[3.14] In-Depth 216m Sirus DPS Scion CoC Build Guide (w/ GIFs, Leveling Guide)
Hi! This is my second league and I'm trying to follow a build like yours, so far doing good but I want to keep pushing it since I'm having a lot of fun with it, I'm unsure about what my next big upgrade could be, could you take a look at my PoB? I have like 75 ex to use, my options are:
PoB: https://pastebin.com/XhVE4kHk - Get 2x Cospri's with projectiles - Get a Cloak of Defiance with +2 projectile lv - Get Awakened Hextouch - Get better jewells with more crit multi (right now at 320% wich is low) - Improve gems overall - Amulet with +1/+2 level of gems - Get more mana? (3.8k) (I can switch life enchants on my gear) - Get better gloves My aps so far it's at 9.8 / 9.9 , I had to drop blood rage because it made me go to like 12 AS, and I'm not taking advantage of the curses, since I have a ring with assasin's mark but no awaken hextouch. |
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Got enough corrency for everything exept awackened coc. Insane cost for me in my first time league ))
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build cost total for me: 288 exalts. Ouch.
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" Did some changes to your tree. And your APS seems like 9.53 with Frenzy Charges. So I didn't understand why did you drop Blood Rage. https://pastebin.com/J63tHdmZ Personally this tree is better in most cases. Prodigal Perfection is way more important than Profane Chemistry, which is not even a mandatory node. Those upgrades you've listed are all important. But there are always priorities. -You can always improve your gems one by one, it's not a single time upgrade. -Also getting more mana is same, prefer mana instead of life for this build. -Amulet upgrade is a little bit complex. If you really wanna use a rare amulet, you need +1 Cold, +1 Int Gems, T1 Multi and T1 Cold Pen. to be really worth to use. Without Cold Pen, it gives little extra dps which is absolutely not worth as we are spending 100+ exa. You can check PoB yourself. And this amulet I'm talking about is so hard to craft or so expensive, in fact there is not an amulet like this on the market right now. So price effectiveness must be questioned. So skip that. -Your first main upgrade would be Awakened Hextouch Level 5 with a decent Assassin's Mark ring, additional shaper cold mods are good there. This comes before Unique corruptions. |
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Quality on Hypothermia support of main 6L doesn't matter right? Since we run Elemental Focus, 6L Ice Spear cannot chill and so we rely on Cospri links to apply chill/freeze for us?
So do we go for 21/0 Hypothermia over 20/20 Hypothermia, with 21/20 Hypothermia offering us no extra value? |
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hi, i'm playing this build a week ago, i'm level 91 and i'm a bit disappointed with the survivability of the build.
Currently I have 2.6k of life and 4.5k of mana and in the ultimatums they make me one shots and sometimes mapping also happens to me. I don't know if it will be because I have a low level or low pool of life + mana. Is this happening to you too? Can someone give me some advice to avoid this. Greetings Eddit whit pastebin: https://pastebin.com/W1Nys4QR Editado por útlima vez por sicko_87#3191 en 13 jun. 2021 7:14:58
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" Hi, use a anti curse mana flask, it will change a lot https://www.pathofexile.com/trade/search/Ultimatum/wW7YVZmCb Editado por útlima vez por Tobbias#0952 en 13 jun. 2021 16:56:33
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POB: https://pastebin.com/bbz4T1Ap
