[3.11] Agnostic RF - Bane Occultist | All Content Viable | League Start | Now SSF Viable!
So I'm fairly sure the interaction I mentioned before is 100% a bug and isn't intended. That being said I don't think it ends up being a great addition to this build, the build would need to be retooled for it to work.
But that made me think about other ways it could be used in this build. This may already be used somewhat in practice with the build but it can be used to easily sustain RF when you lack the mana regen to do it normally. You still need mana regen to a decent amount and a large mana pool for this part to work. I wanted to get to a point where I could sustain RF without the need of a mana flask, and normally I can't... but if I abuse the Dynamo I can. Proof it works: https://youtu.be/wkMIxeX4QAI?t=49 By using a low duration guard such as a Immortal Call and binding your guard ability to walk, you can constantly proc the Dynamo passive to regen 20% of your mana over 1 second. As you can see in the video, this basically allows me to sustain RF when normally I can't. I'm running Immortal Call + Second Wind + Arcane Surge + Flame Dash, this allows you to spam it often, in my case often enough, to keep Dynamo up enough to allow me to sustain RF. I also picked up the final node in the Dynamo wheel to give me 20% cooldown recovery on guards so it comes back up faster. It also gives you constant Arcane Surge procs (which also gives mana regen). The down side to all of this is you have to use Immortal Call which isn't great. But... I have mathed it out and I'm fairly certain you can replace Immortal Call with Steelskin. The numbers will vary slightly from build to build due to mana regen numbers but: If you use 20/? Steelskin + 20/20 Less Duration + 20/20 Second Wind + Arcane Surge you can get the time it takes to use steelskin, for the buff to expire, and for it to come off of cooldown to about 2.14 seconds, which should allow you to sustain RF with Dynamo while using Steelskin. Not sure if this is ideal for everyone, but for any that wants to get RF rolling early it should be looked into. I'm going to run with Immortal Call for now because I can sustain RF with it and I'll look into the Steelskin setup more when I'm bleeding money. |
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" While not used in lieu of mana regen, this exact set up is used in the build already. I use steel skin instead of IC but IC is likely better. I've found the shield on steel skin is just immediately eaten by RF anyway so it isn't gaining anything. I put the set up on left click and run around with it. |
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" Yes. Supreme ego and clarity. |
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Hey, awesome build - I've been having a lot fun with it this league!
Just wondering when an updated version of the pastebin will be available? :) :O
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am i using the wrong pastebin code with your helmet spells you use steelskin but pob says arcane cloak im confused pastebin code kAitRNvT thanks
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" I figured it was used but wasn't specifically explained, I think for people who see that post it will go a long way to helping them run RF earlier since a lot of people seemed to be having trouble. |
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I currently am at that point, that bloodglorie descibes. I am still somewhat new to poe and this is my first mage build on top (was more interested in it than phys. no matter the buffs). Yet I seriously struggle in survivability and I can maintain RF 4-5 seconds, which pretty means I can not maintain it at all.
Yet with bane, contagion etc. the need to permanently keep standing even for only a fracture of a second keeps me dying a lot when I encounter heavier hitting enemies. I have no Cloak of Defiance yet but put a point in MoM therefor. I have nearly the whole path as shown in your build exept the DoT and Chaos sidetracks. Gearwhise I have double obliteration, but as I still lack a 6L chest I stick to Amplification for the essence and bane setup as it somewhat mitigates the need for a 5L at the cost of the chain-explosions. I do not struggle that much against packs, even when it sure takes more time than if I would use obliteration. But I die through bosses a lot as of late (Doedre, Shavronne and the final abomination in act 9 and Vilenta in act 10). I made a ImmortalCall>Second Wind>Arcane Surge>Flame Dash link like recommended above, but Arcane Surge triggers not often enough and the Regeneration from Dynamo is not nearly sufficient to maintain RF. I lack Atziris Foible but I hoped I might get it sometime down the road. Currently using Shapers Seed instead. Long story short: I would appreciate some more details on survivability and how to play with the bane / ed setup and RF setup if possible as I seem to not recognize something important and vour VoDs are to long to watch throug without highlights unless I want to stop playing for a day or two :( |
