[3.15] Pure Elemental Dancing Duo, currently not updated.
" Pretty sure the Dancing Duo's don't get any stolen affixes from rares. Making pulverise a better choice. |
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" Sad.. U think we need use normal pulverise or anomal? |
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Really great idea of a build! I'm thinking of trying this build for league start next league and I'm testing it out tomorrow.
Here's my intented PoB. Could you take a quick look whenever you get the chance? I've customized it to my league start requirements. Let me know if there's any red flags. I've tried to push for higher DPS using brittle/crits. https://pastebin.com/Ep8wEyMn Edit: Fixed a mistake in PoB. Updated to new one. Editado por útlima vez por kkhode#5003 en 17 ago. 2021 11:31:34
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" Hey, after looking at your POB i would do some very small tweaks: 1) get precision only lvl 1 so you have more mana open what will make a way smoother playing. also the dmg from those 6 extra lvl is not rly taking any impact 2) dont put the point in shock resistance. 3) try to grab "Essence Extraction" since this will remove elemental ailments (shock freeze ignite) as soon as you use a mana flask. writhing jar counts as mana flask. 4)instead of renewal, life from dead, i would go for a cluster with renewal, feasting fiends. life leech is helping your minions vs bosses. and while mapping they dont should have any hp issues anyways, so the benefit from recovery is smaller for you. 5) for your abyssal jewel, you need to get minion movementspeed on them. otherwise your dancing duo will be way to slow to feel comfortable :) (you lack like 70% minion movementspeed here :O) and since u cant grab minion movement speed on your amulet and one ring, its definetly mandatory here! 6) make sure to get minion movement speed on your ring. 7) you definetly want your anomalous convocation linked with enhance (this will give you 104% minion movement speed) which is absolutley dirty! besides that your build looks pretty solid to me! i would suggest early on to drop bonechill and take fortify therefore so you got a bit more defense at the start and for leveling i would take following: 4L: Summon Raging Spirit - Unleash - Ruthless - minion Damage - (if 5L then Minion SPeed) 4L: Vaal Summon Skelettons - Unleash, Ruthless - minion dmg (if 5L Minion speed) 4L Zombies - Minion Damage - Minion Speed - Melee Splash as soon as you got a tabula you can throw SRS and Skelletons together: SRS - Skellies - Ruthless - Minion Dmg - Minion Speed - Unleash if you can afford it i would recomend following lvling gear: Boots: wanderlust Armor: Tabula Helm: Goldrim //THese will make ur skellies, SRS and most spells cost 0 mana Ring1: Praxis RIng2: Praxis Wands: 2x minion dmg wands (ideal would be with faster cast) rest: some resi life gear get 2 quicksilver flasks, 1x anti bleed health flask, 1x anti burn health flask, 1 flask of your choice :D |
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" Thanks for the detailed response! I am struggling a lot with killing A6 conquerors, specially with Drox. The dervishes would constantly go off killing mobs rather than targeting Drox. How were you able to solve this? It took me more than 1 min to kill Drox. About the feedback, I had a few follow-ups, 1. Regarding Lvl 1 precision: Agreed. But I think I'll keep it at level 6, since my dervish's accuracy was dropping below 100%. Or is there another way to keep it up? 2/3. Regarding Writhing jar count as mana flask: Were you able to test this recently? I read up online that hybrid flask count as life flask for Hardened Scars, but not Essence Extraction. I did a small test and it didn't remove shock for me. 4. My spectres keep dying in juiced maps and end-game bosses, so I linked Spectres with phantasm (which die all the time), causing Life from Death to heal Spectres for major chunks of life pool. Even with that though, one of them died here and there. With life leech were your spectres staying alive most of the time? Edit: I saw your A9 video kills now. It seems your passive minion regen is quite high due to renewal stacking. Maybe that's why your minions don't die that often. Anything else I'm missing? 