base case config. 109M on rare amulet; 101M on pandemonius Sirus dps. No RF and Vaal RF; No Atz's promise and wither stacks; no elem pen enchants; lvl 20 anomalous ice spear; and no additional ice spear projectile enchant. POB (244M): https://pastebin.com/GdSMnpZu Absolute best case basically. Not realistic so I prefer that most people assume take the first POB as the high reference point for dps. The defensive, and utility gains are actually the key takeaways I would like people to have. They're cheap, accessible, and create an outsized effect despite the lack of number porn The 2nd POB is still not min-maxed cause the chest isn't an MoM double-corrupt, double-influenced, heist enchanted mana rare, and I haven't swapped in my BiS 4 crit mult jewels. My variation on the build is quite tanky, and more powerful than the 2 LCJ version suggested here. Not as powerful as the one suggestion a few pages before, but I checked the Ultimatum char of that ItsMarcus on poe.ninja and he is NOWHERE NEAR his POB numbers. That POB sacrifices every single defense and decent mana pool along with an unrealisitc indigon mana spent assumption of 3200 man on a 3.7k mana pool...arcane cloak would never eat up that much mana on such a low maximum. Classic example of untested theorycrafting. The base is the 1LCJ variation with modifications mostly to passive tree, and 3 jewels have modifiers not seen in the OP's POB. Once again, the defensive gains are very a: Lvl 97 char. - 244M Maximum Possible Sirus DPS using OP rare amulet. 221M using The Pandemonius (RF, Vaal RF, 15 wither stacks, atz's promise and all the elem pen enchants including belt -6% to all res enchant). That calc doesn't compute lvl 21 anomalous ice spear cause I don't have it yet. - It has 109M Base dps on quicksilver insted of atz, No elem pen enchants on boots + belt, and NO additional ice spear enchant. Essentially trailing that top occultist Ultimatum build whose realistically at 121M dps instead of the 225M since he barely has any flask sustain. He also has terrible defenses compared to my build..like 8-9k EHP? I'm honestly not sure how doesn't get one-shot as soon as he gets even a little bit unlucky. - Mana after auras is at a healthy 4,581 with only 1 flat +40 mana roll in all my gear XD. 2 base jewels with 10% increased maximum mana. Arcane cloak spends 2959-2991 mana depending on the factors. If you don't have the jewels...you should be at about 4.3k mana...completely survivable. The mana stacking is just for indigon-arcane cloak and crusader dps increases. Optional imo. - 75% attack dodge and 72% spell dodge (I use a quartz flask of the order) and elusive buff. 58% eva with pandemonius. 16% Eva with rare amulet. - 51,852 EHP when no pandemonius (assumes no blind). 65,933 EHP with Pandemonius blind. - Anoints crusader instead of arcane capacitor. I lose like a few hundred thousand dps on arcane capacitor contrary to what itsmarcus with his hyper unrealistic POB suggestions mentioned. -MAX HIT CHANCE ON CYCLONE. MAX CRIT CHANCE ON QUARTZ FLASK OF THE ORDER for CYCLONE. I don't need diamond flasks anymore (so no more effective crit calc). That's cause I took one 25% crit chance node near the Heartseaker notable. Stacked a bit more crit chance on one jewel, and have a global increased accuracy modifier on another viridian jewel (accuracy only rolls on viridian). This small change capped aps to ice spear 10.08 and cyclone aps to 10.11 (no more effective aps calc). This tiny change increased the consistency to the point where I was noticeably clearing maps crazy faster. Additionally, perma phasing allows me to make my ice spears radiate and pierce from the center of mobs IMMEDIATELY. Immeasurably useful. It shaved off a minute on average on my map clears with the mapwatch software timer cause I wasn't leaving any stragglers as much. - Removed second wind for lvl 20 20% superior withering step for more dps with atz's promise and wither stacks adding craptons of free dps. More mvspeed, more dodge at absolutely low cost (cause it's not alt qual). The reason I intiially removed this was that I had too much CDR with 62%, and it was making me cast my arcane cloak too often. Thusly impacting my survivability because it's better for mana to be eating the damage and recovering than arcane cloak bursting you down and immediately getting busted up by a random unlucky mob hit which was causing unnecessary "self-assisted suicide one-shots" by mobs. One of my observations of the intangible problems that chasing MORE dps and MORE superfluous number porn causes. 2 LCJ is just not worth it at all for everything I sacrifice...whereby I only gain a lot of useless maximum dps for less comfortable everything. It blows my EHP straight into the toilet. Editado por útlima vez por Blaithin860#0546 en 16 jun. 2021 2:18:41
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First post was getting long.
