[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)

Deadandlivin escribió:

Hi dead,
A question related to minion block chance.
wondering does minion have base block chance ? because if Decay ward + Fortress it should be 30 + 12 and block chance from shield (let's say 25%) so it's 67 here, does minion have base block chance? so the total would cap the max block chance ?

They don't have any base block unfortunately.
With a fortress Covenant we take them to 64% attack block and 42% spell block which should be enough to consistently have brittle up on bosses.
We can block cap them with Bone Offering.

I've found that I need to run Bone Offering in very hard content like lvl 30 simulacrums because minions die otherwise.

ah i see, we need bone offering instead to cap the block, got it now, thanks !!
Deadandlivin escribió:
toppestofkeks_ escribió:

Hey guys, linking my current gear above. My animate guardian is using kingmaker, leer's cast and the elemental weakness gloves with 48 effectiveness.
My boss dps at the moment doesnt feel incredibly high as I was struggling to do mavens invitation: the formed. Died either once or twice there, dont remember exactly. For spectres I am currently using 1 frenzy charge monkey + 3 crabs. It IS currently possible to do some of the endgame bosses but it's kind of a struggle sometimes. One thing I do regret a bit now is that my chest gives +1 dex but not +str. The idea was to make a chest where you can swap easily between SO's and Crushclaws, but even that I can't really do at the moment since my white sockets are in the wrong slots. Is there anything else obviously wrong with my build at the moment? I am happy to hear any and all suggestions! Thank you all very much.

POB: https://pastebin.com/4x2atNbF


There's some awkward things with your build.
Personally, I'm not sure whether I like that chest.
It's basically a worse +2 chests with some added life and lightning res.
What you lose is +2 on all support gems which is ~10% more dmg, 100% global defenses and Elemental Equilibrium or any other useful keystone.
I'm not a fan of your flask setup either.

I see you're selfcasting Frostbite and have -15% cold exposure from cold pen aswell so not sure why your dps is lacking. Just seems to be the shield holding you down.

You really should get a level 5 Awakened melee phys. It gives the build Intimidate which is 10% more damage.

We recently learned that it's actually optimal to use our Golems in the chest and Spectres in the helm. It provides a slight dps boost.
Since you're using Crabs it should be easy for you to just swap them around.
If possible you should go for these supports:

Chest: Awakened minion dmg, awakened melee phys, Awakened EDWA, Multistrike.
Either run Divergent Hypothermia which is better for clear or Predator which is better for bosses in the last slot.

Helm: Multistrike, Awakened Cold Penetration, Predator.

Also, using a 20/20 AG without a + to skill ring is playing with fire. He's pretty squishy I would assume.

This your current PoB:
You're at 8 million Sirus dps which is kinda low.

I would make these changes to your build while trying to get more tankiness:

There's ALOT of changes in this PoB and I can't really playtest it but I think if you made these changes everything would be much better.

If I've done everything correct, implementing these changes should double your dps, give you 70% block and 74% spell block without glancing blows.
Make you Stun, Freeze, Ignite and Shock immune.
Pantheon changes protects you against poisons.
Also should give you better minion survivavbility and more life.

The changes I made included changes to your skill tree.
I changed your flasks, gave you a cluster and gave you new boots.
Alot of the immunities come from Jewel Corruptions which are easy to get.

When it comes to the flasks, you should Instil all of them to consume charges when charges reach full. This mechanic is super strong and ensures insane flask uptime without you having to do anything.

The biggest sacrifice is that you're losing Convocation with this setup since it's using Tempest Shield to cap Spell Block.

However, I think a solution could be to change Shield.
There's plenty of unique shields corrupted with Determination on them that you could try out. This would allow you to put Tempest Shield in your weapon and convocation back into the ring.

There are several intersting shields you could look into.
I think this shield could be promising:

Solid post, lots of information. Needed some time to digest all of it, and still am in fact. Have a couple of follow up questions though.

Want to start off with the chest that I have. As I mentioned before, the idea behind it was that I could build a "one size fits all" chest with which you can use SO's, FAS and crabs interchangeably. Besides, in my estimation the pretty big HP boost + resistances weren't that bad anyways. HOWEVER, if I am reading into the situation correctly, it does seem to me that I am kind of deadlocked now when it comes to my shield options. With the lack of +100 defenses from skin of the lords, I kind of need to get the armor from somewhere. Is my analysis correct that it's now kind of hard for me to switch to a more offensive shield?

But can you also please elaborate this part a little bit: "What you lose is +2 on all support gems which is ~10% more dmg, 100% global defenses and Elemental Equilibrium or any other useful keystone.". What do you mean exactly I lose +2 on all support gems? My chest does +1 to all socketed supports gems + gems of specific colors as well, almost the same as Skin of the lords. I must be not interpreting something correctly here. Also, what does the chest have to do with EE? Didn't really get this specific part.

I appreciate that you provide other shield options, but do you think I have to ditch my chest first to "enable" these other options or will I be fine even with this chest?

