[3.25] Holy Flicker Strike Necro [League start > All content] Phox private league start

MrCinos escribió:
TIL how large cluster jewels work so saved myself two points with a new Cluster Jewel that has suffix notable as well which pushes Feasting/Renewal prefixes to the start of the cluster. Also removed points from bottom right of the tree (past the jewel up until Consitution), removed Heart and Soul notable above starting point and went to get another jewel socket to the right of the starting point along with Melding notable to more than compensate life nodes I removed from before. This change left me with bigger hp/es pool (by 100+ something) and now I've another jewel socket, for now put I put a random placeholder there. Either way, having over 8k HP+ES as well as 80% attack block / 75% spell block feels really nice now.

And while I don't agree with your life choices, I fully support you to tinker withbuild further.

If you just grab the life nodes you end up with better EHP pool, and whats more important you have more life. Investing into ES is nice, but its already has mad regen, and most of the time will be full while you HP won't be.

Not sure why would you need medium cluster and a small cluster, instead of just geting megalomaniac.

Also Bruh moment
Fire_Archer escribió:
And while I don't agree with your life choices, I fully support you to tinker withbuild further.

If you just grab the life nodes you end up with better EHP pool, and whats more important you have more life. Investing into ES is nice, but its already has mad regen, and most of the time will be full while you HP won't be.

Not sure why would you need medium cluster and a small cluster, instead of just geting megalomaniac.

Also Bruh moment

Good point about ES. Though it's really me just wanting that additional socket for more funny abyss damage while I'm still focusing on it, at least until 96. I had megalomaniac, but I decided to experiment more with clusters as this is my first time actually even using them. Gonna do so while waiting for the three notables I want on Megalomaniac to appear on Trade at least.

Though I can just insert another Fortress Covenant there in my newly unlocked socket as there're 0 notables in that region if I remove 4 points leading to Melding and reapply them back to life ones I still have available nearby.

Funny you mentioned that bruh moment cause I was thinking of removing Anointed Flesh entirely because of that unnecessary shock res node while not seeing the other two nodes nearby that lead to Anointed Flesh as well... guess that's what staying гз till 5 am do for you. Thanks for pointing it out.

EDIT: couldn't help but get Renewal/Feasting/Invigorating Portents Megalomaniac for 100 chaos. Now I want to try running one Herald to see how it goes in mapping. If one theoreticall use 1 herald which would be the most beneficial? Impulse purchased 20% reservation Ashes amulet and now trying to fit it in.

EDIT2: managed to fit it in and have enough mana to trigger bone offering, RIP all my currency. Just need to save up for anointing the amulet now. But I'm really enjoying that feeling of experimentation pretty well even if it's all questionable, lol. Downgraded attack block cap from 80 to 77. Also my phys reduction went 5% below my 50% cap so I'm back to using Granite Flask. Maybe I should use Juggernaut anointment though I really like Prismatic Skin.

Editado por útlima vez por MrCinos#7558 en 19 feb. 2022 6:16:14
Made a short video after I got some AS updates for the build - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh5vTSlTfGk (Legion at 4:00+)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=okR8rypjsj8 - Legion at

Quoting myself for comparison sake to show the difference between Asenath and whatever I had before, lol - https://youtu.be/okR8rypjsj8 - legion at. Had to cut recording short for obvious reason, but man, the clear feels so good now.

And I like the constant streams of taunting sentinels from Herald more and more tbh, so nice vs bosses that can 1-2 shot (I'm doing metamorphs).
Editado por útlima vez por MrCinos#7558 en 20 feb. 2022 5:32:14
Hey I can't for the life of me figure out why my chance to block is at only 56% and was wondering if any could take a look at my PoB to help me figure out where I went wrong.
Editado por útlima vez por KingKosley#3216 en 19 feb. 2022 18:20:09
KingKosley escribió:
Hey I can't for the life of me figure out why my chance to block is at only 56% and was wondering if any could take a look at my PoB to help me figure out where I went wrong.
Are you sure you're not checking your block chances without bone offering buff up?
MrCinos escribió:
Made a short video after I got some AS updates for the build - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh5vTSlTfGk (Legion at 4:00+)

Well, new AS mostly comes from boots and onslaught flask with additional AS. Forgot to do AS quality on the weapon too as I recently had to changed the weapon. Really like the end result since I'm jsut mapping and not bossing - doing legion now is very satisfactory. Just need a couple more % of reduction to get my cap and Prismatic Heart too as I surely noticed being a bit squishier now.

