado por última vez en 4 nov. 2021 9:39:49
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Really want to play this as a League Starter... but to compete resource against the Trappers is a nightmare for me. T_T
This is my most fav build style of this game though! |
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Do you think I could get away with league starting this?
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You absolutely could, but you may struggle a bit on survivability before MoM, this is not an SSF or HC build, so its not super concerned about dying.
But yeah, phys wand will get you pretty far, and leech, flash spamming and ailment control will keep everything else pretty normal. Not highly efficient, but doable. |
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Hey, are there any videos I can watch? I'm running RF Inq rn and I want this to be my second build, and I'd love to see a video of the gameplay if any of you guys have it. Looks good though. Thanks!
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" At the moment i am very invested in Scourge league, if i make the character further down the league ill be sure to update it with some videos for you to watch;) |
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Exsanguinate's cast time in your PoB is 0.69, duration is 1.25. So it is a little less than 2 stacks - if you are just standing and casting it nonstop.
Each stack has a separate duration, so you need to have close to Exsang_duration = Cast_time * 3. Swift Affliction support is a trap for most Exsang builds. Unless your casts are super fast and/or duration is super long, the 25% less duration is straight-up 25% less damage. Cruelty support, on the other hand, is actually good here, even against high HP bosses. Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.
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" Good catch. Here's the PoB data which seems to back Cruelty > Swift A. Swift Afflication ![]() Cruelty ![]() |
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You will really reach a 25-28% Cruelty on super-high HP bosses. Never 40%. So PoB will always rank Swift Affliction higher. It just can't properly compute Exsanguinate's DPS.
My numbers may not be correct because formulas on https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Cruelty and https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Cruelty are different (I used the first one because the second one produces laughably small results) The value can be adjusted in the Configuration section of PoB. Set 25% until 6L and red maps gear. Still better than Swift Affliction in most cases. Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.
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" I don't want to leave these series of replies unanswered, i am currently investigating on PoB, and all this help on the guide has made me want to play this build, i am currently starting the character, possibly updating the PoB later and might change the leveling skill to Splitting Steel. Thank you very much Sarganis for this tip on Swift Affliction and Cruelty, expect an update on the PoB and this guide soon! |
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