[3.15] The Raining Tempest. *Deadeye* 4M+ DPS - Dual Curse - League Starter

I already re-rolled to Lighting Arrow because Storm Rain sucks.
AOE is not too bad but you need to lay down shitload of arrows first. It takes 2-3 sec and has the same effect as 1-2 shots from LA so whats the point?

Single target is where the issue lies. I dunno WTF but I had Tabula + The Tempest + maxed out tree for dmg and still killing rares/bosses took forever.

I will see how LA goes, but so far I am not that impressed also.
Maybe this is new reality. Only few strongest builds feel good, rest is just mediocre at best and in majority just plain bad-very bad.
nattJ0b escribió:
Hi, first of all thank you for the build guide. After messing around during leveling, it seems Storm Rain could be insane as a totem build? The skill itself seems interesting, in my opinion, but I dealt very low damage using it myself on top of trying to run around to not die. That seems like a problem that totem can solve? How good do you think the clear could be as a pure totem build? That said, the way you have it with lightning arrow as clear skill and storm rain totem to help with bosses seems to be working fine, but do you think it's better to go one or the other, or both like this?

Also, why did you choose Tempest over, for example, a rare thicket bow with high flat lightning and attack speed?

I think storm rain has great potential. You can generate more hits per second than pretty much anything else. Totems would be great to build around, even just throwing them in totems on this build allows them to do well.

I picked the tempest both for ease of access and ease of hitting the 100 arrow max when not using totems. It would take a pretty well built thicket to match it and without harvest its not easy to just fall into one.

I think Storm Rain returns as the main damage dealer once some currency is invested into it. +1 bow, +1 quiver, 21 gems for wraith/herald/added lighting. Do we know what the helm enchants are? One of those may make a big difference too.

Storm Rain Damage 1 25% increased Storm Rain Damage
Storm Rain Damage 2 40% increased Storm Rain Damage
Storm Rain Frequency 1 Storm Rain has 25% increased Beam frequency
Storm Rain Frequency 2 Storm Rain has 40% increased Beam frequency
Storm Rain Additional Arrow 1 Storm Rain fires an additional Arrow

Don't think frequency is worth it unless you got boatloads of +arrow and aspd
XenMk2 escribió:

Storm Rain Damage 1 25% increased Storm Rain Damage
Storm Rain Damage 2 40% increased Storm Rain Damage
Storm Rain Frequency 1 Storm Rain has 25% increased Beam frequency
Storm Rain Frequency 2 Storm Rain has 40% increased Beam frequency
Storm Rain Additional Arrow 1 Storm Rain fires an additional Arrow

Don't think frequency is worth it unless you got boatloads of +arrow and aspd

+1 arrow takes the focus off The tempest, and attack speed in general. The would be nice.

Frequency will be kinda nuts right? .41 to .24? Since its the only mod of that type wouldn't it be considered a more multi?
Why in your POB you don't have Mirage Archer Support listed? Thanks!
I wanted this skill to be good but meh.

It was good in mid-game clearing but after you complete the campaign and get into endgame, it starts to get bad. You can't clear maps easily.

I am looking to re-roll after I get some orb of regrets.
I started with Storm rain as my league start as well, and just swapped over to the new skills on the newer PoE.
Honestly the difference between the two is like Night and Day.
Went from barely scraping through White maps to being able to clear off screen.

It's a shame, I feel like storm rain as a skill has a lot of potential. What that looks like I do not know.

For the people who feel hyper squishy, but has the Mana sustain. Defiance Banner isn't horrific considering it's a 10% Mana Reservation, don't run it if you have haste.

Editado por útlima vez por Linacy#6540 en 26 jul. 2021 15:20:21
I assume we still use lmp/gmp up until third lab?
Also ascendancy is not correct in the updated PoB just btw.
Eridoo escribió:
I assume we still use lmp/gmp up until third lab?
Also ascendancy is not correct in the updated PoB just btw.

Correct, and PoB should be good now.
+1 arrow takes the focus off The tempest, and attack speed in general. The would be nice.

Frequency will be kinda nuts right? .41 to .24? Since its the only mod of that type wouldn't it be considered a more multi?

Would be good... If it's not limited to 4 beams only :X

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