[3.11] Cold BV PF Indigon ft. RF | All content done in HC! | Fast mapper, safe boss-killer
" YOU DO NOT HAVE THE AGNOSTIC SKILLED. This hugely reduces your recovery. Fix this. You can drop two dex travel nodes near Wind Dancer. I'd get a Corrupted Blood jewel and switch the mana flask to curse to cover that immunty, it will help mapping a lot. Adding Arcane Cloak would let you keep your Indigon spending up and add some defenses. Drop Second Wind from Berserk as the cooldown really isn't what limits Berserk uptime. Acro+Phase Acro are really optional in my opinion, with your massive recovery sustained damage taken isn't the biggest threat. Especially with shield I would not take them. Wind Dancer is more important and you have that. Phys to cold chest is a big mitigation upgrade if you can afford it since you already have a lot of it from Taste of Hate+flask effectiveness. Consider swapping Doryani's Lesson for Widespread Destruction, the leech doesn't do very much. You recover to full almost instantly which makes all leech instances drop off. Would also drop Sadist for Blanketed Snow, Blast-Freeze, Prismatic Heart or Blizzard Caller. In my opinion the left side of the tree is too expensive for the benefit it gives, it's a lot of damage but you give up survivability from the clusters you drop as well as nodes like Battle Rouse. Overall your tree is pretty life-heavy, you'll find you won't need more than like 4k once all the defensive mechanics are in place. I did not die once 95->96 with 4.1k which included bosses, T16 spam, Simulacrum etc. Drop Tempest Shield for (Vaal) RF. RF is 41% more damage and is easily sustained. The glove base is fine, Fingerless is more common and may be cheaper. However, the implicit on Fingerless doesn't do very much because we already have tons of %increased from Indigon. It really doesn't matter that much either way. I personally would just drop the shield and DW scepters, your damage will go bananas and your survivability should be fine assuming everything else is in order. You only really lose Fortify and 2% max res while a scepter can easily be 50% more damage. Optionally you can keep Fortify via Vigilant Strike, but it's annoying to use. Frostbite ring is not required, an alternative is Awakened Hextouch on Vortex with Bonechill on trigger and Arcane Surge on Arcane Cloak. It might be worthwhile to spend the currency elsewhere. If you do get the ring then Awakened Hextouch + Curse with Vortex will still let you apply two curses even if one is from the ring. Editado por útlima vez por Doniazade#7180 en 23 feb. 2021 5:04:00
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" That is not good advice, do NOT use RF + agnostic. RF works well if you don't have agnostic, it barely degens you with divine flesh, and is a managable debuff with chainbreaker setups. If you have agnostic, it will constantly sacrifice 20% of your mana per second, drasticly reducing your recovery (and damage from indigon). This ends up lowering your damage more than what RF gives you in the first place. Agnostic is good ONLY if you are not using RF. Besides, I can already afk in the middle of the uber elder arena without agnostic. I don't se why I'd want more health recovery. |
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Hello guys, i´ve been wanting to try this build for so long and finally i think i´m about to do it. But i´m looking for some advice before to commiting into the build.
I´ve seen many variations of the build (Bow-quiver, sceptres, sceptre and shield....) but what about Disintegrator? I´ve seen many people running the build with Disintegrator succesfully, also commiting into block with it, which i usually prefer over evasion as a defensive mechanic. Disintegrator it´s also cheaper than any other weapon combination, so even if it´s not the ideal endgame weapon, could it be a good starting point for the build? Or do you guys think it´s still better to go for like some budget sceptre and shield while you craft some endgame sceptres for later? I also have a bv bow on one of my other characters, so going with bow-quiver will also be cheaper for me. I´ll start to level my pathfinder today, and wait for your answers. Thanks! |
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" I get significantly more tooltip damage spamming BV+Vortex+Cloak with RF than without, about 30% more, but you do you. Also in most situations except singletarget you don't constantly spam your mana dry, so running out of mana for Indigon becomes less of an issue and RF ends up improving your DPS on clear. Agnostic will also recover EHP faster, since the recovery of the mana used by MoM when hit is still going to be faster than the life recovery no matter what. This means life recovery is your bottleneck for survivability which Agnostic helps with. Editado por útlima vez por Doniazade#7180 en 23 feb. 2021 6:29:20
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he's playing the max res version with a shield that only uses 1 cluster setup with max res jewels, or at least that looks like what he is going for. that version has about half as much regen on the mana pot so he definitely shouldn't be using agnostic. your mana will be awful on that setup as you only run two liquid inspiration and two distilled perfection notables compared to 4/4 on most dual sceptre versions.
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" Thanks for the responses from both of you guys. I always get great info on these forums. My sustain is currently pretty good I just notice I get dumped on in hard 4way maven fights but most stuff is no problem. Sold some more stuff so I have about 20ex. Will start by crafting s new chest with whites so i can get the proper gems (I'm a out 4 ex into alt spamming for explode. Gonna try isolating then add influence so I can imprint before bricking 80 times) I'll swap to arcane cloak and then work on a second scepter so i can path out of the left side of the tree. Agnostic was underwhelming as my only deaths are getting insta shotgunned but once I dump my shield I'll probably need some more mitigation. I'll test vaal rf and stuff after I get my dual scepter/new armor I notice most people are doing only 1 double gems and 1 mana version. Is there a reason? I also see that I can roll a flask belt which seems like a big benefit but I'd need to get a really nice res ring to compensate. How important is maxing res' before flasks considering they're pretty much 100% uptime Again awesome feedback thanks build is really good rn even with some fucked gear Editado por útlima vez por hipposaver#7296 en 23 feb. 2021 10:52:30
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" For the love of god, don't use alt spam or imprints for explody, there are so many guides on how to get it.... And there are so many on the market for close to avg crafting cost as well. Please check my older posts on mana balance to see why flat mana is important on scepters. Also, I'm slightly skeptical of the benefit of arcane cloak. The mana miners use it cause they have a giant mana pool, but no easy way to spend it fast. We have a 3~4k mana pool, and can easily spend it all and more just by spamming bv. |
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Is there an easy(ish?) way to make mana scepters? I made one that is T1 hatred, T1 phys as cold, and +1, but I didn't really see a clear way to get T1 mana on it. I'm in the process of crafting my 2nd so if there's an easier way than alt spamming for T1 hatred and T1 mana I'd love to know it. Fossils maybe I guess?
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I have a lot of questions... I tried my first 100% Delirious map today as an experiment and ripped all my portals before fully clearing/looting :( Not really sure what to do. My gear isn't terrible I don't think. My survivability on the other hand seems kind of awful. Does anyone have any idea what I should change? Should I go Divine Flesh + Phase Acro? I feel like I will need to replace a lot of my gear to gain the necessary chaos resistance which has me hesitating. I still need small cluster jewels and I'm currently grinding Syndicate for the Phys to Cold glove craft (ignore the leech craft I added it to block when slamming aug fire for resistance). Ignore the crit-multi jewels as well they are left overs that I never bothered to replace.
Anyway, I feel like I'm missing something vital. Here is my current PoB : https://pastebin.com/FqiwYQUL Also, is the value in "Mana Spent Recently" in the PoB Config correct to determine max DPS? Editado por útlima vez por LiberLogic969#1964 en 24 feb. 2021 1:35:32
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" You don't have any other defenses aside from your mana/life regen. Most people that use dual sceptres will spec into acro/phase acro + wind dancer. Divine Flesh is more suited for shield users. You will most likely have to respec most of the points on the left side of your tree and lose damage to grab them though. Editado por útlima vez por sabermetrics#6059 en 23 feb. 2021 15:30:14
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