[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer
" Page 87 is indeed the same method! The only piece of gear that is really hard to craft is the triple elevated chest (Explode, Mana Recovery and Aura Effect elevated), both Mana & Aura Effect are Redeemer mods with no tags and some of the strongest mods for the build. Best way would be to snipe some bricks and Maven Orb until you get what you want, or get T1 Mana & Aura on an already double influenced base (Around 40ex with fossils) and then start from there to elevate, finish with the prefixes. The process involves a lot of RNG and frustration but the end result is a way better chest than any other combination of triple elevated mod imo, at least on the Redeemer base, elevated Phys to Lightning / Cold is not great, and makes T1 life very hard to reach... But it is WAY cheaper. |
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" Well... they probably are. I bought the bases. |
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" *cries in being poor* |
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Anyone try messing around with Hand of the Fervent trinity split cold/lightning crit vs. hatred cold crit?
Hatred - 27% more and 19% more base and full conversion to take advantage of pen Zealotry - Only 16% more base but also ~120% increased crit total and lets you use trinity and big shocks without using cold conduction jewel With aura effect I don't see how hatred loses even if you drop to ~85% crit? Dunno though. With a 30% aura effect chest and 2x40% sceptres you're at 3.15x = 1.85*1.59 = 2.94x multiplier for hatred vs. a dinky 1.5x for zealotry. Then again I could be mistaken. I already made some trinity sceptres before even thinking it through so whoopsies I'm going to try the split version out regardless. |
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edit: nvm dang
Editado por útlima vez por hipposaver#7296 en 24 feb. 2021 19:44:40
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" Is this how you crafted your belt? --Essence of Misery until Reduced Flask Charges + removable prefixes/suffixes --2 empty suffixes + no empty prefixes --Craft "Cannot Roll Attack Mods" --Redeemer's Exalted Orb --(if T1 Mana Recovery didn't hit) Rem/add influence until T1 Mana Recovery --Then harvest craft on res/life and bench craft flask effect When I try this in Craft of Exile it still rolls "Attack Speed During Flask Effect" and "Proj Attack Damage During Flask Effect" with rem/add influence even though I crafted Cannot Roll Attack Mods and those affixes have attack tags. Is this how it works in-game or is this a Craft of Exile issue? Editado por útlima vez por Telrex#4043 en 24 feb. 2021 21:26:22
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" I crafted mine in same way. Yes, in-game you'll get these mods with rem-add too. "cannot roll" works only with slams/augs. So you need to aug influence, if got t2 mana - remove, then add with separate crafts. If you got freeze and chill immune during flask - remove cold/influence, then aug again. Editado por útlima vez por faraddox#5532 en 24 feb. 2021 21:58:16
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Can anyone link me to a post/guide on how to craft a mana scepter?
Editado por útlima vez por ericlh370#4021 en 24 feb. 2021 22:05:19
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I played around a little bit in PoB testing the trinity BV version versus just cold. Not counting gimmick damage just regular damage. WE was switched from pen+increased damage taken zealotry to a plain conversion hatred one. Sceptres changed from the ones in the trinity PoB to +1 all/+1 phys/20% phys as cold/spell crit/hatred. To make it fair I didn't switch a flask in for Taste of Hate which would be another 12% damage in PoB. Support was switched from trinity to cold pen.
Trinity BV with zealotry: 67 million DPS (after 25% shock applied) Standard cold BV with hatred: 76 million DPS (no shock applied) Standard cold BV chasing DPS with blanketed snow/vengeful on large clusters: 95 million DPS Three extra points were spent taking the conversion wheel on the cold BV build. Sort of a wash if you have no additional aura effect besides on sceptre, and trinity zealotry is far far cheaper if you buy a crit chance/damage zealotry for 4-5ex because you don't have to put crit on any sceptre then. That's like 50ex+ cheaper for a damage difference that shouldn't be all that much. If you think with all your buffs up that you'll be applying more than a 25% shock to endgame bosses it's even more enticing. So I guess my conclusion is that if you're Mr. Moneybags then hatred crit should always come out on top, if you're EO hatred will always come out on top, if you're somewhere in between there might be a spot where the trinity BV build pulls ahead. Could be wrong there's a lot of moving parts. |
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Still trying to find a way to craft mana with +1. My best ideas require 30ex for t2 mana and 74ex for t1 on average (just 2 mods, not including all crafts after) xD Any better solutions? :D
Editado por útlima vez por faraddox#5532 en 24 feb. 2021 22:56:43
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