Now, onto the other questions. In POB, EDWA seems to sim better than awakened melee phys. Does pob not take the intimidate debuff into account or something? On paper it indeed does sound very strong.
EDIT: found that you need to check the "intimidate" checkbox manually in the config.

About cold pen support. You seem to only ever use it on either the helm, or the chest. Any reason its never both? Could you not run a chest with cold pen instead of edwa?

And the last question for now is about the boots. If I ditch my boots and replace it with a random rare, it hurts my dps quite a bit. Shouldnt we be using +2 spectre level boots or at least +1? I probably missed it but I haven't really seen much discussion about +2 spectre level boots so I am assuming that I am overlooking something.

Other than that, I am looking forward to transforming my character as per your direction. But it's a pretty massive overhaul so I am going to do it step by step.
Editado por útlima vez por toppestofkeks_#1882 en 11 nov. 2021 23:56:51
Melonmonkey escribió:
Does anyone have a strong opinion on what the good high end setup(s) are for AG now? Mine ripped to a blight map a few minutes ago, but I'm making enough money that I can comfortably make an investment.

Would it just be:
Crown of the tyrant
Gravebind w/ elemental weakness

Melonmonkey escribió:
Melonmonkey escribió:
Does anyone have a strong opinion on what the good high end setup(s) are for AG now? Mine ripped to a blight map a few minutes ago, but I'm making enough money that I can comfortably make an investment.

Would it just be:
Crown of the tyrant
Gravebind w/ elemental weakness


If you need a really HIGH-end setup you shall take this:
Elevated "Nearby enemies take more ele damage" with Elevated "Nearby enemies has
-cold res" in a helmet
Elevated Explosions + additional curse in the chest.

This will allow you to make a 3-curse setup by annointing Whispers of Doom on your amulet.
Editado por útlima vez por Its_OP#0728 en 12 nov. 2021 1:37:18
Hello, I'm having a quesion about changing golem to chest.

Now I'm putting feeding frenzy in chest with spectre because I want to run molten shell.

My chest is 3B-2R-1G
Gem on my chest now are spectre-minion dmg-hypo-feeding frenzy-EDWA-Multi/Splash

So I want to know if I want put golem in chest, what gem should I run now?

Do I need to put feeding frenzy to helm with spectre?

Actually I don't know how this gem work, does it make all minions to be aggressive or just the linked skill?
BreachMain escribió:
Happened to complete this wand today

Just curious, how much was that ?
Melonmonkey escribió:
Does anyone have a strong opinion on what the good high end setup(s) are for AG now? Mine ripped to a blight map a few minutes ago, but I'm making enough money that I can comfortably make an investment.

Doppleganger chestpiece on AG gives him 10% health regen and alot of phys/chaos dmg mitigation which makes him super tanky.

Since you lost him to a blight encounter I'm 90% sure he died to corrupted blood there as it stacked too high and outdps his regen. He might also have died to some crazy elemental crits if he ran out of your aura range.
To make him not die to corrupted blood you need either Indomitable Army Death's Door Boots.

I think the best setup would be:
- Doppleganger Chest
- Kingmaker
- Windscream boots with 2% health regen enchant
- Gloves EW curse and a crapton of resistances
- Helm with -9% cold res to enemies and a crapton of resistances.

If you want to go the explodey route like I am:
- Inpulsa
- Kingmaker
- Windscream boots with 2% health regen enchant
- Gravebind corrupted with EW
- Helm with -9% cold res and as much resistances as possible.

My version is way squishier, but I'm running Indomitable Army so I'm not too afraid of losing him. What I do fear is him dying to some insane elemental dmg shotguns from Harvest or something like that.

Solid post, lots of information. Needed some time to digest all of it, and still am in fact. Have a couple of follow up questions though.

Want to start off with the chest that I have. As I mentioned before, the idea behind it was that I could build a "one size fits all" chest with which you can use SO's, FAS and crabs interchangeably. Besides, in my estimation the pretty big HP boost + resistances weren't that bad anyways. HOWEVER, if I am reading into the situation correctly, it does seem to me that I am kind of deadlocked now when it comes to my shield options. With the lack of +100 defenses from skin of the lords, I kind of need to get the armor from somewhere. Is my analysis correct that it's now kind of hard for me to switch to a more offensive shield?

But can you also please elaborate this part a little bit: "What you lose is +2 on all support gems which is ~10% more dmg, 100% global defenses and Elemental Equilibrium or any other useful keystone.". What do you mean exactly I lose +2 on all support gems? My chest does +1 to all socketed supports gems + gems of specific colors as well, almost the same as Skin of the lords. I must be not interpreting something correctly here. Also, what does the chest have to do with EE? Didn't really get this specific part.

I appreciate that you provide other shield options, but do you think I have to ditch my chest first to "enable" these other options or will I be fine even with this chest?

Now, onto the other questions. In POB, EDWA seems to sim better than awakened melee phys. Does pob not take the intimidate debuff into account or something? On paper it indeed does sound very strong.
EDIT: found that you need to check the "intimidate" checkbox manually in the config.

