[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer
Can I get a basic leveling tree idea? 70, 80, 90 and 100 would be helpful.
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Another question, I've gotten this far on a weapon:
In the weapon guide you say that Double Damage is the 2nd best Suffix, is that including Hatred? If not, what is the best damage suffix? livejamie
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" I believe this is the best sceptre you can make. The extracold mod and +1 are almost the same dps wise iirc. You may also replace one of them with mana if that's your thing, it'll probably be the goto way next league. Hatred aura effect is just insanely strong, it's by far the best damage mod. This is because of supreme ego. After all, 20% hatred effect grants: 8% phys as extra cold and 6% More damage Double damage is indeed the 2nd best damage suffix on a redeemer sceptre. It's not very good, but there's not much else to put on there. Note that there's good shaper suffixes too, but these are of course harder to craft since they enlarge the modpool. Shaper's phys as extra random is more consistant dps than double damage, areadamage scales exlopsionchest and is pretty nice to have since most increased damage is spell% from indigon, aoe is always welcome. |
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" Great I'll add/remove until I get Double Damage and wrap it up thanks. livejamie
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Had an absolute blast in Harvest, thanks to this build.
I ended up going for 36/40, lvl 100 and harvest min-maxed all my equipment. It's time for a break now, see you guys next league. Editado por útlima vez por Vaga1234#3382 en 2 sept. 2020 15:09:16
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" Now that is some min-maxing, congrats! I'm thinking of doing some SSFHC to wean myself off this build initially (so many things don't feel good anymore after having played this!) but also to have it as a league goal to make the build work in SSF. Indigon is rough but at least you know where it drops. I'm mostly worried about unnatural instinct. |
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" You're absolutely correct when you say nothing really feels good anymore after playing your build... I died a total of 15 times until 100, no deaths from 95-100 whatsoever and i did all the leveling solo, no party play, no rotas. All the deaths were my personal mistakes, like charging into divine shrines or killing myself on Uber Atziri 3(!) times because my glove enchant got reflected to me. I'm gonna play SSF or SSFHC next league, i need a change of pace. Once again, hats off to you for creating this, amazing job! edit:formatting Editado por útlima vez por Vaga1234#3382 en 2 sept. 2020 14:57:54
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Took a lot of tries for t1 double damage but it's done. I see people like these two enchanting Weapon Range on the Sceptre: https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/Obob912/ObobsBlueberrySmoothie https://poe.ninja/challenge/builds/char/IamValfar/SooGenugSchabernack Is there a reason to do that? livejamie
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" A bit of quality of life for vigilant strike |
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I've seen alot of builds go kaom's + asenath gloves. thoughts?
With harvest not going core, I feel like splodey chests are going to go back up alot. I'm also not understanding why you dont recommend for league start? use agnostic until you get indigon. sure you lose damage but you should be able to pickup and indigon by the time you reach red maps, theyre usually cheap.1 week into harvest they were 25c. cool build, i may start heist with it. |
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