[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer
" Ty so much this is perfect, is there one for the chest by chance? |
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" Yeah going crit is 2-3x damage, but you have to give up some survivability to do it. If you lose too much mana/recovery then you're not ramping your Indigon as much and you're probably closer to only 2x damage than the ~3.5x you'd expect with good crit gear. I've never felt that I needed more damage with EO gear but if you're doing multiple person bosskills or T17+ 100% delirious maps the damage would definitely help. |
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" Awesome thanks for the tips. So im thinking my next upgrades are boots/enchant, unnatural instinct and Second Cluster sets. My tree is a slight mess still as I try and sort that. But even on bootstrapped gear I can easily clear T16s to farm currency so should be ok. I'm thinking second clusters as first priority? I'll try and Harvest craft my sceptres as I farm. Editado por útlima vez por Ubermonster#6541 en 25 feb. 2021 20:46:23
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" That's how i crafted my one First of all you need two chests, one with elevated explosions, other with elevated phys taken as cold. You can buy them or try your luck with maven orbs. When i was crafting it, there were some random chests with elevated phys taken as cold in 2-5ex price range, even cheaper than maven orb (be careful, only redeemer influence, without second influence). If you decided to try upgrading exlosions: buy crusader (and only crusader, without second influence) astral plate with explosions, aug influence mod (if it doesn't have 2nd already), slam maven. When you got both chests, use awakener's orb on chest that will be destroyed, then astral plate. Then the hardest part starts :) Remember: you cannot use life, cold, phys crafts anymore, they can remove elevated mods. Look at 3rd prefix. 1) If you got "#% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Lightning Damage" - you can leave it until benchcrafting life. 2) If you got other influence mod as pref, then you have to use "remove non-phys, add phys" harvest craft. It should remove non-phys pref and add "phys taken as lightning" (case #1) or melee reflect (case #3). 3) If it is "Reflects # Physical Damage to Melee Attackers" or lower than 85 "+# to maximum Life" (non-hybrid without "defence" tag), then you need at least one free suffix!!!, then use "non-influence to influence" craft. If you got influence prefix - look at the previous cases. 4) If it has "defence" tag - great. 5) And there are always some chances to get higher life than crafting bench can give (t1-5). Finally, if prefix is free now - aug defence so you can easily remove it later. Why? If you leave prefix free, you will get random one during next step. Reforge keeping prefixes until everything is removable by tags (you can leave one influence mod in suffixes, you will need it anyways). On this step you can divine both elevated prefixes until perfect. When suffixes are cleared - craft "Prefixes cannot be changed". If you didn't have influenced suffix - aug influence mod. Now remove-add influence mod until you hit t1 mana recovery. When you got t1 mana recovery - aug second influence suffix and use maven orb. If you didn't get elevated mana recovery - repeat rem-add part until t1 mana recovery again. If you got elevated mana recovery - gratz! Divine mana mod now. Remove crafted mods, remove defence (or lightning if you had "phys taken as lightning" after awakener's orb), craft life on crafting bench. Finish chest by augmenting resistances and rerolling them till t1, divine them later with harvest tagged divines. If you want cold res here, don't start with it! Roll any other t1 and then change resistance with harvest. Few edits: just found a solution for unlucky awakener's orb crafting, so all cases should be craftable. Editado por útlima vez por faraddox#5532 en 25 feb. 2021 23:19:48
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^ This is indeed how I crafted mine as well, IIRC avg cost was about 120 ex when maven orbs were only 5 ex.
Further notes on fervent hands version. I believe it should be treated like HH, an item for if you going to be hyperfocus farming one aspect of the game, which in this case is multi-man hp bossing. The dmg is undeniably amazing, but the attention required to keep the phys dot under control is just a bit too much for me, as I actually run a wide variety of content. Instead, I will go back to the normal cull/unnerve version, and try to craft a ring with 50% ele reflect reduction on get full ele reflect immunity for super comfy mapping. |
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guys did anyone tried to survive maven memory game ?
i survived brain spining beam's degen. but memory game kills me if i fail. and i cant see the pattern clearly because of my vortex and other stuff on the ground. i m using hh, maybe abyys belt with regen mods can help. any ideas ? edit: i also could use some help to increase my dps pls. "We don't want to take away the feeling of closing your eyes and Exalting an item, scared to see whether you ruined it or not." -PoE Design Team Member. "Get your magic finder characters ready!" -Chris Wilson Editado por útlima vez por CelciusX#7599 en 26 feb. 2021 7:21:00
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" haven't particulary tested it but yes i have failed it and not died a couple of times. not sure how or what the circumstances were but it is definitely possible |
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Thanks for the great build, it's the first time I was able to kill Sirus (A6), moreover today I managed to do it deathless. Doing maps is really fast. I still have some issues with probably too low damage output. I'm not able to do any high level white invitations (Hidden/Formed). Should I focus on boosting my DPS so I can kill them faster, before other appears or I'm lacking survivability? I suspect I should focus on amulet (remove life regen and add crit multi) but not sure if I can easly improve something else without spending too much currency. Any ideas how to improve bossing are welcome, with moderate budged (up to 40ex). Is Eternal Youth usefull? Will Divine Flesh will help with bossing survivability? POB: https://pastebin.com/CSBSYr8s |
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" I'm not an expert on crit but crit version gains survivability by killing faster and there's no way around it. I would either get clusters that let you only use 5 points or for now unspec one on each to save points. Drop the one extra 20% spell crit point near Annihilation. Drop Fettle and replace with a life + double multi jewel, spec Arcane Potency and Heartseeker, get a Bottled Faith or use a Diamond Flask with crafted crit chance on it. Switch in for boss fights over Quicksilver. Can switch in Concentrated Effect over Cold Pen for bossing if you really need it. |
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Hi its me again lol. Was wanting to finish my sceptres out, and after scuffing one a bit I want the best advice for my best chances. Here is what I'm working with.
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