[Outdated] Lancing Steel Raider | SoftCore | Not league starter viable anymore

Have you tried facetanking by yourself? I see you are talking about life gain on hit build variant but you seem to play the other one. I cannot tell im done. One of my rings is t2, don't have dying sun yet but still im very very far from actually facetanking stuff even on kinda easy content.
Editado por útlima vez por Profatum#6473 en 23 abr. 2021 21:52:16
Leckarion escribió:
LionHeart583 escribió:
I'm currently using this build and so far its seems very promising, but I feel like im lacking something, I don't seem to know where to get power charges nor do I know what keeps my endurance charges up. I'm plugging things into PoB but no luck. I'm at a dead end and not sure where to go with it.

heya! Thanks for replying! Sorry for the delay with my reply! You're doing good! Saw you're using Darkray Vectors, those are nice budget boots! Some notes after Taking a look at your PoB:

-If you get your gems to the max level you'll get a nice damage increase;
-Get a Dread Banner, it will greatly increase your damage and, if you're having mana issues after getting Dread Banner, swap Maim for Lifetap support basically the same damage with both supports;
-Try capping your resistances;
-Get a better ring than your Agony Nail Two-Stone Ring with phys dmg to attacks,
-Upgrade your The Magnate to The Nomad;
-Swap your Eternal Life Flask for a Sulphur Flask;
-Get a medium cluster with the same mods as the one you have but with 5 passives so you can access the jewel socket without wasting a passive point;
-Get a Crown on the Inward Eyes with at least 20% increased maximum life and, if possible, go for one with the Lancing Steel fires an additional projectile helmet enchantment;

That should help you with both your damage and survivability. Can you describe
your playstyle?

Edit: Enduring cry is what keeps your endurance charges up. You'll get power charges fromon kill and on crit effects on the high budget

Thank you so much for the guidance, I started playing in Delerium and I always encounter some kind of an issue with a build simply because my knowledge lacks in what my priorities should be. I will work on these ASAP and once those are complete I will get back on how things are going. Currently enjoying this build's playstyle, I would really enjoy trying to go with the high budget life gain variant if I can continue to ramp this build.

My playstyle is fairly aggressive, I'm moving quickly and getting close and personal except for bossing, as of right now my damage is fair on a T14 boss.

Thanks for explaining the powercharges, I was looking at the builds on PoE ninja and seeing most have the powercharges so I was almost certain I was missing something.

Great guide and amazing response, cheers.
Prong007 escribió:
Build looks very interesting, thinking to give it a try.

Any feedback on survivabilty, esp. in the endgame ultimatum league mechanik?

Maybe any thoughts on using a Kintsugi for more survivabilty if needed?

Heya! Thanks for replying! I'm not dying with my current setup running T14-T16 maps. https://pastebin.com/nPAiJmWa
(Running Champion as league starter in this league in order to optimize a leveling and build guide for the Duelist version of Lancing Steel as requested from some people)

TL;DR: Kintsugi is nice and you may use it if you feel like doing so. Also avoid Petrified blood low life setups with this build.

Kintsugi is actually good and gives you a nice damage mitigation, but it's unnecessary. I'd rather have either Perfect Form(free Phase Acrobatics, decent life and free arctic armour), Replica Perfect Form(decent life and a free Flesh and Stone + Maim setup) or Belly of the Beast(a LOT of life and free resistances). You already have Wind Dancer with this build, Kintsugi becomes a nice damage mitigation tool but not really necessary because of the Life Leech and Life Gain on Hit you can achieve. Even though the Glass-cannon version is, well, a glass-cannon, with smart positioning and preemptive movement you'll be able to kill stuff before dying. Ultimatums are not that hard, specially if you know the best modifiers to use depending on the map mods and Ultimatum challenge type.

I do not recommend going for the Petrified Blood setup some people are using if you abhor dying, because without high dodge and evasion you may die very frequently if you are a Ranger, though with this specific setup, Kintsugi might be awesome if you stack enough dodge and evasion. Champions that go for this are only successful with high phys dmg reduction, good block, the "perma" adrenaline setup and a decent leech/ life gain on hit.(I myself tried this setup out with more than 40% block, a good life leech and 90% phys dmg reduction and still occasionally was dying in a second.

