[3.20] 💥 Velyna's Explosive Concoction 💥 Leaguestart | Smooth Clear and Bossing | Deathless Feared
albeit expensive, deadeye forbiddens are outright the biggest upgrades for the build, it's roughly 37% more damage with 2 jewels if I'm not mistaken. I think they won't be that expensive when wardloop gets bamboozled by ggg, that build is the only reason deadeye forbiddens are expensive
I've tested phantasmal lightning warp to utilize withering step with the belt enchant, as it's the only usable travel skill without the blink tag, and it's just not worth it, even with ashes of the stars and level 7 enhance linked thereto. idk why but it's still so slow with all the quality, I guess it's because of our low cast speed. its mana cost is also a problem in some maps and vs mana siphoners. so I've dropped the withering step, lightning warp and enhance idea altogether, divergent smoke mine/shield charge combo appears to be simply better with more utility. don't bother with the belt enchant for 6% ele reduction, it's shit at least the double curse setup seems doable with a ring like this and CI impossible escape I'm still not sure whether it's worth it, I'll test and update later. uber shaper and uber cortex are down, I couldnt kill exarch and sirus but damage isnt the issue, I'm just dumb "buff grenades" - Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades) Editado por útlima vez por auspexa#1404 en 28 sept. 2022 0:03:20
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" Did I miss something again? I checked that Wardloop CWDT Build in the forums and can't find them using the Forbiddens. But even if: that will probably happen next league at the earliest? " The normal ones or the Ubers? The normal ones are actually pretty okay to kill with this build. Exarch annoys the living crap out of me because of the weird hitboxes of his lavaballs. And I'm too stupid to utilise Frost Wall. Which is why I just die myself through this phase. With my damage it happens only once anyways. For one I really want to try all the Ubers (as a German it also annoys me to not write "Über" which is actually the correct way since that was derived from German anyways... But that's me venting :D ). The thing just is: I hate stupid calculated modifiers. I am talking about the default "70% less damage" all of them get. Why? Just why? And I will probably not be able to make it through the fight with all the other added, or rather upgraded, modifiers and mechanics. Editado por útlima vez por Vacoh#5746 en 28 sept. 2022 8:19:11
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I add both of them guys to my friends list, to avoid spam this, but without the need of interrupting your main point, i've been thinkin abt defiance banner, what does exactly it benefits to the build? makes bosses more "doable"? I've running different lab enchant just for the meme in looking for that 24 aoe one (currently i have 40% damage to EC prior i was running with 50% determination reservation)... thing is i don't have banner anymore due to mana reserv issues, but doing delve and heist doesn't really feel that i need that... is it important or is there some relevancy that i'm missing? ps. i'm looking forward to auspexas in deep guide you earned a fan here my friend.
PS2. I'm not near close to adquire ashes that's why i feel that 24 aoe is important, currently i'm wasting two tree points to get 12 aoe to achieve at least 26, and i think i'm at 1% left to next breakpoint. Editado por útlima vez por ZaszJäger#7644 en 28 sept. 2022 11:31:02
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" At least my biggest problem with any build ever is the survivability. So I use the banner as a small buff to my armour and my evasion. And you can keep it that way for pretty much all the time. It's just when you have a really meaty boss, like the Exarch or Maven, that you might feel the need to place it. Because when you place it, it's a field on the ground for up to a minute which gives you even more armour and evasion depending on charges. Assuming you have it on lvl 20: That means you get 24% more armour and evasion if you carry it around. But if you place it, you'll get 1% increased area effect per stage (+50%) which may or may not help you survive against the big attacks. But yeah: For heists and mapping you will most likely never have to place it. For one the enemies aren't hard enough and for another you are way too mobile to have any effect for more than one mob group anyways. And to your breakpoint issue: Auspexa said before that 26% is the Breakpoint that makes you hit with every grenade assuming that you only use GMP (or probably GV... but only one of them!) If you want to use both, you should aim for 37% because only that makes you always hit with all the Grenades at the same time. I can see that you are indeed using both GMP and GV, so 37% is the amount you should aim for. If you can for the love of Batman not make it to 37 (or was it 38?), you might want to get a Lords with 2R2B2G and use awakened Elemental Focus instead. The Lords is pretty cheap but the Elemental Focus will cost you a divine or 2. Might be something to consider if you just don't want to run labs anymore. 40% increased EC damage is a preeeeetty nice thing, too! Assuming the 26% breakpoint probably even better! Edit: I obviously meant delve when I said mapping... but it goes for mapping, too! Editado por útlima vez por Vacoh#5746 en 29 sept. 2022 4:28:08
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This is a very fun and good build. Thanks you.
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" oh they dont use it? well, I assumed so because I cant see any reason why it would be so expensive. uber ones indeed, normals are pretty easy with this build. I've also killed uber eater deathless today, as eater and cortex seem to be the easiest ubers among all and zasz, if you dont have any source of inc aoe, you can use awakened aoe gem, imo it's better than spending points on the tree for it "buff grenades" - Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades) Editado por útlima vez por auspexa#1404 en 2 oct. 2022 13:28:08
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Thank you ever so much Velyna for this build. I do not have very good gear but i am able to at least enjoy myself. I am at the moment tapping 20k damage, which is not much by your standards but for me its exciting. Dash is the best defense mech i use the most. It certainly pops me out of mobs so i can at least thin the mobs down.
