[3.24] SRS Bomber aka Popcorn SRS | League Start to Endgame | All Content
Sure hope the new gem makes this build work. (love the build Weo, great work)
"Pray for Mojo" Editado por útlima vez por strid3s#7784 en 6 dic. 2023 18:49:13
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" That Gems is indeed nuts. Damage wise it would definitly save the Build, its even a overall Buff for the Explosions. The Problem with the Gem is the Maximum of 6 Spirits at a time... If you are at max Spirits and summon another one, the oldest Spirit will despawn. Meaning not reaching low life, not exploding, dealing no Damage... You'd need to be incredibly careful to not summon too many Spirits to not deal less or even no Damage at all... Assuming you'd still use Unleash, you'd summon 4 Spirits with your first cast and would likely need to wait until they explode until you cast another time in fear of despawning them. Alternativly you could drop Unleash and adjust your cast speed that you could spam cast it without ever reaching the cap when you'd do the next cast. Compared to 3.22 where you'd have at least ~10-12 Spirits out a time (with a bit of cast speed and the 24% Chance to summon extra spirit, you could even come close to the 20 Spirit Cap), you would loose a lot of DPS. So Eventhough its a massiv Damage Buff to the Explosions itself, the 6 Spirits Cap does massivly reduce our overall DPS by atleast 50%, to additionally likely feeling way clunky with worse clearspeed (fewer Spirits out -> less ground covered) then before. so, sadly I'd say the Build is still dead. :-( Poeatlas.app Editado por útlima vez por Weo_#5318 en 7 dic. 2023 2:43:24
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" Rplica Midnight Bargain should give 6 more skulls "This Is A Buff" (Bex_GGG august 30, 2016)
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" True, but I find the opportunity cost quite high, let alone getting the Wand would require you to farm Grand Heists (which are changed in 3.23), just to make a the Build somewhat usable. I wouldn't consider that league starter viable. :-( Poeatlas.app
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https://www.poewiki.net/wiki/Qotra%27s_Regulator Use this and necro aegis, this should make the SRS die super fast, right? Just need to rework defenses around having necro aegis. Do you still get "while using shield" bonuses when you have necro aegis allocated? |
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These mods in pob config-section should roughly simulate the new SRS gem of enormity:
# On the new Gem Minions have 88% more life Minions have +100% to critical strike chance Minions have +40% to critical strike multiplier # to account for 0.8 sec cast speed instead of 0.5 38% less cast speed # to account for the loss of the 38% more multiplier Minions deal 27% less damage Otherwise take into account the limit of max 6 skulls. --- To alleviate the 6 skull limit one might run Tavukai AND Infernal Legion in parallel to increase DPS with higher cast speed. This implies we need to switch out Commander of Darkness (else no legion degen to spirits). Next best choice would likely be Plaguebringer. Added downside: our minions will live for only 1.18 sec, limiting the range we have significantly - added 30% range from plaguebringer might help a little though. One significant benefit the gem allows for though is ignite! (due to the now granted critical hits) - might be great with ignite prolif for clearing. A medium budget route one might explore would be Mark of the red covenant + ignite scaling (max 1 skull - big hits though). Overall I would argue the build is still good. Might be a little clumsier than before. My POB achieves ~+10% higher DPS on paper than in 3.22 overall (explo hit dmg only) --> The Fearsome Force Wheel helps a lot Editado por útlima vez por elatycs#7290 en 7 dic. 2023 12:21:42
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I have played minion instability as league starter in the last few leagues (always do a witch minion build, since the golems lasted beyond your death and zombie baron was uber). I usually don't even worry about minion instability until I get my tavuki in my 60s when I can wear it, and its fine. Just use more melee srs gems.. I usually make it to maps in gear I picked up in act 1 and 2 and don't have much issues until yellow maps needing to fix my build to be a proper instability build. this last league was one of the first where I used infernal legion to play the keystone sooner. I spent the last league running both tavuki and infernal legion and with 1x seal mender and the 24% extra chance for srs enchant I could barely get 10 out at a time spamming the button standing still. Without infernal legion I could get 20-22 with divergent srs. Hopefully 6 goes up to 7 at level 25 gem? And the 88% more life is massive... like way more than 88% more damage would have been as before it was about 10% life = 15% damage. Im excited, this seems to be a buff if you want to play super fast explodey minions. The 100% critical and all hits critical should be insane as well, adding more damage. Not seeing how to mimic that in PoB yet for ALWAYS crit, not just a chance to crit for minions. I have played min instability srs the past few years of leagues, so always excited to try out new stuff for the build. Editado por útlima vez por vylettes#6090 en 7 dic. 2023 13:40:08
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3.23 Yeah there is a limit of 6 but... if you use replica midnight bargain you bring it up to 12 and you self cast to not worry about the unleash replace...
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" Are you Sure about the crit applying to the MI explosions? I always was under the impression Minion crit didn't influence the MI explosion damage. Nevertheless you are right, that the build still technically works, but it requires quite some tweaking and a couple of uniques to feel remotely playable. Most of the uniques are likely relatively cheap, but still I'd wouldn't call it really starter build viable. As a mid to late game or even second build it sure is possible and the damage can likely be scaled quite a bit higher (fingers crossed that the more level on the gem increases with levels), but even then it has to compete with builds like poison SRS or the lightning crit variant which do scale even better. I might give the build a go later in the league just to get a feel for it, to decide if I might update it for 3.24. If anybody is going to start with SRS Bombers, please let me know how it feels, maybe I'm just too pessimistic and way off with my assumptions here. Poeatlas.app
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" Minion instability has a 0% chance to crit. So unless you specifically built it, no it doesn't crit naturally. However, the new gem says Minion hits ALWAYS crit and the explosion is a hit. Hard to see in PoB what this will mean for the explosion damage as you can link an Increased Critical Strikes gem with +2% chance to crit to see the explosion damage go up, 2% is not 100% though, so the damage should be even more significant depending on how many multipliers you can stack. Its Always crit so you don't have to stack crit chance. Also with the crits, that means everything gonna be ignited, so no need to try for sources of minion ignite like Raise and Pillage. Editado por útlima vez por vylettes#6090 en 7 dic. 2023 13:34:08
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