[3.24] SRS Bomber aka Popcorn SRS | League Start to Endgame | All Content
Genuine question here, not saying I'm right. Is there a reason you don't have the general minion nerf under nerfs regarding the 3.19 changes/notes? Or am I reading the patch notes wrong? I'm planning to start with SRS bomber myself, that's why I'm really curious. From the patch notes: " I think this is why the SRS got a +20% life buff and a 38% damage buff. At level 20 it should be the same amount of hp as before and about a 18% more damage buff. It however gets better the higher you scale the new gem. At level 30 I'm reading it like this: 38% more damage (srs buff) 10% less damage (general minion nerf) 20% more hp (srs buff) 10% less hp (general minion nerf) |
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" I assumened that, since they listed srs on its own, like the golem gem, that those where the only changes they did to them. Have to check again though... /Edit just reread the patch notes and gem changes. You are partly correct, I think. The reduced Damage should also affect the SRS, but I'd read it like "The Attacks/Skill the Minions use do less Damage." and since we don't care about the SRS attack, we can ignore this change. on the other hand they also say they adjusted the Minion life Scaling for all Minions. Checking the changes to the SRS gem it self clearly says "Minion base life is now 20% higher at all levels." Those seem to be two different things. do Minions have an internal multiplier or something that is used to calculate their actual Life? Poeatlas.app Editado por útlima vez por Weo_#5318 en 18 ago. 2022 1:38:35
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" I get your point and I hope this is the case. But I think this will affect SRS MI damage as well. If they straight upp say "SRS deals 20% less damage" (at lvl 20) it will affect it. An easy way to test that SRS damage affects the explosion is by putting in Mark of the red covenant into POB. That is generic SRS damage which increases the MI explosion damage as well. But even IF this is the case overall it's still a buff. Especially if you scale the level of SRS in a chest piece instead of having it in the helmet. Should be able to get some crazy high levels and damage with a corrupted Dialla's Malefiction now. But a Skin of the lords is probably better defence wise. With a skin of the lords (the dream would be one with EB) and a +1 wand and +2 helmet (global levels now) the SRS is already at lvl 26 (21+5). With a lvl 3 empower and the same setup you have a lvl 30 srs. With a lvl 4 empower and +2 wand and +1 shield we're already at level 33. About SRS in the patch notes: " If this scales above lvl 20 (one can dream) it will be even crazier. Let's say it keeps scaling at 1.9/level. Then we have 62,7 more damage at SRS lvl 33. I can't see it scaling this way but just saying we don't know how it will scale yet. If this is the case the 10% less generic damage (at lvl 30) doesn't matter one bit. Regarding: " Yes, I'm also confused/conflicted about this. But I think we might be comparing it to 3.18 instead of reading it in the context of 3.19 (after the generic minion adjustments). Nerf "all" minions and then we buff the base hp of the minions that should be at about the same hp as they are in 3.18. I think that's why the golems also gets the +20-30% extra minion life. Giving Stone golems 20% more base life compared to 3.18 would be insane for a Death Wish build... Regarding: " They actually say that they are lowering the base life in the patch notes. I think this is why SRS is getting the +20% extra base life. "Solution: Lower minion base life and damage" Most importantly it's still a buff. Might even be crazy with level scaling. I can't wait to see how it works in practice and I'm really looking forward to the league. GL on league start and may the rng be in your favour! Editado por útlima vez por Gavve#5038 en 18 ago. 2022 2:30:07
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Hi, I didn't quite understand, do I need to use 3 different spectre? Or is there a better one among them and is it worth using 3 copies of it?
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" They are all viable options. I'd recommend using one sort. With flame sentinels and solar guards you use spell echo, with artless assassin's you swap ist die pierce. Poeatlas.app
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What about swap Necro for Guardian after we lost +2 gem lvl from Necro?
Editado por útlima vez por loczek123#6858 en 19 ago. 2022 11:14:51
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" Check the FAQ Poeatlas.app
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Yes, I wrote first, then I checked the FAQ myself, sorry :)
I think I will try it as a starter. Once upon a time (a few years ago), I played a lot of SRS but never Bomber. Good luck exiles. Besides, a well-written guide! I am 30+ and I got used to the written guides, considering the ones from YT to be less factual and it is harder to return to some issue already and you can always read the part you want, not just looking for specific minute on video. The Old Guard remembers thottbot, not Quest Trackers :) |
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Dont know if you're aware - but you PoB is linking to some old ass thread about giving away an account, in the Notes section :D
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" shit, you are right XD I must have deleted the last "33" at some point. thanks for letting me know! Poeatlas.app
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