[3.25] Holy Flicker Strike Necro [League start > All content] Phox private league start

IntSomnium escribió:
Love the concept! Now that we've been through the season for a while, do you think this build is suitable for a new player or someone with little experience in PoE?

Absolutely not. A new player that would have to figure out how to trigger relics? How to properly use Flicker and Static combined, use support skills like curses or specters, or even dress up an Animate guardian? Who doesn't know how to farm for upgrades? No I don't think I ever will recommend it to a new player.
I could HELP a new player with it if they decide to torture themselves with it, sure.

bigots0419 escribió:
why use Leash Of Oblation belt??

Obviously for what it does - so you could have 2 offerings at the same time - Bone offering to give yourself and minions protection and Spirit offering because it gives like 30% more DPS to relics.
Editado por útlima vez por Fire_Archer#4037 en 12 abr. 2023 12:10:06
Alright boys, its time to review the build, the league and all that stuff.
Time for…


So… I don’t have anything specific to say this time, so I’m just gonna log my feeling of playing this build from day 0 to today.

The start was relatively smooth and I reached maps using SRS without any issues. Using League Mechanic not only proven to be waste of time, but also deadly.

Once I reached maps, I fully swapped to relics. Cruised to early red maps with no real issues.

Got extremely lucky with expedition dropping like 7 divines on me. About half of them I invested into gear I’m gonna use later – in retrospective it didn’t pay off (the gear actually got cheaper over time). Regrets of not buying Ashes of the Stars when it was 4 divines.

In the red maps problems started.

Problems that didn’t occur when I was testing this build on low budget a the end of last league.

First and foremost – the cost of the mid tire gear got up by about 20 divines.

Skin of the Lords going from 2 divine unique to 20 divine unique – is something that I feared, but I suppose I underestimated how much of an impact it would have on this build.

Losing 100% more defenses and early +2 to main skill felt pretty bad. Or so I though at the moment, as I was randomly dying over and over.

Still having some extra funds, and farming up few more shiny rocks, I got myself Dialla’s. Got super lucky again and 6 linked it in like 50 fuses. That is amazing, but there was no shortage on fusing to begin with, since I was farming expedition, so I was going to 6 link it anyway. But I got it early.

With it – the damage felt better, certainly helped to die less. But still didn’t solve all the problems.

Seeing that this strategy is working, I ditched Glorious Vanity and got Elegant Hubris instead with 3x80% minion damage nodes. To just simply brute force my way into end bosses.

And here is where real weird things started to happen.

There was some point that I didn’t catch in the progression when I went from “damn I feel pretty squishy and my damage kinda low” to instant “killing everything and not dying at all”

If I had to roughly point it out, it’s the moment when both Empower and Woke Minion damage leveled up giving me +2 levels, on top of Hubris damage.

Furthermore, as I was preparing myself for Uber Elder fight, I bought one of the last upgrades – Skin of the Lords for 5 divines and a Blessing for 3 divines. It was a risky gamble, but I saved a lot of money to try it.

Hit one of the best mods – Imbalanced Guard that solves 99% of phys damage issues.

Remember when I said “weird things started to happen”? Well Uber phased nearly instantly. I didn’t even need the upgrades I bought.

Then I started noticing other weird things.

That my clear DPS should be around 8-10 mills, but it felt like its around 2-3 mills of last league.

That I specifically tested survivability on Tabula alone, in juiced up red maps. And had no issues at all, except vs juiced up essence mobs.

And whats up with the flying magma orbs flying after me like 3-4 times in one map.

And why is the fully charged Crucible unique boss dying faster than rare mobs that spawned next to them?

So I go to reddit – and what do you know? Looks like people have similar concerns.

And that concludes it for me.

It was VERY frustrating to hit this ‘plateau’ of power before I got extra damage. It was very frustrating to realize that once of the core items is now T0 rarity and will no longer be possible to get. Again. This is like third time this happens to the build. It was very frustrating to play and die over and over, when I clearly knew this should not happen because I tested it out before.

It is not longer frustrating, and after oneshoting Uber Elder, I’m pretty sure I can just do Ubers. That will come later.

The build actually feels great to play. The core game, once again – does not.
To the point I was pondering to close the build.

Thanks for reading my rant. Now…

For the future plans.

Gonna do Ubers. Might fortify my AG a bit and get some minor tweaks and upgrades. Already farmed for Ashes. Luckily at this point build can do anything.

I got a bit bored of Expedition and Exarch – switching to Harvest and Eater. This is not as profitable, but less tedious and I need some harvest juice for later

I kinda like breach still, even though it doesn’t drop anything, its fast, adds rare mobs, and splinters have some value.

After I’m done with the Ubers – the fun part start. I will try to optimize the build, make changes and additions. The goal before league was to push it to CI full ES and use chaos resist suffixes that are now free for something fun.

Might do sim 30 just because I can.

Might take a break after that. The game was too frustrating to play for me for some reason.

And after that – build regression time where I try to see how can I make it work still on a low budget for the next league start. Also try to figure out where are the limits of the aforementioned ‘plateau’.

Would I be a good guide creator – that would be a priority, to save the unfortunate people who league started this build from troubles. Good thing I’m not a good build creator.