About cold pen support. You seem to only ever use it on either the helm, or the chest. Any reason its never both? Could you not run a chest with cold pen instead of edwa?

And the last question for now is about the boots. If I ditch my boots and replace it with a random rare, it hurts my dps quite a bit. Shouldnt we be using +2 spectre level boots or at least +1? I probably missed it but I haven't really seen much discussion about +2 spectre level boots so I am assuming that I am overlooking something.

Other than that, I am looking forward to transforming my character as per your direction. But it's a pretty massive overhaul so I am going to do it step by step.

I understand the principle of the chest, and I like it in theory as it's far more flexible. However, it just performs worse. Thing is, now we want to put our Golems in the chest so we don't need Skin o fthe Lords to be flexible in the coloring any longer. The HP boost is nice though.

The fun part about skin of the Lords is that it also doubles the armour from your shield effectively doubling it. You're not really "deadlocked" into your shield though, you just lose alot of Armour if you ever were to swap.

I didn't mean that your body didn't give added dmg due to levels to support gems. I meant that it gave less damage. As you mentioned though, had it given +1 to strength and not Dex it would have been in par though.

Your chest serves you well and I don't think you need to change it soon anyway. Trying to get some EE skin of the lords chest would force you to get Curse on hit rings and stuff which might be annoying. The strongest part about running EE is that you get an exposure that's 25% instead of 15%. That's basically a flat 10% dps increase, even more against bosses.
Not only that, it allows you to run a different support gem than Awakened Cold pen to provide much larger boosts to damage.

For example, you could run something like EDWA/Elemental Focus instead providing a large dps boost to your spectres. Simulating the changes would give you a 2 million dps increase by just getting EE and swapping a gem against bosses. Against non boss targets it's a 4 million dps increase.

I think your chest is fine. Try playing around in PoB with other shields and see if you get any noteable boosts. For example, the Whakkiku shield or what it's called seems really good. It gives 40% aura effect to minions (Only 20% seem to register on PoB). The Aura effect boosts your Determintion armour alot, it gives alot of life on block for both you and your minions and it gives +3 to socketed minion skills which is good for zombies and AG.
It also gives alot of ES which synergises extremely well with Divine Shield.
By having a massive armour pool and Divine shield most monsters won't get past your ES to even scratch your hp pool. Being block capped also makes you close to unkillable.

We only use Awakened cold pen for the exposure effect at level 5. Besides that, it simply performs worse than other support gems being the reason why we don't really want to use it. The best green gem to use is Divergent Hypothermia as it provides a large dps boost when targets are frozen. Once your dps is high most targets will start to get frozen by your linked minion. The interesting thing is that the -4% on Hypothermia stacks per minion. If you get high enough dps to freeze things like Metamorphs or regular map bosses it's a -16% cold res modifier.

In the past I used to be really adamant on running +1 lvl to spectre boots but that was because we needed level 25 asap to get 4 spectres. Our Skin chests only used to give +1 before so we needed the boots.
Much have changed now and Skin of the lords now give +2 and we even put our spectres in the helm for +3.

Sure, you lose some dps but changing boots will be mandatory for you to get your Dexterity up aswell as hitting resistances. You're also putting points into things like Practical applications which we don't really want. Skill points are very precious.

Another note with the PoB:
You will want to get Sanctum and thought and the Defend with 120% armour when on high ES mastery. It will provide a massive boost in survivavbility.

Melonmonkey escribió:
Melonmonkey escribió:
Does anyone have a strong opinion on what the good high end setup(s) are for AG now? Mine ripped to a blight map a few minutes ago, but I'm making enough money that I can comfortably make an investment.

Would it just be:
Crown of the tyrant
Gravebind w/ elemental weakness


We can't run Crown of the Tyrant since it adds cold dmg to us.
This bricks our Elemental Equilibrium.
Technically, the crown is pretty good since it provides -10% to all res.
You can also run a blue socket for some added lightning dmg instead which would beat out a rare helm.

For high endgame though, an awakened double maven influenced rare helm with -12% cold res and 9% increased elemental dmg taken beats it out by a large margin.
That's alot of money though.
eartheth escribió:
Hello, I'm having a quesion about changing golem to chest.

Now I'm putting feeding frenzy in chest with spectre because I want to run molten shell.

My chest is 3B-2R-1G
Gem on my chest now are spectre-minion dmg-hypo-feeding frenzy-EDWA-Multi/Splash

So I want to know if I want put golem in chest, what gem should I run now?

Do I need to put feeding frenzy to helm with spectre?

Actually I don't know how this gem work, does it make all minions to be aggressive or just the linked skill?

Use these links:

- Chest: Golems - Awk Minion Dmg - Awk - Melee Phys - Div Hypo - Awk EDWA - Mutlistrike
Helm: Spectre - Feeding Frenzy - Awk Melee Phys - Multistrike/Awk Melee Splash

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