" What about the performance with a high-budget? Does it start to triumph over Trickster with the same kind of budget? |
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" Yeah it does, it's like scion herald stacker vs guardian herald stacker. Because PF scales much harder than trickster I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1 |
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" The AoE stacking is that powerful, huh? I thought Trickster's dot ascendancy nodes would give him an edge. |
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" I messed with the calculator given in the Mechanics section I inserted these numbers PF : DoT - 100,000 APS - 1.5 (from ascendancy, 15% inc attack speed) Skill Duration - 2.8 AoE - 21 (default * 50%) Same proj count What I have not included : Small ascendancy passives, 30% increased dmg on 50% AoE ascendancy = 1.764M Trick : DoT - 120,000 (20% more dot) APS - 1.25 Skill duration - 3 (20% increased) AoE - 18 (default) Same proj count = 1.620M What I've not included : Small ascendancy passives, 50% dmg increase on the first ascendancy Realistically speaking, PF gain 45% increase while trickster gain 60% increase, that 15% increase isn't gonna make a huge difference. I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1 |
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" The formula for area to radius is (imma use python) = math.trunc{(Base Radius) * math.sqrt[ 1 + ( Total Increase AoE / 100)]} So to find our breakpoints, we just do simple moving around Break-point total increase = (Desired Radius) / 18) ** 2 ======================== Example of mine : math.trunc(18 * math.sqrt(2.55)) = math.trunc(18 * 1.5979) = math.trunc(28.7622) = 28 radius So Since I need 30 Radius for next break point Break-point total increase = [(30/18) ** 2 - 1 ]* 100 = 178% So I need to have at least 178% total increased for the next break point. I currently have 155% so i will need (178-155) 23% more increased for the next break point. ========================= I did this calculation for the rest of them 25 R (*5) - 92% total increased 30 R (*6) - 178% total increased (+86) 35 R (*7) - 278% total increased (+100) 40 R (*8) - 393% total increased (+115) 45 R (*9) - 525% total increased (+132) 50 R (*10) - 672% total increased (+147) Seems like the area you need grows larger and larger I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127 Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1 Editado por útlima vez por Remicaster1#7723 en 30 ago. 2020 21:14:58
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So if I understand correctly, the idea is we can only affect increases to "area" not to "radius" but to double the radius you have to quadruple the area so +300% area is 400% original area so should equal to double the radius?
3x bigger radius would mean 9x bigger area so we'd need +800% increase? I just wanna know if I understand the basics correctly, if area of a circle is pi*radius^2 then we could reverse the formula and the relation of area to radius will always be exponential. I imagine your programming formula was proving exactly that? I'm not a programmer. :( |
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" Yes that seems to be the case, for instance TR base radius is 18, and to double the radius to 36, you need roughly +290% increase. " 18 * 3 = 54, and 54 radius seems to need 800++ total increase, so yeah. " Tl;dr We don't really "care" about area of circle, we only care about radius because only the radius is the variable, which affects the area of the pods and as long as we have enough radius for the break-point, it would be able to overlap. The formula is directly given by the PoB, which is total increase area to radius. Note : this calculation part is just theory, there's no in game testing shenanigans so we have no find a way to confirm about this I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127 Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1 Editado por útlima vez por Remicaster1#7723 en 31 ago. 2020 1:12:13
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Will it work if we add another curse using woke Curse on Hit gem? If yes, what would be the optimal setup? If not, why? Thanks.
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Remicaster1, thanks for your build guide!
I got a few questions, and I hope you can answer them. 1. Can this build be league starter? Remember its a league start, so no fancy things, no quill rain, no tabula, no nothing. I'm thinking to use it as a 3.12 league start. 2. From what I see, seams like 6L Carcass Jack is required. How much that could cost, since it require double corruption, which is not guaranteed to be rolled in alva temple. So I guess it can be very expesnive. And IMO you would have to be very lucky to get such corruption yourself in the temple, since it can also ruin your 6L body armour. 3. In your '4.2 Ascendancy Order' section, you used images from discord (which are now broken, I really don't know why ppl use images from discord when they can use imgur for isntance), but anway, can you PLEASE edit that section and just list correct order of Ascendancy? 4. I loaded your PoB pastebin. I see the cluster jewels you picked for 'Final lvl 98 tree'. BUT... don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to be an azzhole, just looking at things from 'starter' point of view... Some (most) cluster jewels with specific mods are not cheap at all. I see you have one with: ------------------- Adds 8 passive skills (enchant) Broadside Tempered Arrowheads 2 added passive skills are jewel sockets ------------------- and the 2nd one: ------------------- Adds 8 passive skills (enchant) Broadside Tempered Arrowheads Heavy Hitter 2 added passive skills are jewel sockets ------------------- I'm sure these are not cheap, So...can you suggest which mode is most important, so the 'starter' player can try to get that mode on a cluster jewel as a temp solution until he gets more currency to afford a jewel with all these mods on it? Also, (I know its stuped but), since without cluster jewels its gonna be hard to do higher red maps, and earn some currency.... any suggestion how can we get more currency, so we can have enough to get those cluster jewels? 5. Quill Rain bow requires lvl 5 char. If anyone gets it, 99% is not gonna 'give it to you' because they would use it for leveling. Some that decide to sell it, wont sell it for cheap (early). So... is it possible to somehow farm Quill Rain bow, early? It require lvl 5 char, so....(maybe I'm wrong) but would it be a good idea to farm it where monster lvls are 3-5 ? For instance in 'The Submerged Passage' ? Thanks in advance for your answer, and don't mind the tone of my questions. I was just trying to be direct. :) Editado por útlima vez por drunkydragon#5464 en 1 sept. 2020 8:13:54
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" 1. Yes absolutely, 4 link and a random attack speed bow would be sufficient to carry you to early yellow maps. Starting late yellow maps you need some investment else the character feels a bit weak. 2. 5l carcass would do, else just do tabby, replace empower with skill effect duration 3. Is it broken? On my side it's not tho? Mind taking a screenshot so I can see what's the problem is? I used to post it in imgur but i felt like it's too much work and discord is faster so ye, just imo. 4. Because you are looking at the "final version" of the build, it's the "final setup" of it. You can go look maybe like 114 passive 1 cluster etc, pretty much on how you progress your build. Tempered and Broadside are both imo fairly important, but very early stage I felt like tempered arrow heads would be better. Because AoE scaling comes later, for medium prioritize wicked pall. So you would have like 1 large with some 12 passives (ofc lower the better), then 1 medium with wicked pall then fill it with a (depending on your stats, if you have QR get DoT multi or DoT or any form of increase) and max life jewels. Should be sufficient to carry you. Even without clusters you'd deal sufficient damage, just not those damage shown in front. 5. According to poe.ninja, on day 1 it's only 2c so I doubt you would have any huge issues, at most just count it 5c. Because a lot of people would still have the "Quill Rain sucks" in their mind anyway. https://poe.ninja/challenge/unique-weapons/quill-rain-short-bow But if you insist on farming it, i don't recommend it, but if you REALLY REALLY want it for some no reason, then I suggest farming for a the porcupine bow at A8 high gardens (it cost a bit early) then sell it, buy quill rain. OR, keep it, chance it for a 6l quill rain (which i don't recommend) I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127 Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1 Editado por útlima vez por Remicaster1#7723 en 1 sept. 2020 9:45:36
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