Foreword: YOU DON'T NEED TO REACH SUPER HIGH DPS. I don't actively encourage it. If you can get to 20-50M max dps then you're super comfortably good for all content. People have done quite a lot with less than that, but you didn't pick this build for less dps so my estimate is still much larger than usual. Heck if a 600k dps caustic arrow is good enough for T16 map mob clear...then even the crappiest situation for your ice spear will blow through mobs like paper compared to that. I believe OP is of the school where DPS trumps everything else which I heavily disagree with. Only people with magic ping can always "not get hit" in PoE. I am of the school where it's the ability to balance multiple offensive and defensive mechanics or even enmesh your gains from defensive decisions into your offense as truly spectacular theory crafting. It's one thing to have 100M dps...it's another to have 100M dps, survivability to put other builds to shame, and be able to get a larger pool of PoE players to realistically partake on those gains (aka big bang for buck). What I want people to focus on is on how I've tuned the build more defensively. I only really bothered to put DPS at all cause it's eye-catching to a lot of people, and seems to give legitimacy to one's build. My main takeaways for normal people who don't obsessively min-max: 1. You don't need to be held hostage by the need for flat mana rolls if you're going for the really great gear. You can completely opt out of it so you have more options at more price points. This way you won't be milked out of your currency by mana gear cause it's what MoM builds like to look for. The passive tree is your friend here. The most deterministic stat gain tool you've got. I used it even though I could easily just have crafted mana gear and pushed my mana to infinity and beyond to focus even more on dps number porn. 2. You should try to get your hit chance and crit chance to max so you can get a quartz flask with the same % chance to crit effect you put in your diamond flask. Crit chance is a relatively easy adjustment by taking 25% crit chance node near the heartseeker notable passive you definitely took for this build using the intuitive leap jewel. Get 1 base jewel with ideally 12% global crit chance for cyclone or even melee crit chance modifier. Next, you want a jewel with Tier 1 % increased global accuracy rating (assuming you have lvl 21 superior precision aura). That should cap cyclone, and you can enjoy perma spell and attack dodge like a king with that shiny new flask. 3. Removing second wind for withering step is up to you. It's an inconvenient skill that requires precise button ordering based your current skill cds (or you could just button mash). It is however, a giant defensive (phasing, 22% attack and spell dodge, and +40% mvspeed) and offensive buff put together. min-maxing it to its fullest potential is annoying since you need belt lab's -6% to ALL res (chaos included) to enemies withered by you. Atz's promise for bosses like Sirus (you want the chaos res anyways) will scale from the wither stacks cause enemies take more chaos damage per stack to a maximum of 15. The first time they enter your wither aura they get 7 stacks immeidately on max qual default withering step. It also has the added side benefit of highlighting enemies radioactive green so you don't get blindsided in dark segments of the game. Duration is 7s 4. Don't bother trying to reach the highest heights of dps. 30M is more than enough for an unmodded The feared invitation on other builds with less mobility than this one. 20M Sirus dps is more than sufficient for modded The hidden invitation. If you even so much as surpass 30M Sirus dps...you're already on the realm of counting the milliseconds from deletion of the bosses. 5. I made this one so that I NEVER have to die to bs. If you're okay with dying occasionally then this variant is not for you. To clarify my first statement, this variation is one that's meant to be truly godlike even in the face of the rippiest map mods known to PoE...namely latency spikes, and crappy ping. I want to BE a god. No fourth wall situation is going to go do "hurr durr me bs" and kill me. I'll run through as many latency spikes as I want and still come out on top. I'll run the game on crappy 250-300ms ping on predictive, and it wouldn't be able to kill me if it tried. To quote dominus, "The touch of GOD." <- you want to be that god? you take this build, and you'll ignore everything (within reason hahaha). Editado por útlima vez por Blaithin860#0546 en 16 jun. 2021 2:26:59
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" Well, thank you anyways for writing down your own ideas under my build guide here. But I strongly disagree with you about this. I'm basically not a DPS warrior, both of my variants are certainly playable. My region is not that good, my ping is generally like ~50ms (best case) and ~70ms (generally). So we are not hoping for a magic here. In my opinion, pushing the limits of a build is always a mission to take for OPs. We don't need to reach super high dps to be comfortably do all the content but advanced min-maxing isn't about just doing the content. I can get 6k mana + enough dps with an alternative tree but min-maxing is always a different idea. 1 LCJ setup is defensively more optimal, I've already stated that before. But currently I'm running my 2 LCJ setup for a long time and I die so rarely without a magic ping. So you can't call it unoptimal randomly. There are many people playing with that without any problems. Game style differs here, not getting hit is not always about your numbers on your defense tab. To be precise with reasoning, you can think of Uber Elder fight. You can have trillions of DPS but if your game style sucks balls, you won't be successful. I always focus on getting more DPS without hitting my defensive points so much. It's not an obsession, it's a mixture of game knowledge and exploration ideas. If I can have extra millions of DPS without sacrificing too much defense, why I wouldn't go for it? If my 2 LCJ setup is enough to play efficiently without dying for a complete Sirus cycle for example? It means many maps, Ultimatums, Harvest etc. To be specific; if I die, it's generally in Ultimatum stone circles. It might be my fault or just a one shot mechanic that is too much for my eHP. If you have problems with dying even this rare, you can go for your own setup to be immortal, which is still absolutely false. This is not that type of build. If you call advanced min-maxing as PoB warrioring randomly and insist that having enough DPS to clear the content makes min-maxing unnecessary, you can go and play a typical build that clears every content without dying less than 10 times until Level 100. |
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