Hope that answers your questions! Have a great one and take it easy!

Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Editado por útlima vez por Leckarion#5933 en 24 abr. 2021 7:00:10
Bialus escribió:

I start doing t14-t16 and ultimatum can oneshot me like ~1 per 3 maps. How can I work on my defences ?


Heya! Just updated the Mid-budget PoB with optimized setups. Taking a look at your character PoB, and maybe you stil do not have enough lief to tank the heavy hits tha some mobs in ultimatums can deal. So I took the liberty to try some things and simulate a higher eHP. After looking into stuff and reallocating some passive points and changing some of your gem setups I ended up with this:
-Adjusted your passive tree based on the updated mid-budget PoB;
-Removed gladiator's perseverance in order to squeeze a bit more life from your setup and allocate Iron Reflexes because;
-Though getting a bit of phys dmg reduction might help you with tanking stuff alongside the extra life and since you aready have a decent LGOH for your attack speed and a nice leech, tried swapping Blood of the karui for a Basalt Flask of stauching.

This might help you with those pesky OHK. I've been not experiencing them so much with my character because of the armour I got, so it's not that frequent to get one shot, and when it happens it's usually my fault for being careless.

I really hope that helps you! Be sure to give me feedback later so I can think of other adjustments to increase your survivability.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
xaiyx escribió:
do we take as raider as 6th link slower projectile aswell, like the deadeye or do we take something else ? could 6 link my lionseye vision with ~150fusing. lucky day :)

Heya! Thanks for replying! That's awesome! I gave up on 6-linking mine and bought a 6-link one.

I recommend Anomalous Slower Projectiles Support or simply the Slower Projectiles support for Raider's 6th link with a Lioney's vision as well, BUT if you're having mana issues and cannot/don't want to invest into non-channeling skills have -x total mana cost rings, swap Slowr Projectiles for Lifetap support, it gives you the same damage bonus as slower projectiles while lifetap is active and solves the mana problem.

Hope that helps! Cheers, mate!
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Wolrajh escribió:
Hey, this may sound like a weird question, but if I'm playing with a mate running Cyclone-Blasphemy-Flammability, I'm basically toast when it comes to curses, right?

Or would both of us getting Additional Curses enable me to at least use Sniper's Mark alongside his Flammability ?
I'm used to playing alone so I never actually looked at these kind of rules in coop play :o

Not having poacher or sniper sounds kinda like gimping myself tbh. In the end the ennemies are deleted by the cyclone player anyway but it's... not very satisfying ? :)

Heya! Thanks for replying! The curse limit is applied to each enemy, meaning only one curse can be applied to and enemy at a single time(that's the info I've always believed and that's what is in multiple wikis), so if you buddy curses an enemy with flammability and you after that curse the enemy with vulnerability or a mark, the newest curse will overwrite the oldest curse, but if the enemy is inside the range of the curse aura, by the time the cast curse expires, the curse aura will be applied to the enemy instantly. Regarding the additional curses applied rules, the limit applied is the limit from the last player to curse the enemy, so if your friend has a curse aura and get in range first and then you mark/curse the enemy once while having a +1 curse limitt, both curses, yours and your friend's, will be applied to the enemy, the same hapens if you apply a singel curse and then he get's into enemy range to curse it, bith curses will still be applied if he also has the +1 curse limit, but IF one of the players doesn't have the +1 curse limit and is the last to curse the enemy, he will overwrite your curse with his, as the curse limit will be lowered the moment he curses the enemy. The same thing would happen if you cast 2 curses on the enemy and then another player with a lower limit curses the enemy, the moment it happened both your curses would be removed and his would take effect.

Regarding the cyclone player killing everything... Get stronk so you delete everything before he can get close to them enemies >:D MUAHAHAHAHHAHA

By the way, this build was made with solo play in mind, I've never taken it into coop play with more than 3 players in the party for active mapping and stuff(the only occasion was when I carried some full parties in 5-ways, but was painful because the skill eventually crashes the instance because of the amount of base projectiles combined with Headhunter passives and Awakened Fork).

