[3.14] [Raider] Mahuxotl's Machination Hybrid Trapper
Is there something i'm missing with the build or is the in-game character defence sheet just inaccurate (says i'm at much lower chance to evade than on pob with jade flask going)
https://pastebin.com/VthMtJKi Also, any chance you could add a min-maxed version to the guide? Edit: Have changed to these flasks and am getting 74% evade chance with everything going Maybe the evade from avatar of the chase just isn't counted on the character defence sheet? Editado por útlima vez por APNunu#3786 en 18 may. 2021 22:40:56
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This build looks really interesting. Good job on it ;)
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" Your character sheet in PoB is accurate - everything fine here. Evasion and chance to evade ingame is calculated against your own character level (so your character sheet shows chance to evade against a lvl 94 monster/player in PVP) - since monster level normally only goes up to lvl 84, PoB only calculates against that. There are ways to go every monster level 84 ingame with ivory watchstones, strongbox levels and atlas passives, but those are exceptions. Weaving in a Basalt flask for heavy physical hits is a good option for delirious maps and Simulacrums. Otherwise, I don't think you need it since you can already tank a shaper slam without having one - comes down to personal preference. I looked at your gear - really nice helmet craft you have here, gratz on that, nicely done! May I ask... what do you want/expect from a min-maxed version? Just a min-maxed PoB? I already provided deterministic GG crafting recipes for helmet, rings. I can provide one for a fractured weapon if you want me to (but that would only be for a tiny portion of players I feel, since it is quite expensive and requires sitting on TFT buying fracture crafts and "gambling" on bases) What is also missing would be a GG deterministic boots craft I guess, but Atziri's Step is sufficient anyway I feel. Everything else is just getting GG double corruptions, which is just gambling at Alva temples until to hit it and getting jewel implicit through running a couple of hundred harvests, gambling on them again. In numbers: with an Explosive Trap helmet enchant, a better Lethal Pride + my current gear I have in Ultimatum I would reach around 10-11 Million damage against endgame bosses like Sirus/Maven/Shaper (currently sitting at 8 Million) With "realistic" min-maxing (things you can get with hundreds of exalts invested, not unrealistic PoB gear no one can make in one league) you would reach around 15 Million Explosive Trap damage and around 400k Arc damage per chain, which is not needed imo since I already can do everything which is in the game currently with the ingame PoB I provided from my Ultimatum character, which is far from min maxing besides my weapon (missing out 10% crit multi after I divine it since I decided against going for T1 crit multi and went with the bench craft instead). |
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Thanks for the buildguide, its genuinly one of the best guides ive ever seen.
In the Helm craft guide ive got to the point of going and getting some harvests to look for the hypothermia suppport, you say to look for "Reforge a magic or rare item including a new random cold modifier - cold modifiers are more likely" does this mod actually exist? its not on poedb, there is only the option to reforge a rare with more likely, and not reforge a magic with more likely. Thankyou for your time and once again amazing work on the guide. |
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Just imported my chara to pob against ur pob and Im at like half of ur avg hit, do you have any suggestions on what I can do to improve? for the rings and belt im pretty much forced into using a rare stygian getting enough res and str with 2 rings is almost impossible other than self crafting right now.
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" Thank you for pointing that out - I change it in the guide to avoid confusion (I just wrote that from heart and did not check the specifics) There is only: - Reforge a Normal or Magic item as a Rare item with random modifiers, including a Cold modifier (use this for adding Hypothermia on your imprinted base - it basically acts as a targeted regal orb) " You should not use my endgame PoB for comparing your build starting out in damage (especially since I got myself an almost perfect weapon which is beyond most peoples budget). Also, PoB does not reflect actuall damage since it does not naturarly include Scorch, Brittle and Sap (you have to calculate and edit those in yourself to see actual damage) - gladly, GGG finally revealed the formulas for those ailments, so we can now calculate them exactly, which is pretty nice. I replied to you a few posts before where I included a link to a lower level PoB of a friend I helped out "fixing" his gear (was just a few adjustments) - you can take this PoB for comparison to your build if you need a rough guideline for starting out. |
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Really sick build. Great explanation for the usage AND crafting of all of your gear. I only play Hardcore SSF/Trade leagues and most builds have literally no layers of defense outside of flasks and base life/es. This build strikes an amazing balance of damage, defense and utility on top of just being incredibly unique. Keep up the great work, I hope you continue to make more cool & interesting builds in the future!
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" Thanks for the explanation. With min-maxing, i'm just looking for a true end-game goal that I could reasonably reach in a league so I always have something to set myself toward, as without goals the game gets a little boring for me. I still have the rings to get which will take quite a while and the curse on hit one will be awesome as I'm too lazy to assassin's mark myself, but after that and a better weapon I feel like i'd get bored. Also, I was struggling in a few 60% deli maps, occasionally just getting oneshot, I switched the basalt out for a rumi's and it was a little better, would the best way to solve that just to be using HH or is there a cheaper alternative? Editado por útlima vez por APNunu#3786 en 19 may. 2021 23:06:22
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Hi! I'm starting your build right now, using the CA leveling process.
So far i've got the shield, the armour, the boots and i'm going to buy the Lethal Pride and the amulet soon. I have a couple of questions: 1. i had a shaper evasion/armour helmet lying around, threw a couple of chaos and hit Supported by Trap/Mine dmg and Supported by Increased AOE, together with 110 Life. Is it good if i just use hypothermia as gem and replace Conc effect? Whats your opinion? 2. how do you calculate your total dps? in the Pob fork you can set "include in full DPS" for the trap you want, and on the right you can set the number of traps. What number you realistically use? 3. what is the general mapping feeling? i've never used traps, done a few miners and i liked them, it was quite fast. since you cannot "detonate" traps, how is in maps the amount of times you have to backtrack for monsters or just "miss" the aim and the trap falls far off and doesn't get triggered? 4. what about Fire trap? Is it worse then Explosive, due to the lack of extra explosions? and if you had to replace arc with another gem to map and clear, what would it be? Thanks for the help! I'm sure it's gonna be a blast! |
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" It's a pretty big damage loss (around 20-30%) by using that. Concentrated effect is still the best gem to socket according to pob. Not sure how the total dps is calculated, would like to know that too. Mapping feels great, throw a few traps into a pack and most of them die, you do miss some mobs but it doesn't really matter, you don't need to full clear, just kill the majority. For things like essence farming, traps are great as you can throw down 24 explosive and near enough 1 shot even corrupted essence monsters. Ultimatums can pretty much be afked unless you take ruin / choking miasma, even then you can still tank the miasma for quite a while before it starts doing noticable damage. I've only used lvl20 anomalous vaal arc and recently switched to lvl21 anomalous arc since I got lucky vaaling a level 20 one. I don't really like arc much either, the particles cause pretty big fps issues so I'm interested in this too. I'd imagine ball lightning would be the best alternative? Editado por útlima vez por APNunu#3786 en 20 may. 2021 1:48:09
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