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" I'm playing SSF, no cloak of defiance, no foible, just one obliteration, but I can sustain RF and I might have some tips for you. If you are missing damage, get a tabula rasa. Blood aqueduct (act 9 start), waterways, channel maps drop the divination card "Humility". 9 of them and you get a 6l chest. I do it with my first char on lvl 60 blood aqueduct every league, makes it so much smoother. Arcane Surge: You have leveled it too much, t only triggers after spending X mana on the linked skill and that X depends on the Arcane Surge level. I'd recommend just buying a new gem, level it to 7 and right click the level up icon to never see it again. 5l-6l Bane level 18-20 with 5/6 links insta pops normals/blues up to t10 maps (haven't tried reds yet), and normally one shots (over time) yellow mobs, sometimes 2 shot. If you are missing damage, try to get wands/spirit shields with increased spell damage, there is no exploding if they don't die. For bosses you will need to throw everything at them, wither on totems right before the start, blight with infusion to boost the rest of the skills, essence drain and of course bane+despair (remember, if they are linked, bane applies despair). And learn what and when to dodge. I wouldn't use RF to boost your damage until you find your way around with the build. For RF to be sustainable I use mana recovery besides regen (enduring eternal flask, mana on kill from gear/passive, etc). I tested it in my hideout until I could sustain it just with a mana flask, arcane surge and dynamo, and can keep it through a map without dropping even mana until I find a chunk without mobs. I honestly don't use obliteration (doing t10s right now). I find the exploding thingy very lacking anyway, since packs are melted by bane and it doesn't start a chain reaction like ed+contagion does. Might be more useful deeper in red tier maps, but right now it feels like my damage wand and shield, or the cane of unravelling do much better. On survivability, you are a mage, it's always a mess. I'm careless and have died 178 times this league (probably a couple more by the time you read this). But I might have some tips I learned in the time I've played: -Dead mobs cannot hit you. They can still explode, though, be careful. -Make sure your elemental resists are maxed. Try to keep chaos as well as high as possible, but is a slightly lower priority. Use the crafting bench to max out your resistances asap. -Dash out of nasty situations. You are not supposed to face tank a mob of mobs -This build focuses on acro/phase acro along MoM as defensive layers. Don't bother trying to add energy shield, armor or block, they're nullified by passives. Evasion, life and mana should be your focus. -Have at least 4 flasks up with this suffixes (you can get at the Menagerie). Typically Quicksilver, enduring eternal mana, and 2 either for more damage or defense: --Heat (prevents freeze/chill, even that from strongboxes) --Warding (removes all curses, even from map mods) --Staunching (removes bleeding. Stay alert when you start bleeding, it can make your HP vanish if you move) --Dousing (removes burning, same as bleeding) --To get this, just grab white flasks of the type you want, 4x glassblower bauble, use an augment on them, then spam alteration until they have the prefix you want and no suffix, then take them to the menagerie to get the suffix you want --Remember, killing mobs fills the flasks, the more you kill, the faster they get back up. Try to kill fast enough that you can keep them up permanently -The 5th flask is always a seething divine life flask (of staunching) for me. Burst recovery as a panic button. |
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Hey, I'm doing this build with Indigon and dual Apep's rage and i must say, this is the most fun i've had in awhile, the combo everything in the passive tree + indigon and apep's, feels really strong and tanky, can easily rush through red maps, and i don't even have a 6L cloak yet.
Using 2 Apep's rage wands, skills cost +80 total more mana, and linking flame dash to arcane surge, second wind and steelskin makes it so you proc AS with 2 flame dash casts and 1 steelskin, so you can nearly have a 100% uptime on arcane surge. Apep's in general give a pretty good boost to bane damage from the flat chaos and the added mana costs proc Indigon every 2 skills cast since every skill is costing 100+ mana with this setup, and because of it, the more you cast the easier it is to keep arcane surge up, because with each 200 mana spent, your skills will cost more and more so there will be times you'll be able to proc it with a single flame dash/steelskin, and with each cast your skills will do more and more damage too, and that can ramp up to insane amoung really fast. I also swapped herald of ash for malevolence, since we are not getting any more phys dmg from the wands. Editado por útlima vez por AndreshKi#1717 en 28 jun. 2020 16:59:40
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" thank you kindly and argh, there were so many obvious nooby errors I made... I feel a little embarrased now, but your tips sure will come in handy... Concerning tabula rasa... I ran the aqueduct, blood aqueduct and now maps a lot, but am currently at 5 Humility and 5 Vanity... lets see which is completed first ^^ |
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