Still. I’m happy to answer any your questions you might post here, as well as give you tips for improvement. Also don’t be afraid to tag me in game if you need specters. Just don’t bother me with questions in game. I actully wanna blast some packs when I'm online.

Current build:
PoB Clear and Single Target https://pobb.in/bacZhD9D2Mhu

My gear

Animate Guardian gear
Editado por útlima vez por Fire_Archer#4037 en 12 abr. 2023 12:02:52
hi, so did some changes(dialla) and feels better but the most notable change was giving my static strike 'always attack without moving', do you have more this type of tips to gameplay?, also what is this(image)?, bcs it started to appear, also lately getting one shoted by meteor exarch should i change to eater?
Editado por útlima vez por RavenPL230#0941 en 12 abr. 2023 19:39:36
RavenPL230 escribió:
hi, so did some changes(dialla) and feels better but the most notable change was giving my static strike 'always attack without moving', do you have more this type of tips to gameplay?, also what is this(image)?, bcs it started to appear, also lately getting one shoted by meteor exarch should i change to eater?

If you are getting oneshotted by meteor - don't pick meteor lol. Another way to deal with it - is to NEVER stop moving. No, you can't stop to loot. Loot after. No, you can't stop to read. Read after.

Another way of dealing with meteor, as well as exploding/nova strongboxes, volatiles, or just in general big hit elemental damages is a set of forbidden jewels ith Elemental Bastion. That is extra 2500 HP that has strong synergy with Dawnbreaker.

Ruby flask might help a ton too, as you already taking fire damage from Dawnbreaker

As for QoL tips I can suggest trying to fit in jewel with % to gain Phasing on kill. It will make you go through enemies (but only if you are using Asenath).

Brittle ground from 2 to 3 or more seconds makes it night and day in terms of fights. Don't hesitate to upgrade it - but be careful. You want it all the time or at very least against rares. Conditional Brittle is not good. 2 seconds is not good. Try to get 3 or more.

Also are you sure you wanna be using weapon that REDUCES your life? I'm not sure what passive does it, but you can use scour orb on cruible tree, I think. In any way - you can put extra quality on your weapon (using syndycate or just orbs) and the harvest enchant it with attack speed per quality. More attack speed - smoother hit animations.

You can also experiment with different activation setups. Maybe you'll like longer duration on Static Strike for tap once and go playstyle? Maybe Shield charge is more your thing for more control?

There was also a post I made waaaaaay back in a days that you might find usefull . Explains the skill bar a bit.

As for the image - I have no clue what that is. The image is too small to understand where and what it could be.
Editado por útlima vez por Fire_Archer#4037 en 12 abr. 2023 23:05:40
How were you socketing the Dialla? Holy relic quality, empower +2, the rest quality or levels?
ChrisBiscuits escribió:
How were you socketing the Dialla? Holy relic quality, empower +2, the rest quality or levels?

Everything +2 if possible, quality if can't get +2. Empower and Relic +2 priority. Woke gems +2 priority if not max level (to get them to lvl 5)
maps are going okey now (still can't do cruicible on max hold) but tried to do uber elder twice and getting one shoted by shaper beam (hp going down too fast and my flame dash is on cooldown) and projectiles(when i don't block) is it too early to do that?,also which boss is profitable to farm or should i do invitations(60& was quite easy) ,what you farm?, still have a room for more damage like getting second cluster, should i buy it now or wait for forbidden jewels and 95 level?, what is more importatnt in my situation wand or jewels?
Editado por útlima vez por RavenPL230#0941 en 13 abr. 2023 13:12:41
RavenPL230 escribió:
maps are going okey now (still can't do cruicible on max hold) but tried to do uber elder twice and getting one shoted by shaper beam (hp going down too fast and my flame dash is on cooldown) and projectiles(when i don't block) is it too early to do that?,also which boss is profitable to farm or should i do invitations(60& was quite easy) ,what you farm?, still have a room for more damage like getting second cluster, should i buy it now or wait for forbidden jewels and 95 level?, what is more importatnt in my situation wand or jewels?

First of all, I'd say use these two

Both Shaper beam and shaper balls are converted to fire damage by your shield so Ruby flask is much better than Jade.
You can also get
but its more for mapping than bossing.

I think Jewels is the resonable goal to work towards. I would also look for better Hubris - yours is taking toooo many passive points.

I deleted uber elder without jewels though. I think instant heal flask would help you a lot with the beam.

Also, since you mentioned yourself - your flame dash is on cooldown - this is a clear sign that its time to update your gems. Put quality on them! Put quality on all of them. Look in the guide what alternative qualities you need. Some of them are dirt cheap and give a lot of damage/utility.

I don't really 'farm' anything at the moment. Expedition is the best money maker in my opinion - but I got tired of it. Runnig harvest now - saving for future crafts. And also doing breach - just because I like it. Breach is also not profitable.
Feared down

Wish I had Lethe Shade to counter all the ground degen
Been following this build and it's been very nice. I also experienced a lot of issues in red maps which went away as I farmed more currency. But it definitely was struggling for a few days! Currently sitting on ashes, empower 4 and fortress cov. Now need to get ready for farming the chest....

Made this sceptre today might be one of the fastest in the league? Clear speed is amazing.

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