Obviously we don't know exactly what they're doing with the Toxic Rain skill itself just yet, but the rest of the things we can work around. In Ritual I was able to clear most of the game without using cluster jewels or Hardened Scars and not realizing that I only had 26 radius. As long as we can get to 25 radius without giving up a ton and as long as the nerf directly to TR isn't fatal, it should still be very strong.
A higher uptime and higher damage from vaal skills might fill in the gaps. |
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" I don't think this is true? "Critical Strike Chance, Critical Strike Multiplier, Damage over Time Multiplier and Chain modifiers on quivers now only apply to Attacks or Bow Skills." Toxic rain is both an Attack and a Bow Skill, I think its going to be fine for quivers. |
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" You may have been able to clear all the content without those things, but you fail to realize that any build can do that eventually. What separates builds from others is the speed in which you can achieve things. Toxic Rain may still "work", but at 30% of the effectiveness of before. At that point you should just pick another build to start with because there will be hundreds that will be more effective. You will disagree with me, that's fine, but this build is dead. Deadeye TR will now be the only ascendancy to go with, as long as TR itself is not completely destroyed, which... it will. So /shrug " You're right, that nerf was just for spell bows and it will still benefit TR, my bad. Editado por útlima vez por idkwat#6167 en 12 abr. 2021 22:42:51
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TL:DR from the execpted nerfs : 10 - 20% damage lost, depending on your setup.
Changes are to be made - Add Veteran's Awareness - Replace Hybrid flask with Wise Oak - Change anointment from Hardened Scars to Sovereignty / Corruption - Use Vaal Haste + Blood Rage on bosses - Add aspect of the crab / spider (choose one, crab = defenses, spider = offenses) - Add Vitality (yes, even after nerf) and Intuitive leap - Change 1 med cluster to Everlasting Misery & Evil Eye - Add Chainbreaker with Berserk Why Veteran's Awareness? - We have 4 seconds of immortal call uptime, while only having a 1.6+ seconds downtime (depending on your quality). So this means that we have about 70% of the time where we are actually near immune to damage. If you are really scared of dying during that 1.6 second of downtime, you can use the focus stat that grants approx 20% chance to dodge attacks. Wise Oak gives 10% reduced damage for our lowest resistances, if you have 2 types of resistances on the lowest (I.E cold and lightning are both on 85), you will get 10% reduced damage towards cold and lightning resistance during flask effect. Triple balance is hard to obtain but it is great defensive flask we can have. Hardened scars is ded Vaal Haste and Blood Rage = more attack speed = more damage tldr, was not ulitizing on the build kek Aspect of the crab gives some nutty PDR, increase our survivability, or aspect for more damage. Chainbreaker is a buff for us, because we used to hit a lot with TR on chainbreaker, now the hits are limited, we will have a better time utilizing chianbreaker. Since it is being told that they are nerfing clusters, Evil Eye and Misery Everlasting will put back some of the lost duration and increases our damage. I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1 |
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welp TR will get nerfed as well as hardened scars. hopefully they're not huge nerfs, but i doubt it lol
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They forgot about Deadeye's Gathering Winds for 30% less damage
we moving to deadeye bois I cast remi - a very beginner friendly guide : https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2866127
Support me if you want to! ttv/remicaster1 |
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Looking forward to the updated PoB! I've had this build saved for a few weeks now, planned on utilizing it to transition into delve. I probably still will regardless of the delve nerfs.
Thanks! |
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" Yeah, like I said earlier, PF is just dead in the water. Deadeye all the way. |
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"How does that affect TR? "I imagine it's gonna be where versatile stance is atm, which is not that bad place, next to heavy draw / deadly draw. Unless they reshuffle stuff around (they might, since they'll be changing tree to accommodate for phys dot spells like reap / exsanguinate). But yeah, I agree with Remi, after Flesh&Stone and Hardened Scars nerf idk why even play Pathfinder, the only thing it had was the flasks, so yeah I can see going Deadeye for dps or Raider for defence instead. But man, Tricksters rolled around for 2 years with TR and it never got nerfed, because Trickster was so OP it didn't have "only 1 build", it had ED, ignite, cold dot, harness the void Eternity Shroud, archmage stormfire and whatnot. PF has basically TR, BV or pestilent strike but let's nerf everything about it. TR - nerf, BV - nerf, pestilent strike - nerf poison elder mod. No idea why can't we have good ranger builds. Pf already took a cut to aoe from 50% inc to 30% and now they're nerfing "duration and aoe" clusters so I imagine broadside will get dunked. Combine that with nerf to veiled mods (+2 supp gems / 40% cdot multi are potential nerf targets) so there's gonna be even fewer chances to upgrade off quill rain. I'm a bit pissed cuz someone told me a couple of months ago in TR trickster thread that 2 TR mtx = inc nerf and I didn't wanna believe him... yet here we go. "Yep, we'll be back to sub 1% of playerbase picking ranger specs and everyone rolling with Necro, Assassin, or w/e is the flavour of the month ascendancy. Recent leagues had actually pretty decent spread between skills and ascendancies and not like Legion where 40% was Slayer cyclone or Blight where Zombie Baron Necro was dwarfing all the builds (combined with how strong it was for league mechanic, blighted maps). Not mentioning the delirium herald aura stacker Guardian / Scion, that was busted, we're having like 3rd wave of nerfs to aura clusters now? Editado por útlima vez por Viktranka#3883 en 13 abr. 2021 5:17:23
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" That's what I'm saying. Completely deleting a build from the game does not fix lack diversity at all, it literally does the opposite, lmao. If PF had 3 builds and 75% of its players played TR, and the remaining 25% played the other two builds, well, now it's just that 25% and their 2 builds left. It gets worse though. The way they nerfed PF, and several other things in the manifesto exposes a very concerning lack of understanding of their own game. For instance, they tried to nerf the "endless" supply of master missions by removing the master mission bonus from the Awakening Level, insteead of hitting the actual source of that endless supply: the new watchstones, so the result is absolutely nothing, we can still endlessly get master missions like we did in Ritual. And that is just one example, they're nerfing Aura stackers again and now they completely removed the self-curse mechanic of the game because they couldn't properly nerf self-curse the first time they nerfed it. It's very sad and dissapointing honestly, we're getting balanced by a bunch of people who don't play their own game and have very very poor understanding of it. Editado por útlima vez por idkwat#6167 en 13 abr. 2021 5:56:17
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