[3.24] SRS Bomber aka Popcorn SRS | League Start to Endgame | All Content
Happy to hear that you like the Build.
Any Feedback for improvements? Poeatlas.app
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I'm not really good for theorycraft I can only submit few remarks :). I'm lvl93 with 6 link lvl26 SRS (with culling strike ATM because searching for color recipe) and 4 link zombies (same color problem).
I have ~4k life pool, 75% block and block spell with Rumi. - I found difficult to clear the legion encounter correctly because timespawn is really short and the SRS takes little too much time to explode. - Same with Incursion encounter when the layout is multiples rooms (not one giant cluster of mobs). - I absolutely love the spell block, it ease so much fights like Eradicator one. - The crit mod on the maps absolutely destroy me if there is a hit (critical strike chance + critical strike multiplier mod). - I have problem with burning ailment (it destroy me within seconds) but I haven't the immune ailment yet. I use the Soul of Aberrath for now. Currently : - Eradicator with Maven down. Easy - Enslaver with Maven down. Easy - Minotaure with Maven down. Easy & Deathless, took underground rush hits didn't die lol. - Hydra with Maven down. A little tricky because of the 'double' mod from Maven. - Delve lvl80+ Easy - Red tiers Map. Easy - Heist lvl83+. Easy I'll tell you when I will kill another bosses :). Hope this help (and sorry for crappy english). Editado por útlima vez por Ffelinna#7796 en 22 ene. 2021 22:43:37
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Update :
- Sirus Awakening 4 down easily - Phenix guardian down easily - Chimera guardian down easily - Shaper down easily The DPS is very good so far. |
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Another one :)
Killed the 4 shaper's guardians in Maven Crucible, it was easy (2 portals!). |
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" True, Legion kinda sucks with the Build :-/ " Never had any Problems clearing Incursion Encounters, do you have the unique Jewel with atleast one notable passiv allocated in range? " Try to get Spell Block on your shield and a good roll on Rumis. With a Hunterchest with "increased effect of Offerings" you can speck out of Glancing Blows and still have 75% Attack Block and 60+% Spell Block. Helps not getting one shot that hard, since you dont take 65% dmg of the blocked attacks. " Ailment Immunity is so nice. you also could craft burning immunity on one of the flask until you are ailment immune. " Nice! Keep pushing :-D // Edit Just looked at your gear: - Speck into Mystic Bulwark -> should be enough regen to drop the mana Flask. - Annoint Crytal Skin -> You need that to be Ailment Immune, Thick Skin is likely not enough to get to 100% - Get some Shaper Boots, Chaos Spam (or use Essences of Fear, for Minion Life) till you hit avoid Ailments. - Stygian Vise with a Ghastly Eye Jewel gives another dmg Boost. Poeatlas.app Editado por útlima vez por Weo_#5318 en 24 ene. 2021 7:25:39
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I've dabbled in MI builds before and decided to take mine as far as I can just because the "Buffed Skills" this league were a letdown. Some really good ideas in your spin on the build.
I think MI skeletons feel better to play personally, because you drop them in packs vs SRS kinda just floating up to the first few mobs and popping and leaving the ones in back alive (and unleash doesn't lend itself to spamming endlessly; you want spell echo for that) and the big Vaal "goodbye screen" button. Unfortunately, using an Earnedal's in both hands robs you of your weapon and a shield which is PAINFUL on a necro so SRS it is and will continue to be for me. There's also a guy in the ranger forum trying a Raider version of SRS MI, so I'm eager to see how his turns out. Yours is also rock solid, I think and Necro for me is tried and true and comes packed with a lot of defense I would be hard pressed to give up. |
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If you don't have enought currency to buy a good shield, you can try a redblade banner shield (https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Redblade_Banner).
The shield give infinite power to warcries and cooldown. You will have max endurance charges in one warcry without nearby enemies and the same time the same duration of the buff of the enduring cry (reg. of life and extra physical damage reduction). The shield cost 1 chaos. Good build, i'm in red maps. Editado por útlima vez por jumava373#5054 en 24 ene. 2021 17:44:28
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Hi, fellow SRS player here (Raider ascendancy) :)
I like your build, but I also have some notes you may find interesting. - I like how to resolved Ailment Immunity :D Clever way. - Your 75/65 Block Attack/Spell damage is more like 56/55 Attack/Spell damage. On bosses you can hardly achieve any reasonable uptime with your Rumi's Concoction flask. Bone offering will work but "Trigger socketed spells" isn't cheap early in the league. - Using a shield means you're giving up +2 Wand in off hand. It's a huge DPS loss. I get it you need it for block chance and your Necro ascendancy (+2 to all minion gems) offset it a bit ... I was there and was resolving the same problem ... until I gave up on Necro :D - Profane Proxy - it's a good idea, but it doesn't work. You're giving up a ring slot (with terrible bonuses) and you still need Shield Charge + Add <lightning/cold> to attacks on your gear while avoiding Add <fire> to attacks. A simple Ball Lightning - Hextouch - Flammability will do everything. And you can add Culling Strike to make it a 4-link in gloves. Shaper Gloves have Faster Casting Suffix to make it 5-link and super smooth. - Fortress Covenant + Infernal Legion is overkill. Your Fortress Covenant applies only to 1 node. Infernal Legion is a huge DPS loss. The problem you're trying to resolve is "smooth gameplay". I probably know how people play it - they charge into mobs then start casting SRS and waiting for them to pop. So called "smooth gameplay" means you won't wait that much. So you resolve it with Fortress Covenant + Infernal Legion. But this way you make it smooth only for noobs. There is better way: 1) Get Tavukai with -17% to Chaos resistance to minions and avoid any +chaos resist to minions anywhere 2) Do some Math: <SRS_per_second> * <time_to_pop> = 20. Time to pop with only Tavukai -17% is around 4 second. So you need to cast 5 SRS per seconds. I bet you can't do it, because with your current build your SRS_per_second is 3.18 :) 3) Keep all 20 SRS up all the time. This way you won't wait for anything, they will clear all packs instantly. They will clear packs you don't see, packs you won't be able to charge into :) - In PoB you have 134% Mana reservation. I suggest to uncheck flasks in PoB and also check some debuffs, they won't be up most of the time. Sirus DPS is 500k with BiS items. It's enough to kill it, but most people will find it too low. - Chaos resistance is left unresolved. |
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I'm on the way to finish the acts with this build. So far it's rather fun, huge thanks for sharing it here! What I can't wrap my head around is - how do you achieve 27/27 block from Bone Offering? Mistress of Sacrifice halves the offering effect, so even with all the gem levels boosted you should be left with less than 20/20 block chance. Am I missing something?
Edit: figured it out 5 minutes after posting, it's either Glancing Blows or Hunter chest affix. Editado por útlima vez por SkaarjRogue#4693 en 25 ene. 2021 15:04:09
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Hey, I found your build and using it in SSFHC. I'm following mostly the same build, but opting to a bit more life nodes for now instead of completely following the PoB passive allocation levels.
So far it works quite well. Getting all the required items might be a challenge later on, but at least at this moment I have no issues clearing any content, everything dies super fast. path of exile expert
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