[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer
" If you have a free gem slot, you could always slot in a Portal gem for QoL purposes. |
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Finally upgraded some items - my single target is still pretty bad :( any further suggestion?`
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Spent 20+ exalts this league trying to craft an explodey chest and still nothing. Is there a way to modify the tree somewhat to scale Inpulsa enough and achieve a similar effect ? I don't mind sacrificing some single target.
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" Inpulsa is worthless without shock prolif. It has nothing to do with scaling. Why not just buy an explode chest and craft life on it? That's more than enough. Unrelated, I highly recommend everyone grab the "15% increased area of effect while affected by Arcane Surge" belt enchant. I didn't think the belt enchants would be accessible this league but the uber uber lab fragments are cheap and plentiful(about 4-5c) There are only 15 belt enchants all equally weighted so grab a couple Twice Enchanteds and it won't take long. " Gonna list out the issues I see. 1. 20% spell damage roll on Indigon. Divine it to 25%. Going from 23% to 25% for me was 700k dps in my pob. 2. lv20 Blade Vortex. 21/0 Vaal Blade Vortex is rather cheap. The quality is worthless compared to the damage increase of +1 gem level. 3. Why do you have Herald of Ice socketed? This isn't a dps loss since you can't use it but Supreme Ego only allows 1 aura. Is it just to level it to sell? 4. Blood Rage gives a large amount of damage for clearing at the very minimal cost of a weak phys degen.(With my 5k hp and mom, it's about 140 hp/s degen which is inconsequential) 5. No Large Thread of Hope in the templar jewel socket. Those nodes you grab with it are a massive amount of damage. 6. Going Wind Dancer but still using a shield. The whole idea behind Wind Dancer is that you dual wield sceptres for more damage since the armor/block/affixes from a shield aren't as valuable when you're not Divine Flesh and you have Acro. 7. Not sure what's going on with your 2nd medium cluster jewel. Distilled Perfection+Brewed For Potency is the 2nd best combo have you have Spiked Concoction IMO. Optimally you want Distilled+Liquid Inspiration but that combo is multiple ex. Mana Recovery from Flask=Damage and Regen. Way more valuable than the aoe cluster you have there. 8. Annoint Aqueous Accelerant on your neck. Same reasons as above but also gives flask effect. 9. No flask effect craft on belt. Same reasons as above 2. Even with all this your damage should still be fine since you have +1 phys gems on both neck and shield. Are you spam casting BV to ramp your indigon on bosses? If you really want a setup that will do damage, you can check mine. By my estimates in pob I have about 6m Sirus dps, maybe slightly more. This setup is also extremely tanky. Most recently I did Sirus 8 p2 in less than 30s. Editado por útlima vez por Coil1#7688 en 1 oct. 2020 3:19:10
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Given how expensive the Distilled Perfection/Liquid Inspiration cluster is, there's another medium cluster that I think is pretty good.
Cold Conduction allows us to apply Shock with Blade Vortex. The minimum value of Shock is 15%, and it gets scaled by the small passive (10%) and the Astonishing Affliction notable (20%), bringing our Shock effect to 19%. It's a very significant DPS increase, since it acts as a more multiplier: on the Dual-Wield PoB, it brings Shaper DPS from 5.4 million to 6.6 million. You do lose the recovery from the other cluster jewel, along with some crit chance and mana, but it definitely seems viable for softcore. |
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" I compared that jewel in my pob along with Liquid Inspiration/Distilled Perfection and Brewed for Potency/Distilled Perfection. The amount of mana recovery you lose from using that medium cluster is not worth it imo. It is more damage, yes, but you lose a very large portion of life regen. I have 6.1m dps in pob with Liquid/Distilled and 6.4m with the Cold Conduction/Astonishing Affliction(20% shock). I go from regening 10.1k mana in a 4 second timeframe to about 7.9k which is a very large loss in spell power. I think a much better budget jewel would be Distilled/Brewed for Potency(10% flask charges gained, 20% flask life/mana recovery). It's only somewhat worse than Liquid inspiration but costs basically nothing. |
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" Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, the Distilled/Brewed cluster is significantly better if you spend all your mana to ramp Indigon. I was running off the assumption that 4000 mana has been spent recently, without considering the increased ramp if you have more recovery. I suppose the Cold Conduction cluster might give more consistent DPS, while any recovery cluster significantly increases the damage ceiling with Indigon ramp and is better defensively. |
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Just A Longer Hello
First of all thanks for the detailed guide. I am a huge fan of PF and mana builds in general so I played my own build that is very similar to this one in Delirium and then followed your guide in Harvest and now despite the obvious difficulty I tried it as a starter (and so far the only character) in Heist and here are some opinions/questions for fellow/soon-to-be PFs.