Hope that heavy chunk of text helps and informs you! Feel free to ask any question regarding that if something was not clear(though I hope it was, english is not my mother language so I hope I didn't mess it up). Have fun!
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Editado por útlima vez por Leckarion#5933 en 24 abr. 2021 2:50:49
Profatum escribió:
Have you tried facetanking by yourself? I see you are talking about life gain on hit build variant but you seem to play the other one. I cannot tell im done. One of my rings is t2, don't have dying sun yet but still im very very far from actually facetanking stuff even on kinda easy content.

Heya! Thanks for replying! Regarding the facetanking, to do that you must have enough life not to get one-shot frequently and enough LGOH so that you recover all your life in under a second while attacking. Poacher's mark helps a LOT with this but really lowers your dps in the low to mid budgets, so it really is kinda hard to facetank stuff from the start, but in the higher end the damage is high enough to sacrifice dps in order to not die. Usually the life threshold to facetank stuff is about 5.4k life and using a basalt flask of stauching instead of a life flask. Deadeye has an easier time achieving that because of the extra projs, but in the end you need to achieve at least 30 life gained per hit in order to outregen most damage sources in the game. Poacher's mark greatly helps achieving that, but, as mentioned, provides a lower single target output. I was able to facetank stuff up until tier 12 maps with my champion because I had some block besides the 90% phys dmg reduction and some of the jewels I'm currently using took the place of jewels with attack speed, life and LGOH. making me lose about 6 life gained per hit, if I'm not mistaken and that combined with the 27 projectiles I was firing using double beltimbers at the time, meant a 162 life gained per attack loss when those jewels were swapped out.

Hope that answers the question! And also I'm sorry if that's not what you wanted/expected to "hear". :/
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Editado por útlima vez por Leckarion#5933 en 24 abr. 2021 3:01:37
I found petrified blood to be quite good on champion but only because I’ve budgeted most of my dmg into expensive jewels and I have a decent sized life pool with fortify effect. I was wondering if you get a paradoxica with trigger a socketed spell you could get leap slam to cast snipers mark. Lazy boy setup.

Edit: I forgot to add that I’m clearing with splitting steel and bossing with lancing as I don’t have a saviour yet and I think champion feels much smoother with a transition depending on budget and weapons. Shattering with terminus est and a 6l til red maps. Medium budget splitting and lancing. Medium budget plus saviour and it’s time to lancing steel
Editado por útlima vez por shyndo89#3546 en 24 abr. 2021 5:32:12
shyndo89 escribió:
I found petrified blood to be quite good on champion but only because I’ve budgeted most of my dmg into expensive jewels and I have a decent sized life pool with fortify effect. I was wondering if you get a paradoxica with trigger a socketed spell you could get leap slam to cast snipers mark. Lazy boy setup.

Edit: I forgot to add that I’m clearing with splitting steel and bossing with lancing as I don’t have a saviour yet and I think champion feels much smoother with a transition depending on budget and weapons. Shattering with terminus est and a 6l til red maps. Medium budget splitting and lancing. Medium budget plus saviour and it’s time to lancing steel

Heya! Thanks for replying!
That's quite a nice tanky setup you got there, I was thinking of trying petrified blood low life setup again later with a 6k life setup and a Divine flesh setup for extra tankyness. Splitting steel is really fun and good for clearing, but I personally didn't like the skill before getting enough attack speed. Maybe I should have ditched some damage in order to get a higher survivability with low life perma adrenaline petrified blood, but idk, didn't really like that setup when I used it before, but I recognize it was because of lack of proper support and mitigation that it didn't work as good as it could, since I tried to squeeze as much damage as possible while trying to get high block and regen/leech. SHould have gone for a higher health pool.

After getting The Saviour I'm not even using CoS anymore in normal mapping besides Ultimatums and boss fights.

Great to see different approaches to similar situations! Hope you liked the build and guide and thanks for sharing your experience, I'll try a similar setup to your current one later to see how my character fares with my current gear.
Fell in love with PoE and now it's my crack.
Finally got The Saviour for 6ex - i hoped a lot more about it - it feels so much slower with it. used 2 beltimber before that. Main hand or Left hand for saviour ? does it matter ?

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