Maybe I should try synthesis / delirium as doing free Cortex through Kirac for the first time ever was very fun. Did that right before recording almost and got rewarded with Bottled Faith. It's the only item worth more than 1 ex that dropped for me so far and I can't even sell it in good faith, so decided to use it for myself as well.

EDIT: wow, I just check my passive tree and noticed that I never got Invigorating Portents from Megalomaniac, it's the reason I even tried herald and still forgot to put the point into actual node, lol.

Watching this both hurts me and inspires.
Using Onslaught flask with attacks speed is... genious.
It looks so good I might just outright yoink it and add it to the build. Will try it out first tho. I bet it would be great for leveling too and can get you to use Flicker that much earlier in the game.

AND its good for every single variation of the build people came up with. Shield charge, Statc Strike, Standart Flicker.

But, oh my god, it pains me to see that clear. Without minion AoE nodes, and without Asenath/Rampage explosions... You would clear so much faster with that. You would not have to stop to Flicker around Rare mobs, they would be insta dead from explosions. Having that would prolly also promote me to use Divergent Flicker Strike for more teleport range and even faster clear. Again, gotta try it myself.

It also pains me greatly to see that you can't even summon relics due to the lack of mana. Pretty sure Hear nad Soul could fix that, but like, you are using Herald for no good reason.

The notable only gives you 20% increased damage. Its prolly not even 5% more dps.

Save yourself a skill point, and use War Banner instead. That is 10% more dps, cost less mana to reserve, and no need in wasting passive for notable.
Editado por útlima vez por Fire_Archer#4037 en 19 feb. 2022 23:51:17
Fire_Archer escribió:
Watching this both hurts me and inspires.
Using Onslaught flask with attacks speed is... genious.
It looks so good I might just outright yoink it and add it to the build. Will try it out first tho. I bet it would be great for leveling too and can get you to use Flicker that much earlier in the game.

AND its good for every single variation of the build people came up with. Shield charge, Statc Strike, Standart Flicker.

But, oh my god, it pains me to see that clear. Without minion AoE nodes, and without Asenath/Rampage explosions... You would clear so much faster with that. You would not have to stop to Flicker around Rare mobs, they would be insta dead from explosions. Having that would prolly also promote me to use Divergent Flicker Strike for more teleport range and even faster clear. Again, gotta try it myself.

It also pains me greatly to see that you can't even summon relics due to the lack of mana. Pretty sure Hear nad Soul could fix that, but like, you are using Herald for no good reason.

The notable only gives you 20% increased damage. Its prolly not even 5% more dps.

Save yourself a skill point, and use War Banner instead. That is 10% more dps, cost less mana to reserve, and no need in wasting passive for notable.

Haha, glad that there's at least something I did that was interesting (in a good way), well, potentially. Just got Asenath and going to try it out. I had those Minion area nodes for a while, but idk, I always want to get either more hp or damage vs targets that matter. Maybe cause I don't have anything else to compare in my own experience and this is the first time I reached t16 clears but I'm having a blast as it is. But I'll switch around the points from time to time and see how does it feel now with more aoe.

As for Herald, I realize it's not a good idea to use it, but I just wanted for the sake of doing it plus wanted Megalomaniac that I bought feel "perfect". What about Herald that I like in my current setup: with that attack speed of mine I get max/4 of the sentinels out in no time and each has ~20% taunt - way more faster/reliable taunting than from a single AG. Now that I'm saying that I try dropping Decoy totem for Reckoning. Also, I get fed frenzy with 4 of those dudes out all the time as well, even less need to keep golem alive outside of harder encounters if it randomly dies. And/Or they just activate Feeding Frenzy quicker / more consistently than a single golem. Actually want to try Divergent Flicker now as well. Although do they even drop at level 1? Level 15 one, the lowest I see on Trade already requires 127 Dex which isn't that impossible to fit in I guess, but still a bit inconvenient.

But good point about War Banner too, I'll try it out eventually - the lack of mana isn't very noticable at this point, after getting double Renewal and Ashes of the Stars the relics stopped dying. The couple times I had to resummon didn't felt like too much of a pain with a hotkey on using herald as it doesn't happen rarely. Plus I need just 5-6 more mana for summon relic to be active again, but since they almost never die I don't bother fitting more mana on the items for now.

EDIT: holy shit, Asenath is a game changer, the clear feels so much smoother now. Now I feel stupid for waiting to get it as long as I did. I didn't feel as much change when I dropped Rampage gloves for Kalisa's Grace before, but that was a while ago and I might've upgraded my clear through something else at the same time.
Editado por útlima vez por MrCinos#7558 en 20 feb. 2022 4:06:50
MrCinos escribió:
Although do they even drop at level 1? Level 15 one, the lowest I see on Trade already requires 127 Dex which isn't that impossible to fit in I guess, but still a bit inconvenient.

