[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
" Maybe you think is easy probably because you play on PC. Multiple flasks instead only one and easier access to items is unbalanced compared to console. I'm personally struggling to get 5M dps. And if they reduce aura effect again, physical will be dead and only cold will be viable. And I disagree about auras. The high dps peak is due to temporary buffs, not aurastacking. Your post in the 'X' thread has been removed for breaching the following clauses of the Code of Conduct:
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so reading the changes you think this build will still work in 1.14?
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With this items the build looks pretty solid, but it can work with more accessible gear?
After another nerfhammer, physical looks really bad... but elemental looks possible... The problem is the gear — looks too fancy for console... (and no harvest) Your post in the 'X' thread has been removed for breaching the following clauses of the Code of Conduct:
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The nerfs didn't hit the build too hard, it's still playable and the dps drops a bit. The only problem I'm having is what skill to replace bv with. It seems difficult to slot in a different skill, and now that trigger wand has an 8 second cd, it's going to be difficult to keep frost bomb exposure up as well.
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" It's definitely easier on PC as this essentially is a build spamming 5 flasks consistently, especially on a high budget where we get the bottled Faith. On a lower budget, 4 flasks should be easy to press since the flasks are bound to the movement pad on consoles IIRC. Well, they did nerf aura effect so much now that Aura stacking Carrion Golem is completely dead unless you've got mirrors now. I'm not an aura stacker but I think the build lost more than 50% aura effect with harvest available. It's looking pretty bad. Unfortunately, it just seems like your gear is pretty bad. Aura stackers don't have temporary buffs outside of Vaal Haste. A perfect geared Aura stacker reaches 200 million dps with maximum pride effect and 3/3 Power and Frenzy charges. High budget versions, meaning those without perfect gear should have no problems at all reaching 50-80 million dps while being borderline immortal. Aura stacking needed to be nerfed because the archetype was slowly destroying the summoning community build diversity. In the end we would all be Aura stackers, not summoners. If you look through the build guides on this forum, 90% of all high budget builds are aura stackers of some sort, whether it be Golems, Zombies or Spectres. |
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" Low budget and medium budget will definitely be working. The damage nerfs the buff recieved actually weren't too bad. The biggest nerf to the build was the trigger and BV nerfs, but I think I have a solution to them. |
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" You can still run the medium and budget versions of the build. Itnermediate gear(The gear between medium and high budget) Should also be accessible, look through the high budget item guide and you can see my Heist gear which was items I crafted without Harvest. This was high budget items in Heist though. |
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Wrong. Those 2% nerfs are easy offset by using either aura effect chest or glorius vanity. Its nowhere near 50%. Its 24% that can be offset pretty easy tbh. You didnt even use all aura effect skill points you could allocate most of time. Also quick question: socketed gems have +3% spell crit works on minions gems, does global +2%spell crit mod works the same ?
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" Yeah, the trigger nerf and BV nerfs left a sour after taste in my mouth too be honest as it directly targets the QoL of this build and its playstyle. But I think I have some solutions involving Weapon Swapping and Increased Durations support. I will have to test it out during the league though. Last resort simply is to not play with trigger at all and just run with Stormbrand - Awakened Hextouch - Frostbite and run tripple curse instead. This hurts the playstyle though which is a big downside for me. Currently I'm thinking of this strategy for high budget: Trigger Wand: Blade Vortex - Flesh Offering - Increased Duration Shield: Skitterbots - Convocation - Bonechill Might even skip Flesh Offering for Awakened Hextouch to get +1 curse if it proves to be really hard to craft +1 curse on spectre chests this league. With Frost Bomb nerfed to 15% and the spell already having a very bad uptime for clear we'll exclusively use it for single target instead. Offhand setup: Trigger Wand: Frost Bomb - Desecrate - Flesh Offering Shield: Skitterbots - Convocation - X Basically, the increased duration should allow us to have near 100% uptime on BV still, but we lose Frost Bomb which is a highly situational skill eitherway. When we want frost bomb, which primarily is for single target on bosses: You do a weapon swap, trigger all your spells with one dash and one phase run, then swap back. Having skitterbots in both weapon setups is to make sure that the aura isn't turned off. Both Flesh Offering and Frost Bomb will still work during weapon swaps. |
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" Makes sense. An "easy" way to craft the chest would be to buy the base with +1 spectre and no other prefixes (except for life), harvest craft until you have an empty prefix and all the mods you want, then slam with hunter's orb and r/a influenced mod until you hit +1 curse. ~10 tries to hit the curse mod, but it's doable. Editado por útlima vez por FNRTJ#3643 en 14 abr. 2021 6:34:54
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