[3.21] Cold Conversion Summoner | Build guides for all budgets | (Ghazzy Zoomancer)
type Spectre bank in youtube for easy understood Spectre recovery system
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" Operatives are no problem at all. I've gone through act 5-mapping 3 times this week and I can't remember losing a single operative once. Maybe to some boss but I can't really remember. Yeah, after testing the Slave Drivers some more, they truly are squishy and die from time to time which is extremely annoying. But once you invest into minion survivability it becomes much better. You need both Sacrifice and Indomitable army for your spectres to be able to survive. The problem is that your minions have no Elemental Resistance so they get clapped by big elemental hits. If you got the Spectre Gem at a high level, both Sacrifice and Indomitable Army specced and still somehow manage to lose your spectres I would look into using a Purity of Elements (All ress aura) in your setup. Syndicate Operatives don't have any issues surviving though as they're a far tankier spectre. If you're talking about getting the spectres back in general if you unequip your chest or something like that you could either use a Spectre Bank on a lvl 28 alt character or just hit /global 6666 and ask someone to share their spectres with you. The channel is filled with other summoners so kind people always invite you if you've messed up. Editado por útlima vez por Deadandlivin#2745 en 16 abr. 2021 11:31:53
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Thanks, guys! Much appreciated.
I also didn't know about the spectre bank, super handy! |
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Great build! Sorry for the inconvenience, but i can find actual pob link.
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" PoB should be in the build guide. Is the link broken? |
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" May be problem with me, but all links in 3.13, isnt' it ? |
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" Oh that's right, I haven't updated the PoBs yet. I'll do it later when the league hype is down :-) I have changed the written information in this guide. Not much has changed from the 3.13 PoBs the only difference is that we're running Increased Duration instead of Frost Bomb in our trigger wand for higher budget builds. |
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Is the Forst bomb even worth it in low budget? It has EE, so frost bomb rises cold res more than it decreases.
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Rocking the build in the campaign! Started the league late due to server issues and able to grab SO easily which is completely broken together with CG in compaign!
Something really useful to have I think is a priority list of upgrading from budget to intermediate. I imagine helm, wand and Chest to be pretty high on that list. |
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" The low budget version plays Elementalis so frost bomb is -40% cold exposure which is a huge dps increase. How frost bomb functions is that it instantly applies the exposure when you press it on the target. Then after ~2 second the pulsing nova thing explode and deals cold damage. This cold damage applies +50% to cold res from EE which is certainly bad but a target can only have one instance of EE up at a time. So if you play properly you instantly will be replacing the Cold dmg EE with lightning damage from Storm Brand or Lightning/Fire EE from BV allowing you to keep both the cold exposure AND the EE effect. |
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