You can de-level any gem by vendoring it with regret or scour orb.
Aight, last post for me on this build, here´s the final gear overview:

I am done with improving it at this point, as the cost-value-ratio will not hold up anymore.

The latest iteration implemented a 3rd curse in the bossing setup like suggested, I also swapped out one of the Host Chieftains for "They of Thul" for an incredible defensive layer. The damage I have at this point kills everything in a very few seconds while still maintaining a respecteable defense. So far I have farmed yesterday alone 65ex with this build, and overall I am sitting comfortably at 150ex spare and it´s time to give this one up soon and go for a different project. At this time, the stuff I have posted here will be for sale - if you´re interested in certain pieces just let me know beforehand, I will reserve it for u. Any money from this project will also help me fund my next one but I will give u some fair prices as I´d like to give other people options to play with this incredible build too :)

I had such a blast pushing this character, and there is still quite some room left to improve. Fire and me talked about a few of those things on the last pages, so if you wanna take this variant of what high-investment might look like u can by all means go even further. At this point, there are roughly 100ex sunk into it, though most of it was swallowed by the sceptre to be fair, and the elegant hubris with 240% minion dmg and 8% block for 7 points total which was quite some money as well.

Overall performance of this build:

delve: 10/10 - this is where I farm. Slapping auls left and right, 400 depth still able to wander into the darkness, no deaths.

t16 speed-mapping: 6/10 - tankiness makes this a very safe endeavour, the explosions from ascenats are nice, bosses are no problem even without a glove-swap, the dmg is too high. A few points down though as really speedy mapper are build differently with even more aoe.

t16 juiced-mapping: 7/10 - killing double beyond very reliable without the need of HH or anything in that regard, starts to fall off at the very VERY high end like 100% t16 deli maps. Apart from that, just plain awesome overall.

Expedition: 10/10 - Just simply amazing. ignore every modifier except phys immune and clear it with just 2-3 ticks, can´t be bothered by all the damage-mods as the defenses are so strong.

General Bossing/Maven invitations: 9/10 - I am rolling hidden, 10-fights, formed and twisted regularly with 80+ quant and facetank the living shit out of them. Only very dangerous mods are phys reflect (where I have a ring for swaps to be 100% immune) and reduced block. I am avoiding reduced block at all times though, this one really hurts. Only one point down due to the fact u have to watch for those 2 mods and cant run it blindly.

Would I recommend this build? Absolutely.
Editado por útlima vez por Vennto#1610 en 20 feb. 2022 10:12:43
Vennto escribió:
Aight, last post for me on this build, here´s the final gear overview:

I am done with improving it at this point, as the cost-value-ratio will not hold up anymore.

The latest iteration implemented a 3rd curse in the bossing setup like suggested, I also swapped out one of the Host Chieftains for "They of Thul" for an incredible defensive layer. The damage I have at this point kills everything in a very few seconds while still maintaining a respecteable defense. So far I have farmed yesterday alone 65ex with this build, and it´s time to give this one up soon and go for a different project. At this time, the stuff I have posted here will be for sale - if you´re interested in certain pieces just let me know beforehand, I will reserve it for u.

I had such a blast pushing this character, and there is still quite some room left to improve. Fire and me talked about a few of those things on the last pages, so if you wanna take this variant of what high-investment might look like u can by all means go even further. At this point, there are roughly 100ex sunk into it, though most of it was swallowed by the sceptre to be fair, and the elegant hubris with 240% minion dmg and 8% block for 7 points total which was quite some money as well.

Aww done with the build so soon? pepoSad

And I haven't even gone to the part where you would have to obtain divergent Desecrate and try and get Demon Harpy from Scourge league to boost damage even more.

Jokes aside, thank you for trying it out and pushing the build to its limits. I'm sure some people including myself might take your ideas into consideration.

Also since you are shamelessly selling out like that, I'm still interested to see some of that bossing recordings. Vids like that might even promote your sells.

On other hand, if someone is interested in the gear, please retain from discussing it here, lets keep the guide for the guide things.

I also have questions for you about that setup.
How was assasins mark tech? How are power charges geenration? I am aware its a powerhouse of damage for minions, but it might be just too long of ramping time.

How did Vixens perform? Are they comfortable to use for instant triple curse hit?

And also how would you rate this particular build compared to other builds you tried. Its something I want to know as a peson who only tried very few builds.
Editado por útlima vez por Fire_Archer#4037 en 20 feb. 2022 10:20:48

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