[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
" that is a good question |
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quick test for hydrosphere dps. Note that this is a very rough estimate since my media player only shows me full seconds, but it seems like we can expect about 75% dps increase. That being said, the increased crit dmg gem you lose for melee splash would have increased your golem dps by about 60% if they are in a 3% crit helmet. The big strength is that you don't have to change gems, the weakness is that you have to path down to avatar of fire or hit the right crangle on your wand |
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" Would not we lose 50% of dps with avatar of fire and almost 100% dps with wand krangle? I see it like this>golems and spectres deal cold dmg>sphere is always frozen so it does 0 dps with this wand krangle Here and there it might be shocked from skitterbots but that is about it, no? Is this what i describe not how it actually works ingame? I did not try, just read the wiki page https://pathofexile.fandom.com/wiki/Hydrosphere I'm now deciding between headhunter and "perfect" helm for this build never played with on minion build, did not even know it works with traps n minions because of the wording on it"you kill" but it seems like exception to the rule. I feel pretty, Oh, so pretty, I feel pretty, and witty and gay, And I pity Any girl who isn’t me today! Editado por útlima vez por CAKE#4700 en 23 nov. 2021 19:19:17
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Just wanted to thank you for making this guide. I league started with a phys-trapper, which was fine. Carried me to T16 maps. But all the clicking caused my arthritis to flare up. So I took what little currency I have and just started this build. Minion builds don't use buttons, right? XD I just hit lvl 44 and about halfway through Act 6. The leveling section of the guide is from 3.14/3.15?, and some nodes aren't in the right place. So I have been just trying to match the low budget tree. Not going for death attunement is probably a mistake, but I'll see how badly I'm messing up. Currently my goal is to just hit maps ASAP and quickly grind out some gems. |
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Hydrosphere and Melee Splash Testing:
Been gone for 2 days so haven't played much and it's great to see that you guys have experimented with the build and done some testing. I've done some testing on Hydrosphere aswell and it's just a flat 100% damage increase if you use Hydrosphere correctly. The basic mechanics is abusing Divergent Melee Splash since the splash damage from that gem doesn't get reduced to surrounding targets. This makes it so that if your minions hit a target for X damage, exactly X damage will splash to the surrounding. The next step is what's convoluting and weird. The splash damage simply hits the Hydrosphere, and for some whacky reason the Hydrosphere uses the splash damage and splashes it back once again onto all surrounding targets. The range is very small so you need to literally place the hydrosphere ontop a boss to notice it. I've been experimenting running Avatar of Fire prevent Hydrosphere from doing cold damage. When you place it the first time it will do a pulse that does cold dmg. This obviously is bad for elemental EQ as it removes all cold exposures. Technically, we don't need Avatar of Fire though since we can just place the hydrosphere and then run into melee range with BV to override the first pulse of Hydrosphere. Only when you cast Hydrosphere again, will you do cold damage. I found this pretty clunky though and using BV to curse and put exposure on tanky stuff like Delirium Bosses feels like a gamble since Omniphobia has a tendency to oneshot you when you get cloe. Being able to stand at max range and apply curses and Exposure with Hydrosphere actually is pretty comfortable at times against dangerous monsters like bosses. The loss of 3 points feels pretty bad though. I do find this combination of Hydrosphere and Melee Splash borderline mandatory now though. Melee Splash is already the best gem we can use for clear on melee minions. By simply running it together with Hydrosphere we both the best single target and clear setup for our golems in the same links without having to gemswap. Kinda reminds me of how GMP was for Syndicate Operatives with shotgunning. Project AFK Blight: I'm gonna do one more project with my medium/intermediate budget version of the build. I'm currently trying to make some changes so we can run Corrupted +80% quant T16 Blighted Maps afk. This is only the first "draft" for now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJWQdQMvJso&ab_channel=HenrikSwanstr%C3%B6m It's far from done and not really where I want yet. I'm almost there and can do most corrupted maps afk but mods like 40% ele res, 50% more monster HP and stun immune lanes can be troublesome. Those mods together is a certain brick unfortunately since the dps isn't enough for when I get run down by 10 bosses at the same time. I also have no way of applying my curses or exposure while AFK which is a pretty big hit. I'm very close though and survivavbiltiy is no issue at all. I just need to find a way to fit more dps. Running a Ruby Flask(For Fireballs) with increased effect and a Amethyst Flask with Poison immunity aswell as capping Chaos Res with Asulym sort all defenses. I also use Vitality instead of Grace for regen since you're not gonna get melee hit too much any way. Vitality + capped Chaos res with an instilling orbed Forbidden Taste flask basically sorts all defenses in Blight. This is basically my next project for now to see if we can make the build afk blight viable for juiced blighted maps (Not interested in running them white, less profit). ![]() I'm going to be running 72 Corrupted T16 Blighted maps in the coming days to measure the profit and see if it's worth it. After that I'm gonna get some upgrades since it was a long time since I last got any actual good item :) ![]() Editado por útlima vez por Deadandlivin#2745 en 23 nov. 2021 21:04:44
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I've hit a wall and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. I've managed to get some mid range gear and I feel like my damage is kind of bad. Map clear is amazing but i seem to struggle with bosses. Will getting Elemental Equilibrium help with that? I've been searching for a 4R2B/3R3B for two days straight with no results... I dont swap in any gems whatever I've got equipped is what i run. My animate guardian has what was recommended by another user: Kingmaker, gravebind with elemental weakness, additional curse boots, tyrant helm and impulsa. I've started to use clawcrushers over syndicate too, I feel like they do more for me than syndicate especially for single target. Is there anything I need to be doing to maximise dps and what should I purchase next/invest into? I'm very new to minion builds so I'd appreciate the help! |
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" I was looking at a HH, but then I think I will have a problem with my resists....get a big chunk from my current belt |
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" " also forgot to mention that this was done with awakened melee splash lvl 7. I incorrectly assumed that the melee splash gem would reduce all damage which would not make a difference percentage wise, but since it only affects the splashed damage we can assume that hydrosphere would just straight up double the dps in combination with divergent melee splash |
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" Yeah, this is what's so ridiculous running this setup. Running double Divergent Melee splashes that are lvl 20/23 assuming minmax will turn out to be a 106% more dmg multiplier per melee minion. This is why Divergent Melee splash prices is shooting in the roof. |
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" You can start of getting Headhunter and just try it out how much you like it with minions. Imo it's a large powerspike and it's the most fun item you can get. It does nothing for single target though. THen later on when you've got another 100 ex or so you could simply sell the HH and get a mirror for a perfect helm and then decide whether to farm for another HH or not. It's kinda hard to go from having a HH to selling it in my opinion though :P But you kinda want to get a mirror before the prices start racing. |
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