[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer
" Thx, yeap Ill play like 6-10 hour on start weekend... I guess ill stay on TR and respec later, after I have core items for cold BV. Does Cold BV be good in 3.12? Editado por útlima vez por GodFailed#7149 en 17 sept. 2020 4:26:23
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I've played poison BV before and didnt like the survivability of it(dodge builds are not for me) also I missed the good ol' herald of ice shatters so I was looking for a decent BV that can kill bosses aswell without dying so much and I ended up here! I really want to make this build work as starter and I realise its pretty much impossible without leveling items and also its not Harvest anymore so i have few questions:
-Firstly, since harvest crafting is gone, how hard or expensive will it be to gear up? -What would be the best way to level without respeccing so much as league starter? And how cancerous would it be? I know leveling with BV isnt pretty without leveling uniques. -Again for "league-starter" idea, what would be a good choice if I went totally another build to "save up" enough currency to fund this build? -How is clear speed without explode chest? Like i said before, since its not harvest i guess explode chest would be one of the latest upgrades in gearing. Is it just for that "smooth" gameplay or red maps are not viable without it? I think BV and herald of ice would be okay without explode chest. -Any major changes with 3.12? I know its a lot to ask but I pretty much never played a ranger before and I dont have much information about its location on the tree for all the respeccing ideas. Thanks! |
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Thank you for the guide. I want to start this build on the next Softcore trade league, so I make a short mini guide for myself. I will appreciate for any advices. (Also I’m first time playing Pathfinder) POB of trees https://pastebin.com/X5eLX9c2
I made a decision to make leveling according to the tytykiller leveling guide with rain of arrows with little changes. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6UmGoa9J2os&t=4620s video, https://imgur.com/a/Flc7I3d short image) Due acts + early maps : leveling with rain of arrows Before the next step can be bought Essence Worm (according to the poe.ninja it was cheap at the start of harvest) + Supreme ego(in the tree) To the next step requirements : change 53 points from tree(20 free from quests) + Obliteration (was super cheap in the start of harvest league. And worse than explode chest, but better than nothing) + Amplification Rod (was 3-4 c on the 2nd day in harvest) wands. Imo Obliteration can be enough in white and yellow maps. Another wand gives us free pseudo 6 link (with spell echo against Unleash). Buying Essence Worm if didn’t make it earlier. Starting to buying unique flasks. So in the first week planning to play with agnostic without Indigon (I don’t want to pay ex for this, will start to searching at 30-40c, or if I will easy drop ex), without some changes with indigon style tree. I’d like to play with acrobatic so I took all cluster nodes in this group + quartz flask(changing armor flask) + Craft spell dodge on the body armor. It gives 58/56-58 chance to dodge without cluster jewels (without Alchemist’s Genius) After that trying to buy base for crafting explode chest(will make with alteration spamming, with further upgrade to double influence item during the league) Taking Nature's Adrenaline -> Veteran Bowyer -> Nature's Boon -> Master Alchemist as Ascendancy Already tried to lvling this. Speed is good, bad survality and quantity of elemental resistance in the tree. P.s. Sorry if it hard to read and for bad English. Editado por útlima vez por Zzz.boy#3256 en 18 sept. 2020 0:56:40
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Hi! Thanks for the in-depth guide, love the detailed mechanics discussion!
I threw together something with pieces crafted during harvest and other bits were bought at the cheapest price in std... Currently levelling up my PF in depth 500s without being res capped XD Went Bow & quiver because i don't have the hatred conversion jewel, have a hatred crit one, and figured i could use some legacy shaper mods (phys gained as cold and double damage) I have no idea how much damage the build does, but it's certainly fun and zoomy! Eventually i'll try to switch to divine flesh, but it might be costly, plus it is getting nerfed... :/ Still, having lots of fun, thanks! |
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" Yes. I will update the guide shortly with my thoughts about 3.12, but I still recommend cold BV. " I really like the idea of dropping the shield and going phase acro. Your tree is good, but I also had another tree in mind. I'll put it in my 3.12 update to the guide, for comparison. Yeah, your leveling plan makes sense " To get the build up and running, nothing is too expensive except the explodey chest. After that, it depends how much you want to min-max, but you can clear the endgame with basic gear in every item slot, as long as you have indigon, essence worm, an explodey chest, sceptre(s) with hatred effectiveness, cluster jewels and the unique flasks. The cluster jewels are going to be harder, but not sure by how much. I acquired them one league because of harvest, and another league because it was delirium and they were everywhere on the market. " I've got some TR trees in the build guide. Nothing amazing, but it's the best I can come up with. Other people in the thread have posted their plans for stuff like poison BV, or ele archer. In any case, there's some respeccing necessary if you play the build day 1. The only way to dodge that is with a ton of leveling gear " Do you mean another build in general or just ranger? Assuming ranger, I'd stick to chaos dot builds as they're cheap to get damage with early on (porcupine cards, shrieking essences of dread and crafting dot multi for a cheap 6l bow with good starter mods). Caustic arrow deadeye or PF (people like raider for it, but I'm not too sold on the concept) feels great early and can power-clear low maps, but it's hard to scale for red maps and the 6l gems tend to be kind of scuffed (stuff like empower, conc effect, damage on full life). You can also use both CA and toxic rain, or just TR. TR self-cast is popular, can be scaled to endgame and there should be plenty of guides on it. Personally I'm partial to TR mines instead of self-cast, even as PF. It's tougher on the hands, but overall it's just a lot more damage (by virtue of mines still being insanely good, but also the support gem options get better when you go mines instead of self-cast) " It's a day and night difference. In harvest, at some point I had a decent non-explodey 6-link, and a 5l explodey chest with terrible mods (basically nothing but explodey and crafted life), and maps were much faster and even felt safer on the 5l explodey. Even rares died faster because of blowing up small mobs on them, it's just bosses that were better on the 6l. Herald of ice probably does well early on, but it's gonna fall off quickly. " Yeah, the divine flesh nerf is fairly substantial. I'll talk about it when I update the guide Also, @darkxellmc, mind if I reference your PoB as a corrupted soul concept in the build guide? Editado por útlima vez por Niedzwiedz#2968 en 17 sept. 2020 14:25:51
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Derp, accidentally double posted.
Editado por útlima vez por nyderic#3817 en 17 sept. 2020 15:16:53
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" Did you see the alternate Plague Bearer gem? " We can just run it for the permanent bonus. Looks like Divine Flesh will be just fine even after the nerf. |
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I've added PoBs at the beginning of the guide for my take on a phase acrobatic version of the build. They're just concepts as they're untested as of yet, so let me know what you think.
I'm at work so I can't update the PoBs, but I just realised that I didn't update the amulet anointment. Aqueous accelerant is still great, but no witnesses was already a strong competitor and it gets incredibly juicy on a dodge and pure movespeed build (provided you don't have elusive boots). |
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" Sure thing! You can reference whatever you want, thanks for your insight on the setup! Wouldn't be planning this if I didn't find your guide, it's all thanks to you ^^ The setup is starting to be pretty different tho, with no shield, different flasks and different gem setups... But, as you like. |
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Does this build farm 100% delirium maps? |
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