1-I started Wind Dancer+Acro was fine up until maxed out T14s+ but then some unlucky streaks of hits and you are dead at some point. I would love to hear your experiences with this setup and maybe tell me what was wrong with mine after checking some numbers below if you care to. Maybe it is me who can't get it work. Can't recommend for HC or SC boss-chaining.
More of my experience with Evasion/Dodge as a defensive mechanic
My first defensive set was Wind Dancer + 4L Kintsugi + Acro/P.Acro w/ Agnostic before Indigon.I was using a perfect roll Alchemist's Jade Flask of Reflexes and a Quartz flask. I had evade chance of %60 (when not hit) %75 (when hit recently) and %58/48 Dodge/SDodge. I must tell when it works it works great that %40 less damage taken but it is way more conditional than it shows and often you will face just a few hits in quick succession that bypasses means of avoidance and kill you. This is of course before an explo chest. After the chest one gets hit significantly less often in maps and often can meet "not been hit recently" criteria for 20% less damage taken but by that time the build is zoomy enough that you don't need it for mapping and it will remain hard to meet the criteria in areas of high density hard-hitting mobs (delve/simu/%100 deli) and bosses that chain spells which is nearly all of the end game bosses. With this setup and Indigon minus the Agnostic I did not have any problem up until 10+ mod T14s but after that mysterious deaths might and will happen as they do on any avoidance based build.
I feel this setup is ok for leveling and early mapping since one probably uses CA/TR/SA or whatever at this point so it is less often that you get hit and skill points are mostly allocated in towards Ranger side of the tree so nodes are easier to pick up. The setup is less impactful against the late game scenarios for the reasons explained and considering you really want to go towards the opposite side of the tree(templar/witch) in long term the points you spend to reach WD and Acro/PAcro puts us in rough position to make our choices on what to sacrifice and this already is a skillpoint-starved build. 2-If you are struggling to advance as a starter character make sure you rush Indigon and then cluster jewel setup.
More On Clusters
We can live w/o expensive parts. Hrimsorrow instead of Watcher's Eye. Saffels instead of rare shield. Divine Flesh is huge investment and can wait. Explo chest is clearspeed. Unnatural Instinct is nothing but QoL.
Even if you forget about the flask duration/charges gained/effect you get from the cluster for all your flasks, its effect on the the increased mana/sec gained from mana flask alone is enough. Basicly doubled my 1.1k mana/sec to 2.3k mana/sec. Which is all the difference in the world to this build.
Distilled Perfection/Brewed For Potency
Just as the post before me states a Distilled Perfection/Liquid Inspiration is multiple exalts so the second medium cluster I picked is Distilled Perfection/ Brewed For Potency for 2c. If you want Liquid Inspiration you can get it from small clusters until you turn Divine Flesh (which will force your hand into changing small clusters into Born of Chaos) they are about 15c for 2 passive point ones at the moment.
3- I think I saw it being mentioned in this topic once but does anybody recommend using a Foreboding Hybrid Flask? Because I think I do. Possibly with Quickening suffix to replace Wise Oak for QoL cast speed or with Adrenaline suffix to replace Quicksilver for tough content.
My Reasons
After I am done with the cluster setup and seeing I have equal amount of increased life recovery from flasks and mana recovery from flask stats I decided giving foreboding hybrid flask a go. At the moment I have 2318 mana-hp/sec from mana flask and 3624 hp/sec (or 5380hp/sec see below) from foreboding hybrid flask which I think is a stupid amount and might justify using a hybrid flask instead of wise oak from a purely defensive standpoint. It also gives 9k mana every 6.25 seconds but that is mostly useless.
Further TEMPORARY Hybrid Flask Scaling
I came by a Bloodgrip amulet and it was the first time I paid attention to its life flask modifier. Seeing amulet I was using at that time had no resist and crappy life roll I used Bloodgrip for a while for %100 increased life recovery from flasks. Currently recovering 5380hp/sec with the hybrid flask.
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Dropping a flask for hybrid means dropping a defensive flask. Wise oak/ToH/Granite of Iron Skin all significantly increase mitigation. I don't generally find myself in need of more regen(I'm at about 2k hp/s after rf/bloodrage degen.
It's not a bad idea though. |
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What do you guys think about Explode + additional curse chest with Frostbite Ring alongside Elemental weakness on trigger?
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