[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer

Niedz, I have to say, this is probably the best build I've ever played. The guide is extraordinarily well put together, and helped me not only make the best gear I've ever had, but also helped me hit 100 for the first time ever (and hopefully 40 challenges soon). So I just wanted to pop in and say thanks!
sirdond escribió:
So I just finished this yesterday:

And it is possible to do it in a somewhat guaranteed or deterministic way with harvest craftings.

Dude tyvm for your crafting guide, I was extremely lucky with Redeemer Exalt and got hatred T1, now need to remove cold and gonna finish the weapon. I know base could be better but I got it for like 30c while void was for like 20 ex.

Also I have a question, I cant get used to Vigiliant Strike and Im just not using it 99% of the time so Im thinking about switching Shield Charge to 4L (gonna add culling strike for even more atk speed) and adding 3L CWDT setup (or keep 3l shield charge and making 4l CWDT).

What would be good option for it? CWDt - Immortal Call - Summon Lightning Golem or something else?
Editado por útlima vez por Asag#1815 en 22 ago. 2020 7:24:56
Also I have a question, I cant get used to Vigiliant Strike and Im just not using it 99% of the time so Im thinking about switching Shield Charge to 4L (gonna add culling strike for even more atk speed) and adding 3L CWDT setup (or keep 3l shield charge and making 4l CWDT).

What would be good option for it? CWDt - Immortal Call - Summon Lightning Golem or something else?

You can also have vortex as a 4-link (add hypothermia for slightly more bonechill damage), and put flame dash on its own item (faster casting, second wind).

For a defensive CWDT, I'd still go molten shell instead of IC (provided you do have above 20k armour). IC is good, especially with the free skill duration on the build so that it doesn't expire too quickly, but it's still shorter than molten shell

Niedz, I have to say, this is probably the best build I've ever played. The guide is extraordinarily well put together, and helped me not only make the best gear I've ever had, but also helped me hit 100 for the first time ever (and hopefully 40 challenges soon). So I just wanted to pop in and say thanks!

Thanks! Really appreciate that
How do you mitigate the bleed without a bleed flask I keep getting wrecked by it
Does someone have a list of power leveling items to level this straight with BV?
Dekev escribió:
How do you mitigate the bleed without a bleed flask I keep getting wrecked by it

Get a corrupted blood immunity gem somewhere. Clear Mind is a fairly good, and cheap, unique mule for it, alternatively, Anatomical Knowledge fits very well in the jewel slot between Elemental Equilibrium and Mind over Matter. Ultimately, Thread of Hope is probably optimal. No other form of bleed really hurts enough to necessitate a bleed immunity flask.

Asag escribió:

What would be good option for it? CWDt - Immortal Call - Summon Lightning Golem or something else?

I ran into something similar. I found that it was a bit of a pain to try to use a Golem skill (Our mitigation usually means you get tickled, or die outright thanks to how Armor works). Molten Shell on the other hand, even though you do have a manual for it, is an amazing CWDT skill, as even a level 1 CWDT Molten Shell set up is a ~4500 point shield. I personally tossed on Tempest Shield (Couldn't really find anything better) and Increase Duration.
Editado por útlima vez por EpsiIon#3923 en 23 ago. 2020 9:14:21
Hi, can this build do double beyond, 4 whitestones 100% delirium map with end game gear?
Rainyforest escribió:
Hi, can this build do double beyond, 4 whitestones 100% delirium map with end game gear?

I'd love to know if it's possible. I've never tried it myself. I'm currently around 17-22m dps depending on gem set up with about 120-130k ehp pools
Ok guys, I finished my Sceptre. In last step I went for cast speed because did not had enough exalts left for prefix lock and Im out of caster stations. But I got abit unlucky:

Well, Im happy witht he end result anyway. My previous weapon for comparision:

Heh, and there I was, trying to compare Chieftain and Assassin for BV allrounders, and not managing to create a really good pob...

This looks sick, thanks! Looks like I won't have to do much theorycrafting then.
I do have a few questions tho, while I'm here:

- Why all the armour scaling?
This is a choice I don't get. You're investing a lot, and end up with about 20k armour. Against a 15k damage hit (shaper slam), that's 21% phys damage reduction... (or is pob wrong? PoB uses pre conversion numbers to compute physical reduction from armor)
Which isn't even THAT important, since you're converting 50% of damage taken to elemental/chaos.

- To continue on armour, what about arcane cloak + dynamo?

- How difficult are your weapon, shield and armour to aquire outside harvest? They looks discusting, especially the shield. If you could provide non harvest crafting details and price estimates, it'd be convenient ^^'

Also, you are solely relying on gear to scale divine flesh's chaos reistance. It's harvest league, and yet your chaos resistance is still below your elemental resistance on an endgame level 100 pob. Is it even realistic to aim for 90% chaos resist in non harvest league? I have a high budget, probably about 250ex, but this just seems very difficult to achieve.
Atziri's promise, then...?

- Is dual wield all that bad? with a second trigger setup, we could have trigger cold snap/bonechill (frenzy charges on kill, as minimum frenzy is imo to hard to get ouside harvest) and a golem that'd stay alive. That's 1 less button to press, and makes smoke mining (detonate on left click instead of vortex) a lot more convenient.
Yeah, we loose maxres, and that's knd of a big deal. But can we really achieve 90% chaos res without mirror tier gear anyways?

Also, I'll most likely annoint no witnesses, this thing is broken for clearspeed. Elusive on crit on boots is way too low to proc on a noncrit build, 2% proc chance on hit just isnt enough. Tailwind is perfectly fine though, maybe I'll try to get that, seems doable.

Edit: would a pob like this be fine in NON HARVEST softcore?
About 2.5 times the dps, but significantly more oneshot-prone. I'd be pretty concerned of damage overlaps :/
Editado por útlima vez por Darkxellmc#0807 en 25 ago. 2020 14:12:12

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