Anyway just showing my thanks with kind words. i hope you have a fantastic day! Halfawatt |
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after tinkering with pretty much every variation including
- shaper of flames ignite ec (blackflame with wither totems and wither belt enchant is an interesting idea, numbers seem promising. otherwise just go generic ignite setup) - crit ec as pf/assassin scion or any other version (6% crit sucks and we can't really scale it properly since we're unarmed) - raider ec with nature's boon forbiddens (not bad with free onslaught and exposure, maybe olesyas delight with frenzy charge stacking? obviously not taking avatar of the slaughter here in any case and ignite version would require igniting conflux hunter mod) - inquisitor balbala variant (going crit obviously, can be played as either perfect agony ignite augury of penitence or righteous providence hit based route, both seem alright. can use survival secrets instead of balbala, since those flasks will always be inactive anyway) - endless munitions forbiddens pf version (it's ok but pf ascendancies are simply garbage) - nature's boon forbiddens deadeye version (again, it's ok but all three ascendancies on the way to endless munitions suck for this build, and stacking attack speed isn't that good for the build because it runs out of flask charges too quickly with high attack speed) - accuracy jugg with obscurantis and oskarm (this isnt half bad, but why even play ec for accuracy stacking) - non-crit pf/zerk scion I'm currently playing, tried single curse and double curse setup, and pretty much all setups that can be done on scion I've come to the conclusion that this skill can only compete with meta builds if, 1. you have multiple one passive voices to stack as many repeater/eye to eye clusters or some op megalomaniacs as possible, or 2. you have a mageblood and use topaz/ruby/sapphire flasks for a shaper of flames ignite variation. mageblood version could be insanely powerful according to what pob shows but I cant test it since I dont have one, or 3. you just ignore the cold and lightning part and scale for fire only, whether ignite or not. the skill isn't THAT bad as it is but needs a significant rework/buff to allow players to do end game content without op gear. on a side note, I think the ignite version is more promising and stronger in any case, because you don't need any attack speed and don't need to constantly attack, which means you won't really consume that many flask charges. I'd say the problems with the skill right now are: 1. we can't use dying sun. it's great in theory but the fact that it's ruby flask ruins the whole idea. maybe make it consume charges from magic flasks only? 2. we can't use trinity. fire damage's lower limit is higher than the other two's upper limit so we can never utilize it unless we scale cold/lightning or convert lightning portion to cold, which doesn't make any sense. can only be solved by increasing cold/lightning damage. 3. the skill shotguns with multiple projectiles, which is great, but it's completely useless for ignite, unlike the poisonous counterpart. the only possible use of this would be using scion deadeye node with emberwake, but still a shitty idea because the ignite idea requires shaper of flames in pretty much all cases, and emberwake is an awful item. we also lose hit damage when we use gmp/gv, which kinda gimps the purpose of shotgunning. again, it could be cool with dying sun, but it's unusable with the skill. 4. crit chance is too low and it's too hard to scale because it's an unarmed build. we can't utilize any of the weapon nodes on the tree so we're stuck with global crit modifiers and projectile crit modifiers. this makes it very hard to reach meaningful crit numbers. there's an alternate quality for crit but it's just generic crit and not base crit. it should be changed to increase base crit. could be too strong with ashes but not hard to change the numbers to balance it. 5. as I mentioned above, the opportunity cost is just too high and not worth it if you don't have a mageblood. you can never use your sapphire and topaz flasks (and ofc ruby, if ignite) unless you invested 30 points into flask generation. a skill being completely gated behind a 300 div item doesn't make much sense. cold/lightning portions should be buffed to compensate for the opportunity cost, refer to 2. 6. despite being a tri-element skill, cant benefit from EE in any way. 7. there is an awakened version of every penetration gem, but there's no awakened version for elemental penetration, which sucks. 8. body armours can roll flask generation implicit, which would be very good for this build, but there's simply no way to make EC viable without a skin of the loyal/lords. it's just too much damage in any case. this is why shroud of the lightless can't be an option either, unless it's double corrupted. double corrupted chests with +2 proj/+2 aoe can work, but there arent many unique chests in the game that would be good for ec and yet again, we can't utilize the flask generation implicit if we use a unique. infernal mantle and diallas are exceptions, but good luck finding a double corrupted one. 9. since we have to utilize shotgunning mechanics (both the damage and clear suck with only one proj), our individual projectile damage is low and we can't utilize non-damaging elemental ailments. although they all hit the same time, they're counted separately for ailment threshold purposes. one of the alternate qualities provide elemental ailment duration, but tbh it's nothing but a joke. secrets of suffering could be a decent option if this wasn't the case. I use awakened elemental focus anyway, as it's by far the best support gem in ec's current state 10. the base aoe is too small and requires investment into aoe for the skill to be able to shotgun, even with only gv. the lab enchant, which gives 24% aoe, doesn't even hit the radius breakpoint by itself because the breakpoint is at 26%. well, the base quality gives aoe, but then you're stuck at 34% if you don't have ashes, while the next breakpoint is at 37%. this isn't the case for poisonous conc pathfinder, because they get 30% aoe for free from the ascendancy. not a huge problem, but kinda annoying to build around. thank you for coming to my ted talk. hope ggg fixes at least a few of the issues to make it a competitive skill "buff grenades" - Buff Grenades (Buff-Grenades) Editado por útlima vez por auspexa#1404 en 5 oct. 2022 21:34:00
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Thank you! Yup. some of the things I had too. But your 10 sums it up perfectly:
This build is completely annoying to build around! And you have to build around a lot. |
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Judging skills by how they compare to the meta is just asking for a bad time.
If a build can do the content you want, on a budget you can afford, and you enjoy playing it, that is a good build. |
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