5/6/7. Got it. I'll try to focus more on minion speed. The enhance setup was to compensate on dropped minion speed + DPS increase with alt quality flesh offering and Assassin Mark. I was planning on using steel skin until I got access to level 2 enhance on league start. Btw, in your PoB the amulet has extra cold damage stats, does that affect Dervishes? Cause in PoB it doesn't seem to. I so wish we could scale dervish dmg that way. Regarding levelling, Scion didn't have easy access to minion dmg and life via ascendancy. So it was making life a bit hard with zombie and skelie. As a result, I tried Animate weapon and boy was that a revelation. The added phy damage scaling on the gem makes you face roll most of the content. Unleash with blade fall in later acts allows you to summon all of them at beginning of area and just run. I also get a 1c unique, bitterdream, and socket spectre (Frost Auto Scouts) + spell echo + LMP for a pseudo 6 link. Maybe Wraithlord for 1000hp spectre boost. I don't bother with tabula or anything, just focus on upgrades for build from then. Frost Auto Scouts are easily available after Act 6 via Smuggler Cache's or 1c contract trade on league starts. My hyper focus on only investing 1 to 2c on gear until T10s is because I attempt to push for mirror shards on league start when exalts are 30-60c and mirror divs/shards are 5-10ex. Editado por útlima vez por kkhode#5003 en 19 ago. 2021 2:28:59
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" Hey, first of all, this aint my build :D just to clarify it not comes to misunderstandings :) for the precision problem you could grab any minion accuracy node or get minion accuracy on your jewels with the writhing jar you are right! they changed it. they only count as life flask now. easyest thing here would be an enduring eternal mana flas of staunching. so you got that flask perma running, get bleed imunity and when you get any elemental ailment you just use the flask.. also would help with no regen map mods tho and since the flask consumes only 8/42 stacks you always should have a usage left when you get an elemental ailment. the extra cold damage on the amulet doesnt matter at all. it only counts for you, notb for your minions. and since you convert your dmg anyways to fire its irrelevant. prolly just a random stat roll on the item. ive leveled several scions with srs skellies zombies.. never had any issues tho. you just grab "indomitable army" and "lord of the dead" early. For the Spectres Life you need High lvl gems (spectres and minion life). also stacking renewals is a huge boost to survivability! you also could consider dropping your animate guardian weapon/shield for a kingmaker so you get fortify. this is probably the biggest survivability boost you can give here. To solve your Problem with focus of your Dervishes, just get a Predator support for bosses where you have loads of adds and just target the boss with it. for not Struggeling with gem colors you can get up to 3 WHite sockets with vorcici on your weapon :) hope i could help you atleast a bit here :) |
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" I assumed that since there was such a detailed response, the reply ought to be the build owner's. I realized that wasn't the case later, but then I was too lazy to edit my post :D 1. Regarding minion accuracy: True. I forgot minion accuracy is a cheap stat on Ghastly jewels. I'll just adjust the levels when I get that. 2. Regarding Fortify from AG. Yep. That's the dream. However, this is a day 1/day 2 league start build for me. 3. Regarding Predator for focus fire: I don't think that works. The weapon slot gets disabled. As a result, all "active" support gems also get disabled. We don't get access to predator support on dervishes as a result. Regarding single target DPS: The solution might be just stacking minion movespeed. It seems that dervish's cyclone is a bit different from regular cyclone. In regular cyclone, as long as the enemies are in the spin radius, they constantly get hit with some amount of DPS, regardless how fast you they move in and out of the cyclone radius. However, with dervishes, one instance of "spin", results in a static amount of damage. Sort of like one strike. So the more spins they do, the more single target damage they seem to be doing. It's almost multiplicative. I started stacking more minion move speed and their single target DPS started shooting up. Editado por útlima vez por kkhode#5003 en 19 ago. 2021 11:30:59
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Editado por útlima vez por kkhode#5003 en 19 ago. 2021 17:02:26
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Hello! I made this build as 4th character in this league and so far I have been enjoying this the most. It was painful to level and to get all the jewels and stuff... But I really felt the power progression and it just constantly feels better and better. One of the most enjoyable builds since ages.
I really recommend using petrified blood in this build. I died kinda lot to sudden oneshots but after trying petrified blood I havent died even once and been playing like 20h since. Ty so much for this build! |
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" Could you share your profile characters to see how do yo manage this petrified blood?... I hate to die so much... Thanks... |
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