[3.16] ❄️ Peak Performance Ice Shot Deadeye ❄️ | Deceivingly Tanky | Start>Endgame
It's nice to have it confirmed that the claw mastery in the guide is underwhelming. I thought I might've been missing something, but I guess OP was making a weird decision?
I was level 78 when I posted and chose the leech mastery on gut instinct, it's fine, btw, if anyone's wondering. And allowed me to unallocate the 0.4 mana leech node in the bottom of the tree, saving me a point. Currently at level 83, I may be dead broke (it cost me about 400 fusings to 5 link my hyrri's ire lol) but I'm managing 110k dps without any of the build's essential uniques, just flasks and a 5-link and some random rares (6-link hyrris, asenath's, voidfletcher are all missing atm). Bonus advice: self-cast hydrosphere if you don't have asenath's. The damage boost on single targets is worth the extra button press. Editado por útlima vez por Droogen#1591 en 24 nov. 2021 3:51:41
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" Ah the void charges sharing mechanic, tried it once, but it's extremely hardware intensive when playing (would probably fry my GPU tbh). Pretty good bossing strategy though if that's what you mostly care about. That build however needs the proper totem setup before actually dealing those damage, which is abit of a hindrance when mapping. " You're supposed to use Aspect of the Crab only on bosses that's heavily phys damage by turning off Herald of Ice, but your enchant wouldn't allow that swap because otherwise it would allow a 25% to 25% swap. You can leave it out in the mean time. " Just one stack of ensnaring is needed for the added damage. Best used on bosses that don't move / move by teleporting then standing still, since snares breaks off when enemies move a certain unit. " Just have a look at the videos posted and judge its potential yourself, and see if it's what you're looking for or not. Can't say much about Delve, since I don't like doing it much, but the rests the build can comfortably do. Did Scourge up to 200+, but also didn't like doing it (too much chance of cons vs pros), so didn't push further than that. " Some of it is covered by the other guy, but let's break it down. You can get blind on hit from abyss jewel, frenzy/power charge generation on kill won't replace the build's charge generation as it won't function during bosses without monsters. Life leech is obtained from Replica Hyrri's amulet, and mana leech on the single point of the tree. 10 Life / 5 mana gain on hit may seem small on paper, but during mapping where you're hitting multiple mobs in quick successions, that number scales alot. Take 10 monsters hit per attack, that's 100 life recovered. At 5 attacks per second, that's 500 life recovered in an instant (not counting regen or lifeleech). Flat Life recovery on hit for fast attacking / multiple hitting build is an extremely strong recovery mechanics because it's similar to Vaal Pact (instant life gain) but does not change regen mechanics. It is why Vitality watcher's eye mod 'life gain on hit' is priced quite high. Ultimately though, that mastery is not critical to the build, if you think it's worthwhile to save that one passive node from mana leech for other stats then go for it. My Youtube channel guide: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuOAAZyUPDtInV9UDiH4BBw Editado por útlima vez por mantol456#0648 en 24 nov. 2021 6:02:19
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Got this guy today :D fun build so far. |
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" Nah it's not rude at all, I welcome the feedbacks. Unfortunately there's a few reasons why I won't cover them in my guide. - Players skills & ingame knowledge exists on a curve, some would need abit more explanation on mechanics and some wouldn't. I try to cover the keypoints and not to go too in-depth as any changes to the game would require me to adjust my guide, so long guide = more effort to change & re-write. The past few leagues has also not been kind in that sense. It's also why I don't cover much on leveling, because I could blaze through the campaign in less than a day (some would even speedrun in <5 hours), so it doesn't feel worth it to cover so much on it, which admittedly is something veteran players would look over but new players would look for. - Players 'currency generating' skills also exists in a curve. I played the build this league on leaguestart, when you start with 0 currency and where most gears are very expensive still in the first week (Asenath's Chant at 1.3ex, Replica Hyrri's amulet at 1 ex, Hyrri's chest at almost 1 ex, etc.) and I got through fine, not even relying on exalt drops and only doing chaos recipes and such. Not to mention that some money making methods works better during leaguestart, some after 1 week-1 month, etc. so that's a whole other syllabus to cover. Sure having the currencies to spend on all those at once would be nice, but realistically I need to aim for whats good in the cost/performance ratio upgrades. - It would also be difficult (and lengthy) to account for multiple scenario of player's experience, for example some may got a lucky well-rolled bow upgrade early on, so that player might want to spend his/her currency on more defensive upgrade, so on and so forth. It's also why I put the recommended gear progression as a recommendation only and mentioned that it's flexible depending on market rate of the items. All in all you also have to understand that what you consider as 'some currencies saved over' & 'start>endgame' definition differs from person to person, relative to their skills & in-game knowledge. So again I wrote the build as a 'guidepost' on certain aspects and leave it to the players to adjust to them / away from them on their own, and just answer the occasional questions regarding it if they need some clarifications. p.s. Not sure what are the supreme harvest mods on the flasks that you're talking about, they're just normal mods that can be rolled with alteration orbs. Again, plan your upgrades based on cost/performance ratio vs your budget, and take the build guide as an endgoal that you slowly work on towards rather than a required template that you must have before playing the build. Asenath's Chant is however a huge priority, as you get to autocast Hydrosphere & Sniper's Mark, which is a huge QOL boosts for the build. " Cheers, looks to be a decent endgame bow. But if you're ever thinking of upgrading, always try to compare in POB. My Youtube channel guide: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuOAAZyUPDtInV9UDiH4BBw Editado por útlima vez por mantol456#0648 en 25 nov. 2021 4:51:06
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" Sure you can play in either league, usually the question is the other way around. Not sure about the economy situation in standard though, I don't play there. My Youtube channel guide:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuOAAZyUPDtInV9UDiH4BBw |
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Hello everyone,
Just today got done re-rolling from previous build to test this. The damage and clear is great but my defensive really needs some help. I feel like i fall over too easily. Appreciate any help. pob - https://pastebin.com/445D37St |
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This build getting better everyday! For now 62 mln DPS on sirius 9 its so epic
here is my POB: https://pastebin.com/h45uxJe0 If creator will agree i can record killing sirius, maven and any other boss except u.atziri and aul. Items on my char: I swap evasion potion to onslaught for bosses, realy worth it, just dot get sirius hit You and burst him to death :) |
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" It looks like another build, You lack many important items. Forst of all your spell supresion chance is only 30 %, second You dont generate Endurance charges, another think you dont have brutal restraint that very often roll chance to blind, you dont pick ghost dance, there is no immortal call, bro this is one big mess and most squishi glass canon i ever saw. Chceck my POB, its one post up, i easly do maven and sirius 9 deathles. (on maven im lazy and dont do memory game so i just spent portal for this one). Work on it and You will be very happy. Its only 200-300 exalts i think :D |
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